Monday, March 17, 2014

Haiti Day 3

 This morning Donald, Crystal, and I (Juliya) went to the free General Hospital in Port-au-Prince. We were able to visit with the patients in the pediatrics unit. There was an abandoned child with Hydrocephalus which the nurses were taking care of. There was another baby boy who had gotten better and his family was taking him home. Another little one-and-a-half year old was laying listlessly in her crib. Her young widowed mother was there to take care of her. Most of the childrens' family were there because the hospital does not provide any bedding, medicines, or food. It is up to the family to buy the necessary medicines the doctor prescribes. I was very nervous about entering the room, I had no idea if they saw us as a nuisance, or something like that. But after a little while, something shifted and we became really comfortable. The families were very happy for us to pray for their children. And I started playing with the balloons with some of the children. All of a sudden they were smiling and became animated. I really became more comfortable and enjoyed my time spent with the patients. It is really amazing how God is always present, and moving among us and those we meet. I saw Him today in the kids, in the parents, in the nurses and doctors who let us visit.We're all sitting together in the front porch, relishing this cool breezy evening, listening to the sounds of the street below us and watching this gigantic orange full moon rise. It was a really good day.

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