Saturday, June 11, 2011

We are here....

.... and safe.... we just got on here for a few minutes to let you know we are at the Arris house... and we are soooo hot but happy... Michael was late to get us at the airport because the car he had rented for the day broke down on the way... so we stood for about 3 hours... but in the mean time we were SOOOOO blessed to see some of my friends from last summer-  Samuel and Morney (two of my translators) and Marcio (a former staff member).... we had a blessed time catching up for a bit before we parted ways.  AND ... even cooler than that was a man named Hermann who is a taxi driver who talked to us for a while.  He is 76 years old and lives in Carrefour... he offered to do airport runs for us for a LOT cheaper than we have been quoted before... he normally gets $40 each way but he said he would work with us.  This is SUCH and answer to prayer.  Then, when Michael came to pick us up he told us that the car we were borrowing from his friend is for sale- only $4,000 US which is a STEAL for that vehicle... it is not exactly what we have been praying for because it only seats 5 people BUT it is at least a vehicle to do airport runs... and would get us to and from Chaveneau all summer... Please join us in praying that people would donate toward this... we have been told the man would take $2000 down and the rest at the end of summer.  So we need to pray about this ... I can not tell you how awesome this would be because we are currently paying $100 each time we use the vehicle AND we can not afford to have it many days this summer.  Plus if we "own" one the Arris family will be able to use it after the summer is over for transportation to and from Chaveneau.  The car needs some work done to it, but it would not be too expensive and Ron may be able to do some while he is here. 

Anyway, we are doing well... and I can not believe we are about to begin the summer!  God is fantastic and He continues to bless us with this ministry. -- posted Sat. night at about 8 pm.

Sunday- 4:47 am:  Well- I woke this morning at my usual time BUT Haiti is one hour earlier... it will take me a few days to get used to the time change.  Roosters are crowing, the sky is getting light, people are singing and praying as they get ready for church, etc.... I LOVE HAITI....

Highlights from yesterday -  obviously what I wrote above about the car, the man at the airport and the friends I already saw.  Another highlight was seeing Jean Duval and Ron when they saw one another... they are sooooo cute together and it is a joy to watch their faces as they talk and listen to them catch up with one another in Creole/English... both trying to talk to the other in a language that is not their own.  Dinner was another favorite.  We enjoyed an excellent meal of fish which Margarette (Pastor Duval's wife) had bought special just for us at the market.  It was so good and though we felt awkward being the only ones eating at the table specially prepared for us in the kitchen, we enjoyed every last scrap. 

Today's plan:  I will get my shower soon.  I will wake Michael at 7 am. if he is not up before that.  Then he and I will travel to the airport to get our June summer staff- Jordan and Michelle.  They spent the night in Fort Lauderdale (at the airport - on the floor).  Bless their hearts.  Their plane arrives at 8:25 am.  After we get them home the "boys" (Ron/ Michael and maybe Jordan) will head out for water.  We have 21 five gallon jugs we need to have filled (exchanged for full sealed ones) and then they will get some other supplies for our work in Chaveneau.  Then we will go through the supplies left in March as well as the groceries we purchased yesterday.  We will get this all organized for the trip to Chaveneau on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. :) 

Steve and Auston arrive tomorrow around 1 pm.  (they are two participants). We will get to the airport early though because I know that flight traditionally gets in earlier than that (they did not figure the time difference).

Ministry this upcoming week will mostly be physical labor and getting to know some of the people in Chaveneau and build relationships with them.  We pray we will have the vehicle to use (the one that is for sale -a toyota 4 x 4) so we can keep it out there and use it for "runs" to town for supplies, etc...  

That is all for now... God bless each of you and thank you for reading- nothing too exciting yet, but just wait.  God is going to do amazing things this summer.  We just know it!

1 comment:

  1. glad to know you all made it safe and sound. I imagine it is joyous yet difficult to feel the absence of Justine. I pray your Toyota comes through just fine and wish I had more to send. I wish I had an extra grand or few in our account to just send it to you. God will provide, I know that. enjoying reading your posts already, keep them coming.
