Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bonne Et Heureuse Annee

(that means Happy New Year in French).... we have sooooo much to look forward to in 2011 and I am very excited that you desire to share it with us.... God is at work in Haiti- in Chaveneau and we are blessed to be able to join Him there and be the instruments He uses to reach some of His people...

As many people do at this time of year, let's review the past year and list those things we are looking forward to in the year ahead- OK??


- we were able to create this site and the group Hearts United with Haiti to assist the Chaveneau project

-  Pastor Jean Duval's organization (SOCIDIHH) was approved and given a permit for operating by the Haitian government

-  school (IMS) was started and opened it's doors October 3, 2010

-  someone provided funds for material used to make uniforms for the students of the school

-  T-shirts were provided for the students and staff of the school

-  someone provided funds to pay the teacher salaries in December 2010

-  God protected the Arris family, Pastor Cornet and his family, and others during the political unrest in the country following primary elections in November

- people were willing to donate clothes, books, bottles, diapers, etc... for the orphanage in Carrefour and/or the school in Chaveneau

-  people have signed up for information/literature/prayer list/newsletters/etc.... and that list is continuing to grow (it is a blessing to know so many are praying for the project)

Prayer Requests:

-  Obed Arris will go to the US Embassay on Jan. 7th for his interview regarding his travel visa (if he gets his travel visa he will be able to travel with his father- Pastor Jean Duval when he comes to speak in the USA about the Chaveneau project)

-  Pastor Duval- as he plans a visit to the USA- that the arrangements can be made easily, quickly and as inexpensively as possible

-  Expenses for the school- that they will continue to be met by concerned individuals or groups

-  the many Haitians who will be remembering the quake on the one year anniversary - Jan. 12 (thinking of those who were lost/ injured, those who lost homes,/jobs, those still uncertain about their family/friends, etc...)

- Hearts United with Haiti as we continue to seek direction about tax-exempt status and how we should proceed with this organization to best help Pastor Duval and the Chaveneau project (that we obtain good legal and tax council for little or no expense to the organization)

-  a few trips being scheduled to minister in Haiti- that God will be the director of those trips and that we will be open to whatever He desires those trips to look like

-  that we are able to continue to build our support base and establish regular (monthly) support for the project

-  we pray for a reliable vehicle for the Arris family to have to travel to/from Chaveneau

- that this project and this organization will ALWAYS glorify God and that we will seek to follow Him and encourage others to do the same and that ultimately when people see what has been done in Chaveneau that they will be drawn closer and closer to Him

there are many more prayer requests and praises I could write here, but these are the ones that came to mind when writing.... and reminiscing.  God is amazing and if I had one thing to say to those reading this it would be to trust Him always, listen to His lead and understand that He desires relationship with us- to draw us closer to Him and to teach us more and more about Himself.  We are all here together on this planet called earth- all His creation and if we can all work together there is power greater than we can ever imagine! 

Looking forward to what 2011 has in store and looking back at this post next year at this time to see how God has worked and how I have grown.  I pray you have grown too in your relationship with Him and that we will have many others as part of this group working together for Chaveneau!  - Blessings!  Crystal

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