Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Two more awesome days in Haiti!

Yesterday was a full day, with Donald teaching about HIV and AIDS at Pastor Robby's church in the am. He did an awesome job! In the afternoon, the team did some teaching English to adults at Hearts United with Haiti's Training and Discipleship center. After introductions, the teacher of the advanced class stepped back and asked Mallory and me to take over. The topic was grammar.... Hmmm.... had to think quick and come up with a plan! We weren't expecting that at all! What teamwork! Somehow we pulled it off, with Crystal's support  (and God's too, of course!) And had a blast! Of course Donald and Juliya stepped in after us and had the class in stitches with laughter!

Today.... well, I'm not going to write about what the others did, since they won't take their turn on the blog!! Bill, Mallory and I had set up in advance to visit to our Compassion child, Anderson, who we've sponsored since right after the earthquake. Let me say this: Bill, Mallory and I all agree that it ranks up there with one of the best days of our lives. We met Anderson at his school and had a tour. He was quite pleased with the soccer ball and played with Bill and Mallory for quite a while. He was also very interested in the notebook with his letters and pictures. At his home, we met his family and his mother told us how Compassion sponsorships have made a huge difference in their lives. I had the opportunity to pray for them before we went to lunch. Anderson was "all eyes" on the way to the restaurant, and we played a memory game with cards while waiting for our food. What a blessing to be able to teach him the game. On the way back home, he laid his head on my lap and fell asleep. My heart is full today!

If you ever have the opportunity to sponsor a child, please DO IT! It may be the most important thing you ever do!


Louise (Bill and Mallory too, but they wouldn't take their turns on the blog either!)

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