Sunday, April 24, 2016


     Friday, April 22, 2016 started like any other morning for me here in the USA, but in Haiti a woman was in labor- her water had broken during the previous night and she had traveled to the Maternity Hospital in Carrefour where they admitted her to await delivery.  This woman is not just any Haitian woman.  She is named Aline, and she is the wife of James- our Director of Communications and Media here at Hearts United with Haiti.  James is in charge of our Training & Discipleship Center, hiring translators for the organization, taking photos of groups/events to use for promotional purposes, etc…  and has been with the ministry since it began (actually I knew him for about a year prior to forming Hearts United).
      I answered the message with excitement and anticipation and watched my phone off and on all day Friday…. waiting for the announcement that we had another little addition to the Hearts United crew.  Without going into incredible detail, Friday night came (24 hours since her water broke) and still no progression with the labor.  So, I said a prayer,  told James goodnight and that I would look forward to a message when I woke Saturday morning with photos of the baby.  “Goodnight”.  “Stay strong”.  “God is in control”.
      Saturday morning came and still no baby.  MANY phone calls and messages back and forth.  An ultrasound showed that “the baby is going up instead of down” which I assume means that he was breech.  We were now at about 30 hours since her water broke. In the USA they would not let her labor past 24 hours before inducing.  So, when James told me mid-morning that a doctor had come and started some medicine “to make her have the baby faster” I got excited.  FINALLY this little one would make it into the world.
     I admit it.  At this point I was feeling a bit stressed because I could not be there to advocate for Aline. I knew God was in control, but it’s still difficult to be so far from those you love in times like this.  In Haiti, you just listen to medical professionals and do not ask questions like here in the USA so information was limited, but it sounded like they were still going to try to induce a normal delivery.   HOWEVER…. this little man had other plans for his mommy and daddy.  By 5 pm. I received a call from Haiti that they were transferring Aline to another hospital that was a little better equipped.  Redgi drove her in the Montero because the new place is about 30 min. away.  Now it was about 40 hours since the water broke and we were all getting VERY concerned.
      The first hospital is run by a good friend of mine so delivery fees were waived, but the new place requires payment up front to administer care.  Cash.  Fortunately, we had some cash available so when they determined that they needed to perform a caesarean section at 11 pm Saturday night, we jumped in as organization to help.  That is what family does and James/Aline are very valuable parts of the Hearts United family. The surgery alone cost about $ 450 and then medications, IV fluids, etc…  have been another $150 or so (there were some fees at the first hospital that were not waived).  This is not an expense we anticipated so if anyone would like to donate to replace the funds used for the baby and Aline’s medical care, we would greatly appreciate it!
       Anything raised over and above the $600 will be given to James and Aline to help with other expenses they may have associated with the baby.  (donations can be made to Hearts United with Haiti PO Box 55  Morgantown, PA 19543 or via the website there is a "donate" page where you can link to paypal to make a secure tax-deductible donation)
      Overall, $600 is a small price to pay to assure that this little one came into the world safe and healthy.  And he IS!  Just look at those photos!  All praise and glory go to GOD who protected both mom and baby through it all.  
   (PS-- "little man" Desrosiers doesn't yet have a name... we will let you know when he does)

Aline at the first hospital- Friday afternoon (excited, but no idea of what was to come)

Another angle at the first hospital (this was Friday afternoon).... 

Baby Boy Desrosiers   7 lbs. 10 oz.  - FINALLY arrived on Saturday at 11:45 pm. 

Taken Sunday at noon.... 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Prayer Request

Today we are asking you to join us in praying for the family at the orphanage in Port au Prince where we have been called.  Our role there is to walk alongside the family as THEY minister to the children in their care.  It is not to tell them how to run the place (though we certainly make suggestions and help by providing food, fruit/milk 2 times per month, financially supporting the nannies, etc) but instead to encourage them in this ministry they feel God has given them.

Over the past year we told you how Pastor Yves (who runs the orphanage, school and church) had his leg amputated due to complications from diabetes.  That was January 2015.  I was blessed to be able to travel back for 3 weeks to help the family and orphans during his hospitalization in the USA as he rehabilitated from his surgery.  Some of you donated toward his medical care, and he was very appreciative.

Then, this past November of 2015 while Ron and I were in Haiti, Madame Pastor had a stroke leaving her unable to speak or walk and the right side of her body paralyzed.  Though there have been vast improvements noticed when I visited in Dec/Jan and again in March, she remains bedridden a large part of her days and has a nurse and therapy to help her until she recovers.

In March Pastor Yves fell ill again (high blood pressure and blood sugar) and since the 15th of March has had TWO hospitalizations.  He is still very weak and not in good health at all.  Hence, his family is undergoing financial difficulties associated with his medical treatment on top of what they have recently undergone for his wife's medical care too.

Their adult children are stepping up to help out where they can, but it is a very large undertaking.  To oversee care for your ill parents (both bedridden now) while still running the orphanage (for 65 children), school (for about 300-400) and the church (congregation of 1200) is exhausting and a financial drain on them all.

They appreciate your prayers and concern.  If you would like to also contribute to their additional expenses from all this, you can do so by sending your donation to Hearts United with Haiti  PO Box 55, Morgantown, PA 19543.  We will see that they get it.  Redgi is there pretty much weekly- delivering items, checking on the children, helping with extra things that come up, etc...

You can also e-mail us if you have questions about this post.  (  God bless you and THANKS for remembering this family and the children at this time of crisis.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Following Him

Here is a photo of a little girl drinking from a water bag-- just like the ones used in PeaceCYCLE products! These little bags provide water, but then instead of littering the streets as trash, they are now being upcycled into beautiful products (and providing jobs and dignity to people in the process). God has given us the Center to use for outreach like this and it is not just for jobs or upcycling. In doing so, we are establishing relationships and walking through life with people we may not otherwise know. Then, together we ALL grow and learn- about each other and about Him! Lord, help us to be faithful in showing YOU to our neighbors and friends in Haiti. Loving them. Living among them. Walking through struggles and celebrations with them. Just like You did.