Friday, July 1, 2011

almost done "phase 1"

Sitting here at the Arris house with Steve and Auston- the only two from the team left here.  They leave for the airport in 2 hours and then I will return to the house, clean and probably nap.... It has been a blessed three weeks and it was soooooo hard to say "goodbye" to Jordan and Michelle- they did a FANTASTIC job with being summer staff.  They were such support to me and I thank God for leading them to us this first summer. 

The next two weeks will be more "foundation building" and I am starting to see why God chose to not send many people to us.  We are making so many contacts and learning more and more about the country and language.  God is using this time to teach me much about myself and relying on Him for things... if He truly has called us to this ministry He will provide us with the people and resources we need to run it.  It is good feeling less and less dependent on a few people and broadening my circle of contacts here in Haiti.  But is is kind of sad at the same time.  I had "expectations" about how/what this ministry would look like- those of us who would be working side by side with one another and now that it appears that might not happen it is just a bit sad.  I know that God calls us each to different ministries in our lives and has different ways for us to each serve Him and I would never attempt to push someone to mold to MY idea of what God wants.  So, I must continue to remain in the Word and stay close to Him and trust that He will make His ways for our ministry clear to those who He has determined should partner with us.  And those that should not??  I pray He comforts my heart and helps me release them to Him and not try to put them into a mold they were never meant to fill and that He makes it clear to them as well- that they may have peace about their decision.  

Hope this makes sense.  I am tired and sleep deprived and will post later when I have had some rest.  Know that your prayers were answered and it was a fantastic three weeks in Haiti!  God is soooooo good. 

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