Monday, December 26, 2011

End of year giving opportunity

At this time of year many people are looking for a "cause" to donate to.  We have quite a few projects that you can help support in Haiti and we have listed them below.  You can also just mark your donation "use where there is greatest need" and our board will determine where to apply it to be the most effective.  You will receive a personalized note so you know where and how your money was used.  Thank you in advance for your "end of year" donation to our organization.  Send all donations to Hearts United with Haiti  PO Box 55  Morgantown, PA 19543.  

Chaveneau-  a clean water treatment system needs to be installed on the community water source.  The best system we have found costs about $5000 but for only $500 we can put a system in that uses the existing water and common table salt to form chlorine which people from the community can put into 2 liter bottles.  They will then take this chlorine (bleach) to their homes to add to their drinking water to kill parasites and bacteria.  Each 2 liter bottle will last about 2 weeks before they need to come and get more from our system.  Having clean water is essential if we are to help this community become more healthy.  

There's a spigot right behind these children (outside the fence) that the community uses for water.
-  Also Pastor Duval needs about $1200 per month to pay the salaries of the teachers and staff at the school. He also needs books, chalk, pencils, paper/notebooks, and other school supplies.  There are currently about 250 children at the school- most of them do not pay much or anything to attend.  Pastor Duval pays all expenses out of his pocket.  School children are available to sponsor for $25 per month (pays for uniform, books, etc...) and classes for $75 per month (that pays the teacher salary and some extra materials monthly).

Orphanage in Port au Prince-  We have gotten word that we are going to be able to hook the pastor up with monthly food deliveries.  This will not give him all the food he needs, but it will help knock the cost down considerably.  We will still help him pay for food, water (delivered and stored in a large cistern on the property) and basic monthly care for the 80 girls at the orphanage.  You can give a one-time donation to this OR you can sponsor an orphan monthly for $32 per month.  We hope to have all 80 orphans sponsored by spring.

The children at the orphanage... many are in need of sponsors! 

Vehicle fund-  We are still in need of a reliable vehicle.  We either need someone to help us purchase one stateside and then need to raise funds to ship it to Haiti OR we need to purchase something in Haiti.  Either way, we are talking about $12,000 or more to get a good vehicle in Haiti.  Our "dream" would be a 4x4 extended cab pickup truck- diesel. A Toyota or Nissan would be ideal because parts are easier to come by. 

Scholarship fund-  Sometimes people can not physically "go" to Haiti to minister but they would like to help others do so.  We often get people who would like to come on a trip with us but they just can not raise the necessary funds for the trip.  So, we allow people to contribute toward a certain trip/scholarship fund and then we use that money to help those who desire to serve.  We also use this money at times to pay for expenses for Crystal to travel to Haiti- like this upcoming trip where she will get bios on each of the girls from the orphanage and need to pay for a translator.  

Other "projects"??  There are plenty.  We assure you that your money is spent wisely and goes directly to benefit the Haitians we work with as an organization.  We pray for each person who donates to our ministry as well.  Thank you for your generosity as you serve and bless the people in Haiti.  I am reminded of our verse on our T-shirts from this year.  1 John 3:17-18  "If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth."  

God bless and have an amazing 2012!  We have so much to share with others- most importantly we can share Jesus with them by loving them and helping them in their time of need.  :)  

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What can you give this Christmas??

Me with two of my favorite girls at the orphanage- sisters Darline and Mimose.  They were teaching me Creole (see the book in my hand?)  and yes- they had just done my hair.  More "bonding time" with them.  
Widline and me in Chaveneau (her mom is one of my closest friends yet we can not truly speak to one another- we just sit and try to communicate and laugh as she teaches me to cook over the fire, wash my clothes in the creek, etc..)

     I have been trying to write a blog for about a week now (since returning from this last trip to Haiti) but have not been successful.  In fact, to be honest, I have not been successful in doing much of anything since returning.  Yes, I have made phone calls, returned e-mails that were absolutely necessary, gone to an eye doctor appointment, ran some essential errands, and yes! even done a bit of Christmas shopping.  But, this time has been a rough "re-entry" to say the least. So forgive me in advance if I sound cynical.  It's just hard to come back to the USA sometimes.  I truly hurt for my brothers/sisters here who have bought into the commercialism of Christmas, who are caught in the rushed pace we live, etc..
    Yesterday I found myself wandering around the stores to shop for Christmas doing more "people watching" than shopping.  I listened to the radio announcers asking their radio audience if they place a limit on how much they spend on one another for Christmas.  Caller after caller was saying things like, "Yes, we have agreed to only spend $100 on each other ($200 total for a couple) or $200 on each other ($400 per couple) and complaining about how they were not going to be happy with what they could buy for that amount.  Over and over I heard:  "Seriously, what can you buy for $200??"  or "What can you buy for $25??"  My mind was racing (as was my heart)... I dialed but did not get in to the station.  I wanted to scream??? "WHAT CAN YOU BUY??"  Are you kidding me??"  Let's see... you can buy a sweater, a small item or even a nice gift that someone really doesn't need.  Something that sits in the closet or drawer or on the shelf and rarely gets used.  OR you can buy something that truly means life/death to those in need somewhere in the world.  Something that will impact that person's physical, emotional and/or spiritual well being. You can give TIME to those who just need a person to listen.  You can share in their life.
     Many of you know I recently lost a good friend of mine.  A month ago she took her own life.  Would it have made a difference to sit with her and listen?  To let her know she was not alone?  Only she would know the answers to that question but I do know she was not the only hurting person in my life.
     Recently I have been blessed to spend some quality time in Chaveneau and also at the orphanage in Port au Prince.  Next week I return to Haiti again.  I see needs there and yes- they are real, true needs.  A case of chicken cost about $35 US and will feed about 40.  A clean water system will cost about $500 to install and will provide clean water for the entire community of Chaveneau for just pennies per day going forward.  Three bags of rice and a bag of beans costs about $200 US and will feed the girls at the orphanage for about a week. But the time spent with these people- sitting with them, hearing their stories, praying with them is truly priceless.  Giving them food, water, medical care, etc.. is important but giving them hope?? Letting them know someone cares?  Someone remembers their name when they leave?  You can't put a price tag on that.
      I am not saying you should not buy gifts at Christmas.I am not saying you need to give to Hearts United.  I am not saying you need to give to Haiti or even come on a trip with us.  But I AM saying that we need (as a nation) to think about what/how we spend the money  and other resources we have and what we truly NEED.  I AM saying that many will go into debt (and even depression) after the holidays from buying for others- left only with a stack of gifts that do not make them happy and still not filling that void inside- in fact it may even be larger because they are tired from running around trying to please those around them with things.
     Like everything else in life, there needs to be balance.  Put some time/thought into the gifts you are giving this Christmas season.  Write a note.  Send a personal card.  Surprise a friend who is having a tough time with a "lunch date" and spend TIME with them.  Don't just buy something and then check it off the list.  Invest in PEOPLE- whatever that looks like to you.
     So... back to the original question....  What can you give this Christmas??  I challenge you this holiday season to reach out- to your neighbors.  To your friends.  To strangers.  Just remember what CHRISTmas is all about.  Jesus could have just given out "things" but instead He chose to invest in those around Him.  He walked with them.  He shared life.  He listened.  Yes, He healed, He fed, He met physical needs.  But we hear nothing about Him  spending time/energy on things that will not last.  Ultimately, when we die we will not have our "things" with us.  When we stand in judgement before God and He asks us how the world was different because we were in it what will you say?  I pray I have done my part.  I pray I have been obedient to truly love those He has put before me.  I pray He is proud of what I have done with the time/money/talents He has given me.  I pray the same for you.
     Have a truly Merry Christmas!  And as always thanks for the prayers/financial support/and donations to our organization.  We are all blessed soooo much!   -  Crystal

PS- for those of you who have donated to the girls at the orphanage- here's some of what your money/donations did for them recently!  (below)  And in Chaveneau- FREE medical and dental care, dental education/toothbrushes/paste, etc...

each girl got a bag with "trinkets"- coloring pages, hair ties, underwear, granola bar, etc... 

Each girl got a brand new pillowcase dress courtesy of Dress a Girl Around the World - North Carolina

SOME of the bags on the floor of my bedroom- getting ready to hand out at the Christmas party  Dec. 22nd.

Bought 2 cases of chicken - which will give them this much meat for THREE meals (he makes it last)

We spent time together making friendship bracelets- what a fun day that was!  They LOVE doing crafts with people- more than bringing them gifts and handing them out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thoughts After Haiti from Ericka

It almost doesn't seem real that I've only been back from Haiti for 2 days. Being a part of the "dream team" (as Crystal puts it :)) was an amazing 4 days that I wouldn't trade for the world. Coming back to the States makes it all seem like a dream and yet when I look back at the pictures, it brings back all the memories and experiences that I had in Haiti. Today I was looking at pictures of the first day that we arrived in Haiti and went to the orphanage: Dad holding My Love and Carina giving me the biggest hug ever. In that moment, I remember feeling such love and hope for these girls that I had never met before and I wanted to do everything in my power to make their lives better. I'm telling you, if I would have had my way, I would have brought both of them home with me :) I hope someday that I can go back to Haiti and love on them some more--But I realized something. Even though I can't do a whole lot physically for them right now, after I pray for those girls each day, I also pray that God will not let me forget that moment. That Haiti will be a forever "tugging" in my heart that I will not get comfortable feeling. It is so easy to think about places far away and hope that the people living there will be ok without really caring about them. I pray to God, I will never "get used" to my experience with Haiti. Crystal does an amazing job down there and God is truly using her in the church, school and orphanage. Thank you to the people of have given me a new aspect of faith and learning to live with less. 

Anyways, those were just some thoughts on my mind today as I reflected on Haiti. Thanks for listening :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

A-team photos!

Here are some photos from the medical group we took to Chaveneau.... it was a fantastic trip and we now have LOTS of data and great ideas for future needs/groups!  THANK YOU to all who attended!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Doctor Donaldson wrote a nice, long update yesterday but it did not post (Haitian internet- hahaha) so I am submitting mine that was written this morning.  The team has left and is on their way home (plane leaves in about an hour)-  got them to the airport fine.  The rest is up to American Airlines.

What a fantastic trip.... seriously!  I have not experienced a full out medical trip before (I have assisted a bit) but this was absoluetly amazing.  This team is the "dream team" to be the first for sure.  Everyone got along really well (and there WERE stressful times), everyone worked together, and in all we got to see ALL the school children and many in the community ------ in only 1.5 days!  Our translators were stellar!  They worked non-stop for that time and they took turns relieving one another because it is draining translating non-stop for that long.  Some even got to ASSIST with care.

I always love sharing Chaveneau with people and having them fall in love with the place like I do and I am pretty sure I am safe in saying that they are ALL hoping God leads them back at some point in their future.  They really bonded with the people and it was sweet when we left the school children, they pulled us all into a room and said, "We are so happy that you came to help us but next time we would like you to play with us like the people last summer did too"... how sweet that they really really are just longing for that attention- any little bit they can get.

So, thank you for your prayers and support.  We did go way over budget (sorry board of directors) but it was money WELL spent.  It was just typical "Haiti"-  little things breaking down, the van driver wanting more money to come back to get us, etc... nothing earth shattering and certainly nothing the enemy could use to distract us from our goal/mission.

Today we will go to church down the street at Pastor Coronet's church.  Pray for Doc D. as he will be preaching for the service.  This is exciting stuff!  Pray for the Haitians (and us) to be blessed by his message and all he has to share with them. And pray for the team as they return home to the states.  That they can spread the word of what God is doing in Haiti and how He used THEM here.... :)

AMEN!  --Crystal

Thursday, December 8, 2011

in Chaveneau safely

We are safe in Chaveneau and having a great time ... I will let the team update with some thoughts from the day! -Crystal

Hey Everybody...It's Ericka to share about our day. Its been amazing! We woke up early this morning after a night of excitement. I will elaborate on our crazy night :) After we made it safely to the house where we were staying, we spent some time with the Pastor, his wife and kids, eating some amazing Haitian rice with red sauce, chicken, plantains, fried potatoes, and "pickly" ( Like spicy coleslaw). Sorry Crystal, I probably butchered that spelling haha Anyways, we were all tired from the plane so we went to bed with our mats. Ellen and Scott went to sleep on the roof only to awakened by down pouring rain! And we had a crazy rooster who decided that crowing during the day wasn't enough...he wanted to crow during the night too :) But it was all worth it when I thought about visiting the kids at the orphanage during the day. They gave us the biggest welcome when our tap-tap drove into the orphanage. There were kids just everywhere hanging on us, begging for some love. There were two girls that really stuck by me and made me realize just why I was down there. A baby named My Love (it was her birthday too) and a girl named Carina who stuck by my side. It was so amazing how we could just love them as simply as we could but that was more than enough for them.

Today we rode in a van out to set up our medical supplies and talk to the people in the community. We were able to pray with several families that Crystal had met on her trips before. God is good and working in the community here in Haiti and I am blessed to be apart of it. They are so kind and generous with what they have. I hope to bring that back with me when I return to the States. That is all I have for now....Aurevoir!

Much love.....Ericka for the team


We got in Haiti safety, everyone is ok and happy to see with their own eyes the country. And after a short rest, we are ready to make a long trip to go to Chaveneau. Please pray for us guys so that God can be with us.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Well guys... in TWO days we will be sitting in the airport in New York ready to depart for Haiti (we leave at 10:40 am. on Dec. 7th) where six of us will travel (with 4 translators) to the remote farming community of Chaveneau.  The team will do medical/dental assessments, education and treatments on those God brings to us!  This is the first medical/dental clinic I have led so I am a little apprehensive about what will transpire, but I know God is already working upstream orchestrating things.  He has already determined who needs to be treated, what needs to be taught, how we will manage the patients and determine "need", etc.. Our "job" is to follow His lead and to be obedient to doing whatever He calls us to.  So... we ask for your prayers.  For the team (unity, our own health, wisdom, discernment, boldness, etc...), for the patients (that God would bring those who really need help, that they maintain order, for comfort, etc..), for our travel to/from Chaveneau, that we rest well (LONG hot days and very little time to accomplish what we desire can lead to a sense of urgency which will cause us to push ourselves- pray against this), for our translators who will be working hard to help us assess/communicate proper instructions, etc..

This is such an exciting opportunity and we can not wait to serve.  Pray for Doc D (doctor), Doctor Scott (dentist), Sondra (dental assistant), and the three of us "lay people" (Ellen, Ericka and Crystal) who will be assisting them.  We will try to post photos and stories but will have no internet service there (in Chaveneau) so we will be dependent upon our Haitian friends to do this for us.  (we call them from our cell and ask them to update then they go to an internet cafe' and post)

Thanks to all who have donated to this project, prayed for us already, given advice on running medical clinics and given us medical supplies and other materials to use this week.  We will take lots of photos to hand out so you can see what you have been part of!  :)


                                  (some children from the community we met in June 2011)

               (the current "medical center"... not sure if we will work here or at the church)

Serving Him in Haiti-  Crystal