Sunday, February 27, 2011

SOOOO encouraged...

As many of you know I first met the Arris family in the beginning of June 2010 when serving in Carrefour on staff with a mission organization ministering there.  I know Hearts United with Haiti is currently committed to the community of Chaveneau, Haiti but part of my heart is still in Carrefour and will forever be there.  I lived for 7 weeks in that community and have been back to visit a few times since.  So, I have to write a little here to "brag" about how amazing God is and how He is at work in the community of Carrefour.  When Ron and I just went back to visit, I was showing him around and introducing him to people I know and love.  I was THRILLED to see that Pastor Cornet's church has moved from the tent city/rental location they had all summer and have returned to services in their former location.  They have a concrete floor and tarps for a roof, but it is beautiful to worship with them in that location and hear them singing praises to the very God who has provided for them in the past year.  In April they will have a special service thanking Him for allowing them to return to their former location so quickly after the quake. 

When we went across the street from the Arris home to visit Pastor Jean Philippe I was in awe to discover that he and his family are no longer living under tarps/tents.  They are now in a small cinderblock building- and the joy shows in his face as he showed us around.  WOW!  It was so nice to know they are now dry and he, his wife and their 5 children now have a "home" again.  Also, his church now has a concrete floor as well and is in the process of erecting walls of cinder block.  There were a crew of men the day we left Haiti (Feb. 22) starting to put up the walls so the next time I go to Haiti there should at least be one wall up on Jean Philippe's church.

I know many of you have come to Hearts United with Haiti after serving in this community of Carrefour as I did so that is why I wanted to show you these things and tell you what God is doing.  I know it blessed my heart to see it and I pray it will bless yours as well.  I long for the day when I can post updates like this about Chaveneau and how God has worked there and how the community is changing and growing due to people like you who have served there and due to the blessings God is showering on these people of Haiti!  He is amazing and though sometimes the progress seems slow to me, when I look at the big picture like this, I am sooooo encouraged and blessed!  Thank you, Lord for the way you provide what we NEED- and sometimes above and beyond that as well- You are truly amazing and we are honored to serve You.  :-)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Presentation Postponed-

This is just a quick note to tell you that the presentation by Pastor Duval has been postponed until March 13th at the same time and location.  Sorry we had to change it, but there was a personal reason Pastor Duval could not return from Haiti with us.  He is currently in Miami with his sister who lives there and will join our family instead on March 7th and stay with us until March 15th.  Please make note of this and tell anyone you thought was going to come on the 27th- please!! 

As for our trip- it could not have been better.  God is amazing and He works in fantastic ways.  Ron (my husband) absolutely fell in love with Haiti as I have and he was blessed to meet and get to know the Arris family, visit Chaveneau, etc... I will blog more about the trip over the weekend ahead, but for now, let me say THANK YOU for the prayers from all of you.  There was no doubt that God was at work both in us and through us.  He is absolutely amazing and He never fails to reveal Himself to those who seek after Him. 

His servant- Crystal

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Off to Haiti :)

Tomorrow morning at 2 am we will leave for Haiti- everything is packed in the car, the "house/dog sitter" is here, daughters are taken care of (they are too grown-up to need much care but it's nice to know people will watch after them), etc... VERY VERY excited since Ron (my husband) will be joining me on this trip and will get to experience Haiti for the very first time!  WOO HOO!!!  We would appreciate any and all prayers for this trip- we will be heading to Chaveneau to check on progress at the school, we will view the plans the engineer has drawn up for the building and the estimate he has made, we may be setting up bank account for Hearts United at the bank in Haiti, etc... Then, Pastor Duval will return on Feb. 22nd with us!  He will be speaking at our church (Living Rock Bible Church) on Feb. 27th at 2:30 pm. --  anyone within driving distance of Elverson, PA is invited to attend this presentation.  We will reveal the plans for the school, talk about the project and our partnership, etc... details to follow!  Blessings- Crystal

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When things move fast, they move FAST!  This week I have made soooo many phone calls and done so much paperwork, etc. for this organization.  But it's all been a delight to do.  Through the phone calls I have met soooo many wonderful people and talked with them about Haiti. My main focus has been to try to find translators for the week Pastor Duval is at our home.  So, I have contacted the Haitian church in a nearby town, many "friends of a friend" who have lived in Haiti, are Haitian, or have contacts with Haiti.  It is so fun to "blind call" these people and get into conversations about Haiti and their love for the country too.  So far I still do not have many more "leads" for translators, but I am having FUN! 

Also spoke with the lawyer again and he is such an amazing man of God and soooo willing to help.  I have to get some paperwork together tonight or tomorrow to fax to him so that he can help me submit some paperwork to the state of PA.  He will also give me advice on what else needs to be filed and/or completed. 

I got payments for the March trip from some people and deposits from others as well as paperwork.  I am also starting to get phone calls from people interested in the summer trips!  This is soooooo exciting.  Spoke with the assistant superintendent at school and she was 100 % supportive of my time I need to take off in March for the trip as well as the time I will need at the end of the school year.  So, that is another blessing.

SO.... it has been a whirlwind week and I expect that next week will be even crazier as we leave ONE WEEK FROM TODAY  :-)   .... sooooo much to get done.  But, God is faithful and it will all happen.  I am sure of that- He never gives us more than we can handle.  Amen!  - Crystal

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Challenges or Faith Builders?

This past week has been full of "obstacles".  It seems Michael and I have been on the phone or skype every day with another thing that needs to be addressed.  But, in spite of what could be viewed as "challenges", we have been able to pray together, to talk together, and (so far) to stay unified in our thinking and in what we feel God is saying to each of us regarding the direction for Hearts United with Haiti.  We are also blessed to have our board of directors pretty much in place and will soon be able to consult with them as well about some of these things.  Never did either of us realize just how much "work" would be involved with this project, but also how many different things we would be faced with and have to overcome.  BUT... that being said, God has been sooooo faithful and has made His way very clear so far to both of us. 

Pray for me as we are entering another week where there is a team at the Arris home.  Pray for them that their week is blessed.  And pray for Michael - he has to register for his next semester of classes on Monday and start classes on Tuesday.  This always proves to be a challenge when he has a team in town because he would like to be with the team AND still go to school.  The team leaves on Friday- the day I will have a simple proceedure at my doctor's office so I am completely healthy and ready to go to Haiti the following week.  So... this will be a crazy week.  Then, Ron and I leave for Haiti on Feb. 17 and return on Feb. 22 with Pastor Duval.  He will remain at our home for a week and we will be arranging translators for him, meetings, sight-seeing/networking, a time to speak at our church, etc... 

So... my title- are these times going to be viewed as challenges or as time to build our faith and our foundation for this organization?  We pray we remain true to God and to following His lead- and as we do that we grow in our own faith and assist others in growing in theirs.  Nothing takes Him by suprise- He is in control of each and every one of these situations.  And we pray that we continue to stay on the path He has shown us and not grow weary in the process.   Thank you for your support and prayers!  It is a true blessing to be part of Hearts United and to see where God is taking this organization.  May He richly bless YOU for partnering with us-  :-)   We appreciate you-  Crystal