Thursday, June 30, 2016

What you've all been waiting for... A message from Karen!

Today we had the opportunity to learn more about some of the other ministries going on in this area, to include Beehive, Peace Cycle, and Apparent Project.  The Beehive ministry recycles pallets to make a variety of products to sell (e.g., tables, chairs, picture frames).  It provides men in the community the opportunity to learn a new skill set, allowing them to use the organization’s supplies, tools and work area to create products for purchase.  What a fabulous way for these individuals to learn a trade and provide for their families.  The Peace Cycle recycles water bags to create tote bags, backpacks, pencil bags, etc.  This ministry not only provides another source of employment for the community, but it is a stepping stone to cleaning up their environment.  Apparent Project was started to help single mothers provide for their children.  They found there were many parents who had to put their children in orphanages in order to ensure they could be cared for.  This ministry recycles paper products and glass to make a variety of jewelry products.  In addition to this, they create a variety of clay products, shirts, dolls, etc. that are available worldwide.  The awesome part is the work is done by the single parents so they have the opportunity to keep their families together.  It’s great to see people with vision and heart (Haitian and others) providing opportunities to train and empower the community.


Roy Boy's Recap

I had a great men’s class this week.  Jeff would be proud with all the rabbits we chased.  But in chasing those rabbits we got the men to talk and make the class their own.   I want to thank everyone who prepared me, encouraged me, and prayed for me to be able to handle this great act that God had for me to do for Him.  We talked about the road to salvation, touched on some of the qualifications for elders and deacons for a lesson about how to be a Christian man, and the last day we talked about how a Christian man should act in the world.  During theses class we talked about how and when we came to Christ and when we were baptized.  We also got asked other random questions that the men wanted to know.  It was great seeing what their hearts wanted to know.   This week has been very unsure of the plan and schedule of what we were going to be able to do, but everything we wanted to do was accomplished.  It is amazing to see what happens when you get out of the way and let God lead.  The silly string activity was awesome and hearing the children and all of us laugh was welcomed in this time of sadness at the orphanage.  The center is coming together very nicely, Gary has done a great job inside with the directing the painters and also doing a lot of painting himself, and Glen has done an excellent job of cleaning up the outside of the center.  The ladies have learned how to be patient this week due to the fact that they only have one bathroom to share between 13 of them and have to sit in line to use it.   I am glad I had the opportunity to share this experience with my wife and youngest daughter. 

PS – Tiffany thanks those of you who have sent us responses on the blog but we would love to see some more!  Mom & Vanessa (hint, hint) (Christian – evil eye only reserved for you and the kids)


Here are some photos but I was not everywhere so it is only a sampling. 

Glen weeded the entire walkway!!
Wideline has a sponsor!!

Alex has a buddy

Mr Alvarez drove us to the orphanage. 

Prayer with the nannies

Silly string aftermath

Prayer with Pastor Yve's son

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tera's Visit to Children's Health Ministries!

I had the amazing opportunity to help at Children Health Ministries the past couple of days.  They see malnourished infants on Mondays.  They do give them medica mamba.  I did ask about nut allergies and they did tell me it is not as prominent in Haiti as in the US.
On Tuesdays they see follow up infants to make sure they are gaining the weight that they need to before they do become malnourished.

On Wednesdays they see expecting mothers, their information is gathered.  Labs are done and then they receive folic/iron pills and other medication if needed (for UTI’s, vaginal infections, heartburn).

Wise Words from Mama Weaves

Hello Bellevue Family!
We are all doing well in Haiti! We have been able to serve in many ways while here.  Karen and I have taught a ladies class at the center the last three mornings and have been able to study with the nannies in the afternoon.  Just like last year, Karen and I feel that we have learned as much from them as they hopefully have from us.  We were so blessed this year that Tiffany and Marilyn joined us.  They added so much to the class.  In ladies class this morning Karen taught her class on service.  The ladies participated, read scripture and discussed this topic with us.  Yesterday we taught them the song “The Steadfast Love of the Lord”. Today we sang it as a round and they taught us a song as well.  They were very grateful that we came and thanked us for the sacrifice they knew we had made to be with them.  During the nanny class, Karen talked about God being the potter and us being the clay.  We gave them each some clay and had them make a child with it.  After the lesson, we asked them to tell us what they would want for their child.  Their answers were beautiful and included their desires for the children to be educated, loved and to love God.  VBS went great! The children loved the puppet show, story, craft and the silly string! Jeff and Lexi-Ally and I are doing well. My ankles look like they belong on an elephant but I am fine.  Miss you both and can’t wait to see you!
Love you all! Lisa Weaver (one of the three)
PS-The blog comments have been sparse! Tiffany says “Hey Bellevue peeps, where you at?” We would love to hear from all of you!
Pps-Yolanda-the nannies asked about you and we told them about the two new Porters on the way!

Emma-Karen says positive vibes back to you! 

A message from Gary.. aka Moses

Hello, Everyone!
Today, I didn’t paint, so I went with the VBS Team to the orphanage. First thing, Marilyn and I searched for She-Love, the girl we are sponsoring. She has grown a lot since last year, but she was still very shy. We had pictures made. Due to power shortages, I will need to wait until we get back home to load the pictures.  This is our last day at the orphanage, because of preparation for Paste Ive’s funeral.
The other good thing I accomplished was to pray for Paster Yves’ family and the plight of the children and the orphanage here. I spoke of the legacy Paster Yves began with the caring and the protection of innocent children here.  It was an honor to do this and show what Christian love is all about at a time like this.

Gary Johnston


Again the team did a great job of updating but here are some photos to go with those stories..... Enjoy!  

The shed is painted!!

Inside the Center is all painted now

Bible School at the orphanage

The firey furnace...

Plumbing done in the bathroom in the Center

bible school- Marilyn watching the class

Tera with a patient at Children's Health Ministries

Painting a wall (lighter color) at Children's Health Ministries

There is no way to describe how amazing the yard now looks. Thanks Glen!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A post from Haylee! :)

So, today a few people helped paint the shed. Which after we were done my arms were dotted with the paint (It came off though).  Later we went to the orphanage, and Tera’s bracelets were a success.  We helped the kids learn how to string the bracelets.  Then we helped in crafts and taught the kids how to make a God’s eye.  Our story was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and how they were protected in the fire furnace by God.  The kids were really excited about all the lessons and activities and crafts. They really are coming out of their shells. I started to connect with some of the girls my age and a little older. I also found out that some of the girls can speak some English. Overall the entire trip has been extremely exciting to see the culture and everything else. I wish I didn’t have to leave on SaturdayL.

~ Haylee Edwards J

A few words from Lisa "Speedy" Witcher

As we wrap up Tuesday, I am so humbled to be a part of this trip.  This morning we talked about all those who have been called to this mission: those of us here, those who helped financially, those who are praying for our team and those who provide moral support to name a few.  All of you reading the blog are part tooJ   Our devotional was focused on being available to God’s calling.  We should all strive to be available to daily opportunities. 
                This morning a few of us had the opportunity to visit a nutrition clinic.  It focuses on women who are pregnant through childbirth and healthy nutrition for them and their baby afterwards.  We drove up to the clinic and there were women waiting in line.  We got inside and the courtyard of the house was filled with women – waiting to take care of their babies.  So many little cherubs – waiting to grow up (and hopefully to serve God).  These women are assigned a day to come and then it’s first come, first serve so they begin showing up at 5 in the morning.  It was after 9 when we got there and they were all just patiently waiting to be seen.  One of our team members, Tera, saw a few of the clients.  These women just want what’s best for their children – and they are willing to do anything to provide for them – just the same as us.  My heart was saddened as we left.  A man was outside the clinic on the street with his baby in a cardboard box – like a playpen.  Still trying to provide the best he could.  My role there was a painter.  There was a room that needed painting and Alex, Lesa and I worked on that. 
                This afternoon we headed back to the orphanage for bible school.  On the way, we passed someone on the sidewalk and Victoria mentions, “they have my same backpack.”  It struck me that we are all a child in God’s eye and he loves us no matter what circumstances we are in.  Haitian/American we are all the same – created by the King.  Our focus for VBS was on the Fiery Furnace and that Faith will get us through. 
                Back at home Roy had already prepped a “furnace” for the kids to walk through.   We assembled it and part of the class was spent re-enacting the story.  We selected someone to be King and demand the three to bow down to the statue and when they don’t, send them to the furnace.  The little girls could hardly do it.  They didn’t want to be mean to their “sisters.”  One little girl even covered her face.  These children are in an orphanage and have overcome circumstances I can only imagine and yet they couldn’t find it in their heart to even pretend to be mean or stern.  It was amazing, inspiring and humbling all in one! 

                Two other thoughts I’d like to close with: walk through life WITH people and God doesn’t make mistakes.  My favorite quote of the trip so far: roosters would make good dog food.   All my love to Brian, Kara and Kaylie.  Thank you for allowing me the time to attend on this trip.  I know you’re all fine but I still miss you immensely!!!                                                            ~ Lisa Witcher (aka Speedy Witcher)


We do not have as many to show because out of respect for Pastor we will not post photos of the feet of the children. Plus...... We were BUSY so the phone didnt come out as often for photos. Oops! 

Glen went to the Center early to do last minute stuff on the roof of the shed. 

Then, he and Redgi ( and eventually Alex and a few others) removed a HUGE trash/brush pile!

This photo doesnt show how amazing it looks! 

Ladie's Bible study at the Center

Men's class (Jeff- the white board works GREAT!! Thanks!)

Gady and David practiced a puppet show for the children. 

Give those girls at the orphanage your phone.....

Hanging with the children. We have six translators for 13 people so we are really able to sit and chat with them. 

Ally with Sandrine- two of my favorite people. 

Sandal decorating

The blue room!!

Another view of how the yard is shaping up... It looks GREAT! 

That is all for this day. Enjoy!

Day 2

I think the others summed up our day yesterday pretty well.....

-Discipleship class for the ladies and the men at the Center.

-more painting (blue room is done) and priming wall dividers and such. 

-removed the trash/burn pile from the previous tennants and some glass/trash from the yard and garden

-orphan ministry (first time the group went over to the orphanage) We played with children, sat with them, comforted some, braided hair, and then we held a Bible school for them. The lesson was on serving and they got to wash each others feet. They then decorated flip flops to keep. 

-Some of the women held another Bible Study with the Nannies like last year. The nannies were excited to have the class again and were eager to participate. We are intentionally pouring into them so they will pour into the children when we are not present at the orphanage. As they feel uplifted and grow in their relationship with the Lord they are better equipped with the characteristics the orphans need to see modeled - not just told about. 

It has been an amazing few days! Thank you, Lord for this team and all who are supporting us through prayer. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

A post from Marilyn!

Dear friends and family!  We have been in Haiti since Saturday and it has been a rewarding experience already! I am looking forward to the rest of the week! We attended church services on Sunday and enjoyed our worship service! The people were very friendly to us and we could see the love of God in their singing and worship. In the afternoon we all helped with the community center with cleaning, painting, and washing chairs. Gary is the leader in the painting projects! J
Today I was in the ladies class for some of the women from the church and the nannies from the orphanage.  I was so impressed with their comments and their desire to participate in our classes. I know we were all blessed from the classes and look forward to the rest of the week with them.
We also did our first day of VBS with the children at the orphanage! Words cannot describe the feelings we all had from seeing the children. They have smiling hearts and welcomed us with no hesitation.  I also met the little girl that Gary and I sponsor! She was a sweetheart and shy.
Thank you for your prayers and cards! We appreciate it so much!  I will have more to tell you all when I return home! Love to my family and my church family.

God bless!  Love to all! Marilyn

A letter from Tiffany!

Hello friends, family, and co-workers!!  This is our second full day here in Haiti.  There is so much to say, as I would like to recount each and every experience to you.  I wish I could capture everything in pictures and words to share with you but it is impossible.  Let me recap the day the best I can for you.  This morning Karen, Lisa Weaves, Marilyn, and myself had a ladies class at the new community center.  We had a great turn out of ladies from a local church – about 15.  What a blessing that was!  We had a wonderful discussion with the ladies and they shared openly with us.  After that we headed to the orphanage for the first time.  Karen, Lisa Weaves, Marilyn, and myself led a discussion with the nannies who take care of the all the children.  It was awesome to spend time with them and share in God’s word.  The best part of both discussion groups today was to see the love of the Lord so apparent in these women.  They know the Lord, they rely on Him daily and they consider Him their friend.   After that I helped with the crafts for the children during VBS time.  We did flip flops with the fabric ties to decorate them.  It was so great to see the kids customize these.  Such beautiful smiling faces with so much love to give.  We got to play with them as well for a little while and play hand games with them.   They really take to Roy, he got his picture taken with a few of them! 
Roy and Gary led a men’s discussion at the community center and it went very well.  They also had a great turn out from the local church of about 9 men.  They even talked about inviting their friends for tomorrow.  That is so encouraging to hear.
Everyone here has been working hard to get the new community center up and running.  Cleaning, painting, finishing building things, cleaning the yard, getting rid of trash, etc.  It is a beautiful place and is going to be a wonderful blessing for this organization and community.  The activity going on over there has sparked the interest of passerby’s and Crystal has had the opportunity to speak to a few of those people about the future of the center.  They were excited to hear about what is to come.
Our translator’s here work so very hard!!!  They are so much fun and very loving people and I can’t imagine what it would be like without them.  They are rock stars.  They spend long hours with us and not only help us to communicate but really love all the children and the children love them as well.  The kids faces light up when they see them coming.  I am so very grateful for this team – Redgi, Gady, Stephana, James, Jerry and David.  Also the cook’s here at the base – work very long hours and provide awesome meals for all of us each day. 
It’s been awesome to see the love of this team.  This team has jumped in head first since we hit the ground in Haiti.  Ready to go!  Ready to help.  Ready to love.  Work is getting done quickly as everyone pitches in. 
We have a good size team here and I’m not sure that I will get to blog again while I am here but I can’t wait to share with you all when I return.  Mom – we are doing just fine.  Vanessa – we sure wish you were here!!!  To all that helped make this trip possible – Mesi!  Thank you!  We are grateful and as I have been told several times today – the people of Haiti are also very grateful.  They are happy we are here.  They love to share God and His love with us.  So thank you.

Marilyn is afraid I will not leave anything for her to write – so I better quit hogging up all the time with my turn.    Until next time!  Bonswa!     Love; Tiffany


Emily with baby Nathan (James son)

Berlando came to church!!

Gary's hand and Bible at church





Painting dividers

Cleaning chairs

Meeting to pray and plan Discipleship classes

Haylee painting!!

Finished shed

Emily cutting hair!!

Cutting tin for the roof...


Day 1

Just for those of you who do not know how we do things here.  In the morning I TRY to get online (when internet signal is usually best) and post a summary and photos of the previous day.  So…. Here goes!  Enjoy and keep those prayers coming.  We appreciate them SO MUCH!
Today was not what was anticipated or planned but the team just rolled with it and WOW!  They did an amazing job helping get the Center ready!

You already read that we went to church in the morning.  Yes, it was LONG, but it was a blessed time and we had a great message and talk at evening debrief.  Then, we came back to the base, took communion as a group (always so awesome!) and off to the Center we went.  Last week we had my husband and a friend work on some construction- building a wall, dividers for classrooms, shelves, benches, a shed for all our tools, etc.  Some of those projects were not 100% finished when they left though they did a LOT to prepare for opening the Center later this summer.  I made a list, but overall it was uncertain how much would be done.  Well, within an hour or so they were like, “What else can we do?”  WHAT??????   Here is just a short list of SOME of the things that were accomplished.
-Alex, Glen and Jerry finished the shed (tin roof, hung the door, put on the lock)

-Emily cut the hair of FOUR missionaries I never knew before (we put it on a missionary website I am part of – that we had a stylist coming to bless other missionaries and these four responded.  We got to hear about their ministries, pray with them and encourage them in the work they are doing)

-Karen, Tera, Haylee, Gary, Jen, David, Jerry, Gady and Stephana painted walls (the blue room is about ¾ done and the green entry /porch is finished with a first coat already)

-Tiffany, Victoria, Lisa Weaver, Marilyn, Lisa Witcher, Lesa, and some others scrubbed chairs, swept floors, cleaned all the random “junk” up that we had laying around, threw out a bunch of wood scraps, etc.  The floor ended up being mopped and it is CLEAN in that place now!  They also put a first coat of paint on the dividing walls.

-Roy and Redgi started the plumbing and almost have the bathroom in the apartment FINISHED!  They hope to work on the rest of the plumbing as the week goes along.  Oh- and did I say that they tried to fix the air conditioning in the bus, but didn’t have enough refrigerant to finish so we will get more to prime the system.

This is by far not a complete list (sorry guys if I forgot to mention what you did but I was so busy I probably missed a lot AND it is 5 am so not thinking so clearly- lol).  But, it is SOOOO appreciated and God is going to do great things in this Center for HIS people.  You have helped make that more of a reality.  Thanks!

Today we have a Discipleship class for men and one for women in the morning.  The rest of the crew will finish random “jobs” or go on a prayer walk.  They will also work on Bible School prep.  In the afternoon we will head to the orphanage- YAY!  Prayers appreciated that we can really pour into the children and Nannies at this time of grieving and uncertainty.

Everyone is healthy, but NOT liking the heat.  We already refilled 8 water jugs (5 gallon) after one day so I am very happy cause they are all drinking plenty.  We have had NO POWER both nights so sleeping is HOT and SWEATY.  (and no coffee- yikes)  Pray everyone wakes today refreshed in spite of the electric issues.  That’s about it.  Keep praying and remember by doing so YOU are a valuable part of this team as well.  -Crystal

PS-  Thanks for the comments.  CHRISTIAN- stop making me CRY (so far you are two days for two between the journal and your comment).  We read the comments to the group in the morning, so they know you are sending your love!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Today's Recap from Emily!

Wow, what a day!  God is so good, always good.  How I ever question the divine presence of God is beyond me.  He was and is so sovereign.  Serving Him is amazing.  My spirit is renewed knowing we are doing exactly what He desires of us right at this very moment.  Today’s service at church was a humbling experience as we were blessed to share worship with such a beautiful people.  We witnessed a glimpse of heaven here on earth.  This afternoon at the center we worked as a team to get it ready for the discipleship ministry that starts tomorrow.  Four missionaries came to the center to get haircuts which was so amazing.  I am so blessed to be able to be serving.   There are divine appointments that God makes for us as believers every day.  Today was no different.  While four missionaries received haircuts, I was the one blessed.  Hearing the stories of their individual missions was very encouraging as I saw the visions God gave them for this beautiful people and country.  Praying with them in unification, singing in church and sharing in the Lord’s supper with the team were my “today highlights.”  Coveting your prayers and missing and loving you all at home, Emily

Today's Recap from Alex

Today was my first experience of the Haitian church.  Things started off a little earlier than I expected as there was an amazing (for lack of better words) rooster right outside our window yelling for some woman named Yolanda (weird) from about 2am on.  Breakfast was amazing.  Fresh Mango, pineapple, eggs and the best Cherry juice I’ve ever had.   So about church….Started way too early but we were ready for it none the less.  After the first 2 hours though things were a little rough!  I loved the energy and the excitement the Haitians had it was awesome!! It would’ve been nice to understand the whole message though. Later we headed over to the new activity center where we proceeded to fix the place up with some fresh paint and finishing up a shed on the side.  Overall, I have to say it’s been a great day.   Got a chance to meet some missionaries from around the country and spend some good quality time with the team! In the words of Mr. Cube…I gotta say it was a good day! Love Alex 

Update: Pastor Yves

We received word yesterday that the funeral for Pastor will be this Friday (July 1) at 6 am. We wanted to keep you informed because it seems a while since we have posted about the situation and many of you were asking. THANK YOU for all your thoughts and prayers for the family and the children! Honestly, they were waiting for all family members to arrive at home so they can make plans together and be united during this time. 

 We have had meetings with Madame Pastor and all the adult children and frankly they are not sure about the future of the orphanage right now. Together they have many decisions to make. They do hope to continue with it because they know their father cared for the children a lot and would not want the orphanage to close. He loved those children and truly felt led to care for them. We have had a long relationship with them and offered our support (personally and as an organization) as we sat together and reminisced about the past, yet prayed for the future. 

We have a group here in Haiti this week and we will head to the orphanage as much as possible to help keep the children busy, to talk to them, pray with them, etc... but the family asked that we not stay long or get the children too "crazy". It is inappropriate for the children to be loud, running around, etc during this time. The family will have many of their friends, relatives and/or members of the community/church coming to pay their respects so the atmosphere needs to remain respectful. 

There is always a balance between being a help and being a potential problem here. Our presence at the orphanage could give people the wrong ideas about how we are helping or what we are doing there and we must always remember the long-term effects. BUT we are blessed that the team is here and many have relationship with the children already from previous visits so we are praying God will use us all - whatever that looks like. Pray we are sensitive to His direction and open to be used to bring healing at this time. This team was prepared with Bible School lessons, crafts, etc already and had plans to do the Nanny Bible Study again as well. The Nannies and staff are looking forward to that and the children have been asking for team members as well. As always, God has gone before us preparing the way "for such a time as this". 

Thanks in advance for your prayers. We will do our best to keep you informed. Blessings!!

AGAIN: If anyone wants to contribute toward medical expenses, funeral expenses or the extra costs the family has at this time, we ask you to do so ASAP. We have already given some financial assistance from the organization, but this week would be the best time to give whatever else comes in through your donations (should you feel God leading you to do so). You can send checks to Hearts United with Haiti PO Box 55, Morgantown, PA 19543 or online through our website/paypal

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Everyone is here!!!!!

The team has arrived and is eating dinner as I type..... Except Gary who is ready to paint!! Hahaha


Emily and Haylee are here!!! The rest of the group comes later today. 


We are at the airport. Just dropped off Robert and Ron and are waiting to pick up Emily and Haylee in a few min. 

Pray for safe travels for all coming and going today. Thanks!!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Photos-Day 6

The shed.....

Robert and Redgi on the roof - working on the water system. 

Coming down from the roof. (Using the bus as a ladder)

Laughing and having fun as they put up the shed walls!!

The view from our place to the Center. (looking over the bus) 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 3 & 4

Sorry but internet was bad yesterday so I didnt get to update this blog. The guys (all 5 of them including Redgi, James, Mr Alvarez, Ron and Robert) have been super busy building and designing things at the Center. Yesterday we ran some errands and got some supplies but today they worked, worked, worked. There are now curtain rods hung so curtains can divide the rooms. Dividing screens have been built to separate the rooms into two. Door knobs have been replaced on two doors. Tomorrow they hope to work on water (pipe and pump replacement/repair) and a shed (building one).  We also took material to a local man who sews ro get him to make the curtains. I am anxious to see what he comes up with from us just explaining it to him. 

Here are a few photos...

Ron and Mr Alvarez are making the folding screens/room dividers. 

Measuring and "ripping" boards. 

Anderson watching the guys work (he is the 3 year old nephew of James). 

Redgi and his dad building shelves.