Thursday, June 30, 2011

URGENT prayer

OK.. here's the deal,... this morning we were praying about the vehicle situation here in Haiti (the one we were negotiating to buy is a money pit- we are finding one thing after another wrong with it).  Pastor Duval, Michael and I were talking about our options when I got a facebook message from a friend of mine who is a missionary stateside.  She asked if we were still looking for a vehicle and said God woke her this morning (right when we were in Haiti discussing things) with a burden to pray for us about transportation.  We told her what we were praying about and she posted on her facebook to see if anyone she knew would be interested in donating a vehicle to us.  Within a few minutes (literally) she had a man contact her and he is willing to donate a "short bus" for $1000 US plus we pay to get it to Miami and to ship it to Haiti.  What an answer to prayer this seems to be! 

Of course we do not have that money yet so we have agreed to pray about it and see what God says in one week.  So will you join us in praying about it??? AND will you consider helping with the costs if God puts that on your heart as well??? He will make it clear if this is what He has for us to help with our transportation needs. 

I know one thing for sure... it was an amazing morning of shooting messages back and forth, praying, and watching the team get excited to see God answering our requests so quickly.  We will see where this leads.  God is soverign and His plan is perfect- whatever that is!  - thanks

(donations can be sent to Hearts United with Haiti-  PO Box 55   Morgantown PA 19543-  make a note that it's for the vehicle in Haiti)

1 comment:

  1. ooh, this is delightful
    does a short bus have all wheel drive? man that would be SO great !
    I was thinking, man, this truck you want to buy doesn't sound very reliable for all that money, much less at ALL. But you have to know what God's telling you and where the provision is, both of the vehicle and financially.
    God bless this vehicle situation. Provide as we know you love to...abundantly and above all expectation, not to have this team "settle" for something but to have just what they need to fit their true needs. In the name of our most powerful and generous Lord, Jesus Christ.
