Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hi everyone! So much has happened since I last updated! Partially because I haven't updated in a while and partially because so much has happened in a short amount of time. :) Crystal and Jordan covered a lot of what went on the past couple of weeks, but I just thought I'd post of few highlights (sorry if any of these are repeats from what they posted) :

-Seeing some of the kids from the VBS we worked at and our neighbors from last year in Carrefour and having them remember me!
-Enjoying and soaking in God's gorgeous creation on the way out to and in Chaveneau.
-Meeting, playing with, and loving the kids! They are amazing.
-Praying for a young man named Anbute who was having severe stomach pain and visting him later in the week to find him not only physically healed but spiritually healed as well! Praise the Lord!!!
-Seeing the God's healing power again when a teenage boy named Geoftay had a 104 degree fever at noon when Pastor Duval and a couple of others prayed over him drop down to a pefect 98.6 in a matter of hours.
-Worshipping on the roof under the stars
-Praying for/with a Vudoo man (Joseph) who previously wouldn't let any white person come near his house (see Crystal's post for more about this)
-Futbol! sometimes in a skirt, sometimes with no shoes, sometimes with a deflated ball, and sometimes in the pouring down rain :)
-Being a "pioneer" for Hearts United and helping lay the foundation for future years. Getting the details ironed out for future teams, meeting pastors, networking with other people and ministries there, and praying over future property, etc.
-Seeing God working in this country and being encouraged by the strength and dedication of the Christians here (in Chaveneau they have church sevices every night, twice on Sunday, and every Friday they have an all-night prayer/worship service that goes from 9pm-6am)
-Trying to wash clothes in the river with Crystal and having to keep getting corrected by the ladies because we weren't doing it right. And carrying the basins on my head like a Haitian. :)
-Literally feeling prayer in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep because of my severe swimmer's ear and waking up the next morning with it gone and not sore at all. (All glory to God)
-Having the privilege of teaching an English class and watching all the people (adults and kids) so eager to learn.
-Swimming in the river in Chaveneau everynight to cool off and play with the kids, hiking to the waterfall and swimming in it, and swimming in the amazingly blue Carribbean Sea.

I feel so blessed that God gave me the privilege and opportunity to come back and be a part of His work here again this summer. These last 3 weeks have flown by! I feel like we just got here... But I know that when we leave here God isn't going to stop working in Haiti and He also won't stop working in my life when I leave here. We serve the same God no matter where we are and He never changes. God is good, all the time. It is His nature.

Bondye beni ou (God bless you)

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