WOW! God is amazing and He has confirmed this trip by the incredible response we have had from people interested in information about it. I sit here in Pennsylvania with snow falling (we have a 2 hour delay for school) and think of the way God sent His son to cover our sins and make them "white as snow"- just like the yard and trees outside are covered and look so beautiful. Gone is the drab, boring, lonely looking landscape and it has been replaced by beauty and sparkling white freshness! How I love the snow and that reminder it brings.
I am sure it is nice and warm in Haiti and though I long to be there (especially today- Obed just called and we prayed about his travel visa appointment) I know that God has me HERE for a reason. And I truly believe the reason is to assist with the Chaveneau project from afar and work so that others catch the vision have a tangible way to assist... But, sometimes, I have to admit- I want to be on the "front lines" and not "behind the scenes" hearing how others get to serve and feeling like I am watching from afar. So, you can pray for me- that God uses this time to continue to teach me... that THIS is what He has for me and that those on the "front lines" can not be there without support from others.
As for the trip, so far we only have a few "for sure" but there are a nice amount on the "hot list"- especially given the fact that the trip has only been posted for 4 days.... Paperwork is finally complete and is ready to send to anyone interested so please e-mail us if you would like a packet. The packet includes an application, medical release form, general info. sheet ("all you need to know about lodging, food, safety, ministry, etc..."), suggested packing list and more. It's a lot of info. but we would like you to be as prepared as possible before the trip.
This brings me to a frequent question we have gotten. If you are coming from the USA, you do not need a visa- only a current passport. Make sure your passport will not expire until after Sept. 2011 - they want it to have at least 6 mos. available.
The other thing is that some of you have not yet visited our main website and we wanted to make sure you had the link to that (it is on this page, but you have to look for it- so I am posting it here). Enjoy reading more info. about Chaveneau and the project there and praying about if God has you helping in any way.
Have a blessed day-
here's the link
Crystal, I and Greg ( my partner on my last trip)are 99.9% sure we are coming with you. We are just waiting to see if God is going to encourage anyone else to come with us this time. Can you send me all the paperwork including packing list and itenerary if you have them?