Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When things move fast, they move FAST!  This week I have made soooo many phone calls and done so much paperwork, etc. for this organization.  But it's all been a delight to do.  Through the phone calls I have met soooo many wonderful people and talked with them about Haiti. My main focus has been to try to find translators for the week Pastor Duval is at our home.  So, I have contacted the Haitian church in a nearby town, many "friends of a friend" who have lived in Haiti, are Haitian, or have contacts with Haiti.  It is so fun to "blind call" these people and get into conversations about Haiti and their love for the country too.  So far I still do not have many more "leads" for translators, but I am having FUN! 

Also spoke with the lawyer again and he is such an amazing man of God and soooo willing to help.  I have to get some paperwork together tonight or tomorrow to fax to him so that he can help me submit some paperwork to the state of PA.  He will also give me advice on what else needs to be filed and/or completed. 

I got payments for the March trip from some people and deposits from others as well as paperwork.  I am also starting to get phone calls from people interested in the summer trips!  This is soooooo exciting.  Spoke with the assistant superintendent at school and she was 100 % supportive of my time I need to take off in March for the trip as well as the time I will need at the end of the school year.  So, that is another blessing.

SO.... it has been a whirlwind week and I expect that next week will be even crazier as we leave ONE WEEK FROM TODAY  :-)   .... sooooo much to get done.  But, God is faithful and it will all happen.  I am sure of that- He never gives us more than we can handle.  Amen!  - Crystal

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