Monday, June 20, 2011

update - 1/2 way through our time in Chaveneau

I am writing from the Arris house in Carrefour but the team is in Chaveneau  right now working and ministering in the community there.  It has been almost a week since I have been able to update this site, so I have a lot to fill you all in on.  So, bear with me if this is a LONG post. 
Last Wednesday we all piled into two vehicles and drove to Chaveneau.  What a drive it was!  Ron took the Toyota we are negotiating buying with Pastor Duval and another person who knows the road and the rest of us went in a rented van.  That way we were able to take all the water, luggage, food, donations, etc…  The ride was CRAZY fast- it should take 4.5 hours and it only took us 3.5.  The van driver gave us all an education in Haitian driving at its’ best.  But it was a blessing for me to be with the team and listen to them as they saw the beauty of the huge mountains and the pristine beaches along the way. 
When we arrived we realized that the best location to sleep was on the roof of the church- which meant climbing a very scary ladder with all the tents and luggage.  But, the guys all pitched in and helped and the tents were up in no time.  And that is where we have slept for the past 5 nights (and they are sleeping tonight)- on the roof under the stars.  It is beautiful and breezy and very peaceful.  We hear crickets and frogs and LOTS of farm animals.  There are a few local donkeys and roosters  we are getting to know by sound.  Unfortunately one of the roosters  was lunch today.  TIH (This is Haiti)
Ministry has consisted of prayer walking (in the pouring rain) up the mountain behind the church/school.  We were able to pray for many and one man (Anbut) was suffering from a stomach ailment.  Jordan prayed for him and when we went to check on him yesterday, his family and he reported that he felt better immediately after we left the first visit AND the whole sickness gave his sister a chance to present the gospel and he accdepted Jesus as his Savior.  So… we rejoiced with the family.
We have also bonded with many of the children from the school and community.  We each have our “buddies” and they call our names when we are on the roof and wait for the missionaries to come down to play and hang out with them.  We have colored together, made bracelets, sang songs, played hand games, etc…   It is amazing o live in the community and share God’s love.  One of the highlights of working with the children is all going daily to the river for a swim and to laugh, play, splash, etc.. and just cool down together. 
Ron and some of the others have been digging the pit the whole time.  We thought it would be done for us but we have had to dig too.  It is very tough digging because it is very deep.  We will eventually have 2 to 4toilets done, but will certainly not get it all done this trip.  Things move slowly in Haiti but at least they are moving- Praise God!! 
Friday was Field Day at the school- the big “celebration” before exams this week.  The children played tug of war, musical chairs, soccer, they had relay races, and much more.  It was really fun because we got to participate in some of the games and compete against the Haitians in others.  Michelle and Jordan had fun running a relay race against Michael.  They won but yesterday Jordan and Michael had a foot race in town and Michael won.  I am guessing a tie-breaker will happen sometime this week when we return to the team. 
A very encouraging moment was when Pastor Duval took us for a walk and showed us a new medical center that has begun in the past month.  It is very close to the church/school so part of the vision he originally had for the community is coming true.  Right now it is staffed by locals who volunteer and they only have one trained nurse but we pray soon we can have medical teams come and offer care the people so desperately need.  So far at the school I have taken care of a badly burned foot on a little boy, a few minor cuts/scrapes, and we saw a little girl with a swollen jaw/tooth.  We are all amazed and saddened by the malnutrition of the children in the community.  Auston has bonded with one little boy in particular named Daneilson (Da- neil- son) who looked to be about 5 years old but we found out today he is 8.  How sad.  He is so tiny for his age.
Overall everyone is having an amazing time.  All are healthy and managing taking showers behind a tarp (often with Haitian children peeking inside to see how different we look), going to the bathroom in the squatties, etc…  We have all been blessed by the Haitian hospitality.  People  have sent  food, given us gifts, washed our clothes, built us a better ladder, etc…   It is “roughing it” but I can’t think of a better way to spend my summer.  I have not been this happy in a  LONG time. 
Tomorrow we will pick Robert up from the airport in Port au Prince.   This is why Michael and I have returned to Carrefour.  Please pray that we are able to get him with no problems and take him all the way to Chaveneau.  The roads can be “interesting” and you never know what to expect.  Just today on the way home we had to sit for a long time in traffic only to find out that the UN had killed someone and there was rioting.  We know that you were praying for the team’s travels last week because of how smoothly the trip went. 
Other prayer requests: 
-           The vehicle we are considering buying.  It has more “issues” than we originally thought.  The transmission is leaking and the rear tire needs to have the seal replaced (rear differential I think Ron called it) Please pray we can get all this done tomorrow morning early before we have to get Robert from the airport. 
-          That we will all remain healthy and are able to complete whatever tasks God calls us to. 
-          That we will keep our focus on Him- if we just bring “facilities” to this community or health care or play with the children but do not tell others about Jesus and help them form a relationship with Him, we might as well not have come. 
-          Those considering or planning trips with Hearts United with Haiti this summer- that God would make His will known to them.  We really pray for God to work to bring teams to Haiti- especially Chaveneau.  There are so many needs and so many to love there!  :) 

Thanks again for all your prayers and support.  You have no idea how much it means... to all of us!  Blessings to you-  I will write next week when we return from Chaveneau (and maybe I will put up a few photos tomorrow if I can)....   Bondye beni w (God bless you)

1 comment:

  1. SO great to hear your update Crystal...just blessing after blessing. will pray that the vehicle situation turns out to be just a MIRACLE, and that your ministry will bless thousands, through the ages Crystal.
