Saturday, January 29, 2011

Plane Ticket Purchased!

I woke yesterday to a phone call (5:45 am) from Michael saying his father (Pastor Duval) would like to book his plane ticket to the USA with American Airlines so that he returns with Ron and I when we come home in February (on the same flight).  So, I got on the computer, searched the AA site, and found their was availability on the flight home.  Together Michael and I  "saved" the flight info., put the ticket "on hold" for 24 hours, retrieved the locator number, and then I forwarded that to Michael in an e-mail.  Anyway, to make a long story short, he then took that number, went to the American Airlines office in Port au Prince and officially booked the flight.  I got a text at 2 pm yesterday afternoon saying, "I want to let you know that I just left the American Airlines office.  I got the ticket booked and it was $100 less than it was when you saved it online!"  God is soooooo good!!! 

This means that Pastor Duval will be coming to our home from Feb. 22 to March 2, 2011 and we could not be more excited!  We will schedule a time for people to come and hear him speak so they can hear from him what his vision is for Chaveneau.  Pray for the trip home (about 12 hours of being together when neither of us speaks the other's language!), and for us to be able to procur translators for the week he will be here. Our daughter Emily will do most of the translating around the house.  Not sure about the other times though- since she will have to work.

 I have already spoken to my building principal who has graciously offered to give him a tour of an "American school" so he can see how things are done here. He can also meet and speak with the Haitian students at our school to talk to them and hear what they think about school in America.  I am working to get him a tour of an elementary school too since that is what the school in Chaveneau is.  I would LOVE to get him to be able to see an Amish school here as well since that is more like what they do in Haiti- the whole one room schoolhouse idea. 

If anyone has any ideas for things he may be interested in seeing/doing when here, please let me know.  Remember I live in Pennsylvania and we get a LOT of snow and it is COLD (he will not be used to the cold).  We are so excited to have this opportunity and pray it is the first of many trips to our home. 

God is so good to join families and lives together the way He does- regardless of race, nationality, language, etc....   We are all united in Him and He provides ways we can find "common ground" to worship, praise and bless one another and Him!  Have a fantastic day in the Lord!  -Crystal

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God is amazing!

Well- last night I was blessed to spend some time with good friends who have "donated" their frequent flyer miles so that Ron (my hubbie) and I are able to travel to Haiti for FREE in February!  This is such a blessing- you can not imagine.  Ron has yet to travel to Haiti and see it/get to know the people I love there.  He has "met" them all on Skype and spoken with them, but that is all.  To actually have the opportunity to travel there, to see the sights, to hear the sounds, to smell the smells, etc.... will be absolutely amazing.  Please pray with me that I will be able to remember this IS his first time and I will not expect him to move at the pace I have grown accustomed to when I travel to Haiti.  It is easy to forget how overwhelmed I was my first trip to Haiti.

Pray also since he has accounts that depend upon him for snow removal in the winter.  If it snows when we are gone, someone will have to take care of those accounts for him which will not only result in lost revenue for our family, but could potentially cause him stress wondering about things "at home" instead of relaxing and enjoying Haiti. 

Even more of a blessing with this story is the fact that Pastor Jean Duval is seriously considering accompanying us back to the US so that he can come to our home for a few days.  This would provide an opportunity for many of you to meet him and hear him speak about the project in Chaveneau and would offer a chance for my family/friends to hear his heart for the people of Haiti.  Pray that as we look at booking his flight back with us that he is able to find room on the same flight and that we are also able to find someone here in Pennsylvania who is willing to translate for him when he is in town.  We are blessed that our middle daughter (Emily) speaks French and is willing to stay at home that week instead of her apartment in the Lancaster area.  That way we will have someone here who can help with his transition to our home. 

In other "news":  Much has been happening with the "start- up" of the organization (Hearts United with Haiti).  I still need to file articles of incorporation with the state of Pennsylvania but that requires $125 which I do not have at this time.  I am praying that someone will come forward to donate toward "start-up" expenses because they are mounting quickly.  I have received some money so far, but that has already been spent on other expenses not listed below. God has been faithful to provide exactly what we have needed as we have gone along in this process and we are sure if He wants us to continue, He will provide accordingly.  But, I have also been reminded that people can not help if they do not know what your needs are.  So, I will put them on here for you to be aware. Currently we need to do the following, but have no funds to do so:
          -  file articles of incorporation with the state of Pennslyvania=  $125
          -  print brochures for the organization=  $200 (this is with a HUGE
                    discount- being printed by  friends of mine from church)
          -   lawyer fees=  $300 (this is for an "online" law site who will
                     draft and file the paperwork for us)
          -  advertizement in three papers (2 regular and 1 "professional")
                       - this is required by the state of PA
                        (don't know a cost on this yet)

There are other expenses to begin the organization, but these are the main ones for now.  I will be calling the lawyer who has been advising me again today to see if he either knows someone who is willing to donate services OR if he is willing to do so himself.  So, there is another thing to pray about. 

Thank you for your support of Hearts United with Haiti.  I continue to be amazed at how God has worked over the past months to bless this ministry.  Sometimes when caught up in the day-to-day details it is easy to lose sight of His hand at work.  But He HAS provided and He HAS proved over and over that this is the direction He desires us to take.  And that is largely a result of YOUR prayers and encouragement.  So, thank you for caring about Haiti, about this project in particular and about our organization.  We are blessed as a result and so are the Haitians we work with!    :-)

We serve a mighty God!  - Crystal

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Summer trips on website

We wanted you to know that the summer trips are posted on the website  Look at the tab on the far right hand side marked "trips" and you will find three trips to Chaveneau and two trips to Carrefour listed there.  There are two trips in June, two in July and one in August.  This is a very "ambitious" schedule, however, it is what we felt God asking us to put out there.  He will direct people to the trips if He wants them to happen  We truly feel that they will have participants and we will begin to hear from people soon about the trips.  Please contact us if you would like an information sheet and/or an application. 

Speaking of trips to Chaveneau I am excited to report that Pastor Duval and Michael traveled yesterday to Chaveneau with an engineer who agreed to look at the land where we hope to build the school.  He will make suggestions about building on that land and help design the school building we will eventually construct.  This is VERY exciting!  Things are moving along well and we should soon have an estimate of cost to erect the school building and/or ways for YOU to help out with either the physical labor or the costs involved.  This engineer charged $500 US for this service. 

On a personal note, I have ordered the brochures to be printed.  They should be ready sometime in the next two weeks so I can take them along with me when Ron and I travel to Haiti in February.  Also, I have been working more on the DVD which is still having technical problems (I am NOT a computer person).  The next step toward non-profit status is to register the organization as a corporation with the state of Pennsylvania which has a hefty fee ($125)  and then I must publish an advertizement in three papers which will also cost money (not sure how much yet).  So... you can see the financial needs are starting to mount, however, God is good and He has provided so far- He will send people who can help us with these expenses.  We believe that and we rest in this belief.

Have a great day and we really pray that we will hear from you if you feel God calling you to inquire about one of our summer trips (or the March one as well- there are still some spots left). 

God bless you for taking the time to read this and to pray for our ministry!  -Crystal

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The March trip is coming together nicely and it is super exciting to see those God is calling to come along with us.  Could you (or someone from your church/friends/work) be one of them?  If you would like information about the trip, just e-mail us at  and we will send you info. about the trip, the tentative itinerary, estimated costs, etc... So far interest is high but not many people are actually registered for the trip-- this means there is room for YOU!  :D  Pray about it and see what you feel God is saying and feel free to ask any questions you may have. 

basics:  Dates  -- March 27 to April 3
           Ministry:  mostly orphan ministry/"work" in Carrefour (a suburb of Port
                         au Prince) with a day trip to Chaveneau to see the project
                         there-also a chance for some "demo" and/or rebuilding
           Cost:  $350 (includes everything you will need once you land- food,
                          lodging, translators, transportation, etc... )
           Who:  Anyone age 18 and above who feels God is leading them to
                       come to Haiti to serve Him and His people-

We are also really working hard on the summer schedule and have a tentative one that we are praying over- Michael and I plan to talk again this week (he is with a team so we will talk once they leave) and we will try to firm things up.  Thanks for the patience shown by those of you inquiring about summer opportunities.  Some of the trips will be to Chaveneau (where the project is located) and some will be to Carrefour (the community where the Arris family currently lives).  Pray with us that the dates/trips will be what God has for us this summer.  Pray also that God will bring those He wants to serve these communities. 

God bless- gotta run to church and then to a missions committee meeting.  Have a fantastic Lord's day! 
- Crystal

Friday, January 14, 2011


PASTOR JEAN DUVAL ARRIS- His birthday is tomorrow Jan. 15th. and we just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge it and ask for your prayers for this man.  He is a wonderful man of God who loves his wife, his family, his church and the ministry he has in Chaveneau.  We pray blessings upon him as he moves forward with the projects he believes God has called him to begin there and we pray for many years of partnership between this organization and Pastor Duval.  Blessings my friend- may your year be blessed as you have blessed many with your generosity and your servant heart! :)


I really haven't had much contact with Haiti in the past 3 weeks outside of personal things (talking to people and encouraging as they remember the anniversary of the earthquake, talking to people about the way God has been at work in their lives in teams that have been down recently or are there now, etc...).  BUT Michael and I have been able to send a few e-mails back and forth and progress is amazing for the March trip!  Everything is pretty much "organized"- we are just waiting now to see how many people God sends on the trip and who they are.  We are both praying about the trip and trusting Him to put together the team He desires to serve in Haiti at that time/place. We ask that you do the same as you pray for us. Based upon the response and amount of literature I have been sending out, it seems like it is going to be a very exciting week. 

We do have a few prayer items for this update (as shared by Michael)- 

1.  If you read my posts on the website for Hearts United with Haiti from my November trip you will probably remember that the SUV we had borrowed  broke down both to and from Chaveneau.  Well, I asked Michael what ever happened to it and he said, "Do not worry about the truck- my father paid to have it fixed.  It runs fine now."   I am sure this is the case, but it concerns me that they have had to pay for this vehicle that their friend LOANED us (so I wouldn't have to pay for a rental) because it broke down.  So, pray with me that God will provide a way for them to recoup that money which could have been spent elsewhere.  :)

2.  Pray for relationships between some of the ministry partnerships which have formed from the summer (the mission group I worked with and some of the local churches, pastors, etc...) that they will be able to remain united in focus as they look to the summer ahead and the many who desire to serve in Haiti.  Pray also for Hearts United with Haiti as we seek His will for our spring/summer.  We have had many people express interest in helping in Chaveneau, but we are not quite sure what the summer should "look like" with trips, staffing, etc... 

3.  Pray as we organize this upcoming mission trip in March- that He will continue to give clear direction.  Pray also as Ron/Crystal plan a possible trip in February-- this one would be mainly to iron out some details for the March trip and make some contacts personally with some of our people on the ground in Haiti with whom we have spoken over the phone, but not met/worked with yet.

4.  Pray as we continue to seek members for our Board of Directors (a requirement for tax-exempt status for our organization).  That God will bring the correct people to mind to ask about joining the board and that He will work in those people in advance and create a desire to serve in this role.  The Board will serve as advisors within the organization and will be responsible for helping decide the future direction we will take.

5.  Pray for Haiti as they move forward through the next weeks.  There will be those still remembering last year at this time- where they were, what they experienced, etc.  There will be more elections and political concerns/turmoil.  The cholera outbreak is continuing to spread though it is not on the news as often.  Haiti is a country that has made amazing spiritual growth in the past year ... but with that growth, comes attack from the enemy- always seeking to take the focus off the positive and put it onto the negative. 

I have seen SO MUCH POSITIVE in Haiti and the people of Haiti.  God is at work in this country I love and I thank Him for His evidence of that work.  I pray that others not become discouraged- Galatians 6:9. 

His servant- Crystal  :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One Year Anniversary-

Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti.  Please join me as I take a few minutes to pray for this country and for so many who lost loved ones.  I will be fasting during the day and taking a few minutes at 4:53 pm. to honor those who lost their lives, their family, their friends, their homes, and whose lives were forever changed because of it. 

I just got done talking to one of our translators from the summer (Ramces) who lost his sister and nephew (along with other relatives) in the quake and we talked about how he is feeling.  He has many emotions right now as he remembers them, talked about missing them, yet rejoicing in how God has provided for the rest of the family in the past year. He is taking care of her other two sons as well as his own son and wife. This story is way too common. 

I think about the Arris family- still living in tents outside their home and working to renovate the inside due to damage they sustained in the earthquake.  I think about Carl- another translator who was teaching English to a class of 16 students in Port au Prince when the quake hit. Only 8 of the 16 made it out of the building with him.  I remember the tears in his eyes as he told me that story in June- the pain he shared as he felt responsible for those other 8 who had been entrusted into his care as their teacher.  I think about Ronnie who lost his brother at the University where they were both students and his difficulties as he tries to continue his education while living in a tent city outside Port au Prince.  The list goes on and on. 

 It is easy to go about our days and forget the pain that others are facing regularly- especially at this anniversary of the tragedy, so we ask that you take this time to honor them and to remember. 

God bless you!  - Crystal

Friday, January 7, 2011

God said, "wait"...

.... Obed went today for his travel visa appointment (with his father and his sister Cyndia).  He called me at about 12:15 pm. and said they did not get them.  He said the person conducting the interview asked his father a few questions and then said, "I am sorry- you are not qualified to go".  It was hard when Michael did not get his back on my birthday in  September, but this one was tough because Obed is only 16 and Cyndia 17 (both minors) so I thought for sure the US would allow them to accompany their father to the states.  But, God must have other plans.  So... we wait upon His timing.  We will try again but it is VERY expensive ($150 usd) to try and there is always a chance that, like today, they will be denied again.  Many people try a few times before getting approved and others never get approval. 

So... pray for us as an organization as we decide if Pastor Duval should travel to the USA without a translator and if so, when that trip should be.  Also, pray for Obed and Cyndia since they are disappointed, though they trust it is God's will for them to remain in Haiti at this time. 

Thanks for the prayers- He DID answer- just not the way we hoped.  But it's still an answer.  Nothing happens by chance.  It's a good "life lesson" in waiting upon His timing. 

Pray too for Michael as he returns from the Dominican Republic in the next day or so and for Pastor Duval as he celebrates his birthday next week.  More on that to follow. 

His servant- Crystal

Trip Update (and personal reflections)

WOW!  God is amazing and He has confirmed this trip by the incredible response we have had from people interested in information about it. I sit here in Pennsylvania with snow falling (we have a 2 hour delay for school) and think of the way God sent His son to cover our sins and make them "white as snow"- just like the yard and trees outside are covered and look so beautiful.  Gone is the drab, boring, lonely looking landscape and it has been replaced by beauty and sparkling white freshness!  How I love the snow and that reminder it brings. 

I am sure it is nice and warm in Haiti and though I long to be there (especially today- Obed just called and we prayed about his travel visa appointment) I know that God has me HERE for a reason.  And I truly believe the reason is to assist with the Chaveneau project from afar and work so that others catch the vision have a tangible way to assist...  But, sometimes, I have to admit- I want to be on the "front lines" and not "behind the scenes" hearing how others get to serve and feeling like I am watching from afar.  So, you can pray for me- that God uses this time to continue to teach me... that THIS is what He has for me and that those on the "front lines" can not be there without support from others. 

 As for the trip, so far we only have a few "for sure" but there are a nice amount on the "hot list"- especially given the fact that the trip has only been posted for 4 days.... Paperwork is finally complete and is ready to send to anyone interested so please e-mail us if you would like a packet.  The packet includes an application, medical release form, general info. sheet ("all you need to know about lodging, food, safety, ministry, etc..."), suggested packing list and more.  It's a lot of info. but we would like you to be as prepared as possible before the trip. 

This brings me to a frequent question we have gotten.  If you are coming from the USA, you do not need a visa- only a current passport.  Make sure your passport will not expire until after Sept. 2011 - they want it to have at least 6 mos. available. 

The other thing is that some of you have not yet visited our main website and we wanted to make sure you had the link to that (it is on this page, but you have to look for it- so I am posting it here).  Enjoy reading more info. about Chaveneau and the project there and praying about if God has you helping in any way. 

Have a blessed day- 

here's the link

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well... here is the info. many of you have been waiting for.  Sorry it has taken us so long to put it all together, but it is VERY exciting stuff and we can not wait to hear what you think! 

I think one of the most common questions we hear (both Michael and I) is "Can I go and see Chaveneau?".  The second most common would have to be very similar.  As we are corresponding with people who have been to Haiti and want their church or someone they know to partner with Hearts United they will often remark, "Besides the literature/DVD you can send me, is there a way for my church/group to come and experience the school in Chaveneau before we commit to regular support?"  Both of these questions are certainly VERY GOOD ones!  I have experienced the same reservations/caution from my own church here in Pennsylvania.  They have seen my photos, heard my stories about the place, but until they see it for themselves, they are a little concerned about sending money to support the project.  I can not blame them! People often say, "Why not give to an established organization/group?"  The other thing is that there are legitimately people (like myself) who do not have the financial means to support the project regularly, but would love to serve there and are interested in seeing it before bringing their family/friends since it is so remote. 

So... after praying about this and seeking what God would have us do, we think He has revealed the perfect solution.  Here it is:  In March we will be offering the first mission trip through Hearts United with Haiti.  The details of this trip are listed below but here is the vision God has given us for this trip.  It will be a trip to Carrefour- a suburb of Port au Prince where we will stay at the home of Pastor Jean Duval and within walking distance of Pastor Cornet.  Participants will get to meet these men and spend time with them. They will be able to hear first-hand about Pastor Duval's vision for Chaveneau.  One day (if all goes according to plan- this IS Haiti so you never know) we will all drive to Chaveneau where participants will be able to see the school, the countryside around the school, experience the drive, meet the teachers, etc...  They will be encouraged to take photographs, video footage and to interact with those in the community of Chaveneau with the prayer that they will take these experiences back with them to their respective churches/groups in the USA and spread the word about the project.  The rest of the ministry will most likely be in and around Carrefour- depending on where God leads the group and the gifting/desires of those on the trip.

This trip will be limited in number attending so it is extremely important that you register as soon as possible if you are interested in participating.  We would suggest one or two representatives if you are coming from a church and individuals interested are certainly welcome!  We are also opening this trip up to people interested in only ministering in Carrefour and not taking the day trip to Chaveneau so you will be ministering with them during the week.  Details are below as is information on registration.  Looking forward to hearing from you! 

When?  March 27 to April 3, 2010
                 (you are asked to arrive in the early afternoon 3/27 and depart early morning 4/3)

Cost?    $350 per person- Carrefour and Chaveneau
                       (includes food, lodging, transportation to/from the airport, translators, etc..)
        - DOES NOT include your air fare to and from Port au Prince, suggested shots/medications or travel insurance

Who?    This trip is limited to the first 20 registered/paid participants

How do I register?  send an e-mail expressing interest to  and we will contact you with the forms needed to register for this trip.  Registration deadline is March 1, 2011 so time is of the essence.

Can not wait to hear from YOU!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bonne Et Heureuse Annee

(that means Happy New Year in French).... we have sooooo much to look forward to in 2011 and I am very excited that you desire to share it with us.... God is at work in Haiti- in Chaveneau and we are blessed to be able to join Him there and be the instruments He uses to reach some of His people...

As many people do at this time of year, let's review the past year and list those things we are looking forward to in the year ahead- OK??


- we were able to create this site and the group Hearts United with Haiti to assist the Chaveneau project

-  Pastor Jean Duval's organization (SOCIDIHH) was approved and given a permit for operating by the Haitian government

-  school (IMS) was started and opened it's doors October 3, 2010

-  someone provided funds for material used to make uniforms for the students of the school

-  T-shirts were provided for the students and staff of the school

-  someone provided funds to pay the teacher salaries in December 2010

-  God protected the Arris family, Pastor Cornet and his family, and others during the political unrest in the country following primary elections in November

- people were willing to donate clothes, books, bottles, diapers, etc... for the orphanage in Carrefour and/or the school in Chaveneau

-  people have signed up for information/literature/prayer list/newsletters/etc.... and that list is continuing to grow (it is a blessing to know so many are praying for the project)

Prayer Requests:

-  Obed Arris will go to the US Embassay on Jan. 7th for his interview regarding his travel visa (if he gets his travel visa he will be able to travel with his father- Pastor Jean Duval when he comes to speak in the USA about the Chaveneau project)

-  Pastor Duval- as he plans a visit to the USA- that the arrangements can be made easily, quickly and as inexpensively as possible

-  Expenses for the school- that they will continue to be met by concerned individuals or groups

-  the many Haitians who will be remembering the quake on the one year anniversary - Jan. 12 (thinking of those who were lost/ injured, those who lost homes,/jobs, those still uncertain about their family/friends, etc...)

- Hearts United with Haiti as we continue to seek direction about tax-exempt status and how we should proceed with this organization to best help Pastor Duval and the Chaveneau project (that we obtain good legal and tax council for little or no expense to the organization)

-  a few trips being scheduled to minister in Haiti- that God will be the director of those trips and that we will be open to whatever He desires those trips to look like

-  that we are able to continue to build our support base and establish regular (monthly) support for the project

-  we pray for a reliable vehicle for the Arris family to have to travel to/from Chaveneau

- that this project and this organization will ALWAYS glorify God and that we will seek to follow Him and encourage others to do the same and that ultimately when people see what has been done in Chaveneau that they will be drawn closer and closer to Him

there are many more prayer requests and praises I could write here, but these are the ones that came to mind when writing.... and reminiscing.  God is amazing and if I had one thing to say to those reading this it would be to trust Him always, listen to His lead and understand that He desires relationship with us- to draw us closer to Him and to teach us more and more about Himself.  We are all here together on this planet called earth- all His creation and if we can all work together there is power greater than we can ever imagine! 

Looking forward to what 2011 has in store and looking back at this post next year at this time to see how God has worked and how I have grown.  I pray you have grown too in your relationship with Him and that we will have many others as part of this group working together for Chaveneau!  - Blessings!  Crystal