Saturday, June 4, 2011


I sent out an e-mail which I will not repeat (not enough space or energy and many of you will receive it) but the basics are that my "Haitian granddaughter" Justine has passed away.  She is with Jesus now and her real grandma/grandpa but my heart aches for her family- especially her "father" James.  He was actually her uncle but assumed the father role since no one knew who the real father was.  Justine was special to me because I helped name her, I loved her as my real granddaughter and I will GREATLY miss her this summer and in the years ahead. 

No one knows why or how she passed.  She just had a fever and started losing weight.  I guess they did not feel it was urgent enough to get medical care but I don't know if they could have afforded anyway.  It only costs $5 US to go to the medical clinic (the hospital is much more) to be seen but that is a lot more than many Haitians have available.

Will you consider helping this family with their funeral expenses?  Any excess will go to help other children like Justine get to the clinic this summer.  I have been able to take a few there on previous trips.  The care is good and your money will really ease the burden for many of these families.  Please send your donation to Hearts United with Haiti  PO Box 55  Morgantown PA 19543 and then follow this blog.  I will update as I am able this summer- to let you know how much was donated and what it was used for.  ANY amount will help and will be a blessing to them. 

Thank you and PLEASE continue to pray for James and his family (as well as the many Americans who loved Justine) as we grieve together.  And if you did not get the e-mail about Justine and about James (who he is and what his history is/life has been like in Haiti) or would like to subscribe to receive my e-mail updates/prayer requests, please e-mail me at  or post on here and include your comment and e-mail address.  We will add you to the list.  Thanks and may God bless each of you.  Take time today to tell those important to you that you love them and hug those precious children God has blessed you with!  For Justine!

note: When we are in Haiti we do have someone here at the "office" taking
care of business so donations will be accepted, recorded (for tax purposes) and WILL make it to Haiti to help.  For those of you who were wondering/asking.  Great question though

1 comment:

  1. read your blog post here in addition to the email you send....grieved again. How is everyone there in Haiti?
