Friday, July 20, 2018

Notes from Crystal

Final full day!  Hard to believe because this week went by so fast. 

I am writing again (I rarely do the blog, but let the team take turns) to just recap the last few days.  Yesterday (Thursday) we had  VBS again in the morning.  IT WAS AWESOME again!  The church has taken over complete responsibility and it is so encouraging to see.  We started with our team meeting where they talked about some things they had noticed the day before that could use improvement.  Therefore, they had already met and come up with some solutions.  They ran the ideas past us, got our input, and implemented the changes yesterday!  WOW! 

The team has also had some amazing ideas and input for the church on VBS.  It is very difficult to come in and work in the shadow of another group.  There is a group from Pennsylvania that has come and worked with Pastor Robby’s church for the past 3 years on VBS- training up these leaders.  So, this Gateway group has heard a lot of,  “Well, the other group does it this way.” ;  “The other group would be happy to see this.”;  “The other group always **** “.  But, instead of being threatened by those kind of comments, they have embraced them and are impressed with the relationships that “the other group” has with this church.  However, Gateway now has a really special place with Pastor Robby’s church and people too.  I praise God for this and how He uses EVERYONE who is willing in some way for building the Kingdom. (hope that all made sense- it’s 5 am and I am a bit tired from the week)

The afternoon was soccer camp.  We had over 90 children come and quite a few adults too.  Though they played hard and were crazy rowdy and noisy, when Brother Tony gave the message (the plan of salvation), they were very attentive.  They patiently waited for him to be done to eat and drink because we were waiting for more provisions since we had not planned for that many-  but God sure did!  We even were able to give tracts to some of the adults present so they can read and share with others. 

This week has been incredible for me and this group is VERY intentional about looking for ways God can use them and all their talents/resources to bless His people- including me.  They have poured into our staff, our translators, our community, and our church incredibly!  It’s been a GOOD week. 

Today we will go to VBS again and then to the countryside to see some more of the beauty of Haiti.  Then, tomorrow they are off.  I am SO GLAD that they were obedient to God’s call and direction and trusted Him before all else to come to Haiti in the midst of some political turmoil.  They stood against the enemy and the naysayers and trusted the One who called them to this trip in the first place.  What a testimony and encouragement to those we have served this week!  Thanks for YOUR prayers and support in all of this!   


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Gracie's blog

Today is our fourth full day in Haiti and this experience has truly been amazing. We’ve already met so many great people and made some awesome memories that will make saying goodbye extremely hard on Saturday. So far this week we have had a really good turnout at VBS with over 150 kids each day. This is the first year that the Haitian church has organized the VBS on their own and they have done such a great job. To start off we have a worship time filled with singing and dancing and very many smiles. Next, the kids do Bible verse memory and Madame Pastor (Pastor Robbie’s wife) teaches a lesson. After the lesson, the kids break off into different groups and participate in games, crafts, and have smaller, more intimate lesson groups.
         For the first couple days I helped out with games and it is so awesome seeing the kids get competitive and the excitement they have when they win a game. Starting yesterday, once VBS is finished for the day our group heads back to the house for lunch and relaxation before we head up the mountain for the soccer clinic. This time of the day has been my favorite. Bro. Tony has put together multiple drills for the kids and teaches a lesson while the kids eat a little snack to cool down. Those of us who don’t play soccer have an opportunity to get to know the kids and take pictures with them which they really enjoy.
      Each night Madame Damus (the cook) has prepared the best food. Every night we have rice and beans and picklies which is basically a non-creamy cole slaw and it is so delicious.
        Everywhere we go we have five translators that follow us: Gady, Obed, David, James, and Johny. All of these guys are so great and fun to be around. They are all jokesters and enjoy laughing but they also have a love for God and for their people and I find that so special. Once our day is finished we all gather and debrief or talk about how our day has gone and how we have seen God move and it has been so amazing to not only see what I’ve learned but to hear what everyone else is learning. We’ve all grown closer as a group and I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for this week and even as we go home.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tuesday, 7/17 (recap)

The team went to help with VBS today and then in the afternoon held a soccer clinic/outreach on the mountain near our base.  VBS theme is "The Word" this week and today's lesson was about how everything created was through the Word and by the Word.  Madame Pastor Robby taught the lesson and then the team helped with small group. craft and games.  We had about 175 children again! 

We have been blessed to watch the local church learn as they implement their own VBS (we just assist where we are needed).  They have done a great job so far.  Except for time management issues, they are very organized and are reaching the children. 

The soccer clinic/outreach was awesome!  Gary (our Haitian friend/contact on the mountain) was a HUGE help with organizing the drills and encouraging the children.  He translated for us and even helped with lesson time.  He got all the snacks arranged for us in advance too.  The team and children were even blessed to have overcast skies and a cool drizzle of rain as we were doing the actual soccer so it kept us all a bit cool and out of the blazing sun.

This team is GREAT and working hard to follow God wherever He is leading. 

** on a side note-  the bus transmission has been out since Day 1.  Please pray that they can get it fixed tomorrow so we can use our bus for the rest of the week.  This is killing the budget, and making transportation more difficult.  So far we are out about $600 US if you would like to help toward that expense. 

Madi's blog

      Well this year God has blessed many of us at Gateway with the opportunity to be able to go to Haiti! When I first found out about the mission trip I was 100% all in for the trip! I was and still am ready to see what God would do and how he would speak to my heart and many others hearts as well. As the trip had grown closer I prayed God if this would be your plan for me to go would you supply the money for me to go! And He did! When I first arrived in Haiti I was very nervous and scared seeing that it was my first time out of the country it’s what I expected to feel like. As we got to the bus I was just flooded with emotions there were many things that I saw that I have never seen in my life. My family has asked what is it like and my answer is you just have to be here! Despite the living conditions of many people and with some the lack of livable amenities we would consider necessary. We are truly BLESSED and we take so many things for granite in our life.

      As I’m doing this blog this is our 4th day in Haiti and also our 2nd day of VBS and our 1st day of soccer clinic! So many exciting things this week and many more things to come! I have learned many things about almost all the kids! They love to hold your hand, talk to you although I can’t really do a lot of talking to them because I don’t speak Creole but boy do they laugh when you try! Which makes my heart skip a beat!


Monday, July 16, 2018

Vacation Bible School- Day 1

    Vacation Bible School here in Carrefour started off with 180 children from the community attending. Many of the children were surprised to see our group there waiting for them to arrive this morning. However, their surprise quickly turned to smiles and laughter as many of them picked out members of the group that became their buddy for the day and most likely for the week.  After the official welcome to VBS from Pastor Robby’s wife the dance team from the church came up to get things started as they performed the five different songs that were to be the songs for the week. The children were divided by age into different groups and moved to the different stations. Game time, crafts and Bible lessons were the three stations that the groups moved through. The lessons this week are centered on the Bible being the Word of God. Our mission team from Gateway Baptist Church assisted with each of the stations because this year the folks from Pastor Robby’s church were in charge. They have planned and organized the entire week of VBS and they have done a fantastic job!

    As the day progressed it was clear that God had his hand on the VBS. The teachers were teaching and presenting the Word of God in such a way that ten children made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. We had so much fun during craft time as the children made their own necklaces and in the game time where trying to pop balloons tied to each other’s ankles were one of the games.  Seeing them smile and hearing them laugh brought a smile to my heart. After our closing program today, where the children got to once again sing and dance along with the church’s dance team it was time for lunch. As we helped pass out the plates of food to the children I couldn’t help but be reminded of the times Jesus  not only fed people but also said that those who give something to eat or drink to someone in His name are blessed. As I sit here and type today’s blog entry and recall just some of the many things that happened today there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Lord was there with us today. My prayer for this week is that God to be present with us every day at VBS and for many of the children to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Thank you to everyone that are praying for us , for the VBS and for Hearts United with Haiti.

Tony Ivey

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Amanda's blog

       We’re here!!  Although everyone from family to stewardesses were wary of our little group from SC going to Haiti during this political storm, I’m glad we were led to brave it. The flights were easy, the streets docile and the people of Haiti, as always, were welcoming. This mission building is in a much more urban area than we were in during my 2012 trip. At first it gave me pause for concern due to our proximity to the capitol, but in reality it gives us more opportunity to be among the people. 
Church with Pastor Robbie was a treat. We got to experience the community feel of the service which acts as both the place for Sunday worship as well as a general neighborhood meeting.

Service included:
A Dietitian sharing on good food choices and personal hygiene
A preview from the VBS boys and girls dance troop
Pastor Robbie’s message on dedicating what is God’s back to Him
A wedding announcement as a piece of public forum
Witnessed a baby dedication

      During the service we were able to see how impactful our mere presence was for this community. The fact that we came in this time of political unrest and were all still willing to be here truly touched this group and in turn was quite affecting. I think it is more of a witness to show our dedication to them, to God and the work he has planned than most of the “help” we will lend this week.
       In the afternoon we worked our way up to the top of the little mountain church, quite affected by the earthquake. With nothing but concrete floor, ceiling and pillars the place offers an inspiring panoramic view of Port au Prince, the gulf and the mountains beyond.  On the way down we participated in a prayer walk where we were able to utilize our 5 fabulous translators who are lovely and Godly, funny and informative to interact with the community through small talk and prayer.  We met not only a long time friend of the ministry who happily invited us in and accepted our prayer, but also a voodoo practitioner who was quite nice, but not at all willing to have us pray with her. It was the first prayer walk I had done with a translator. Apprehensive at first, it was a new challenge to share through random friendly conversation despite the speech barrier.
      Ultimately we are gearing up for the rest of the week. Filling up on God, water, bug spray and Madame Damus’ fabulous cooking; we are looking forward to serving the local church with VBS support in whatever way needed.

Rachel's blog

        I cannot explain the incredible anxiety I felt the day of our flight.  Though, I wasn’t afraid of the warnings against going, it was the thought of going somewhere completely new that frightened me to death, but as soon as I stepped foot outside the airport and into Haiti, an incredible peace came over me.  In fact, I felt quite at home as we rode the bus through the hectic streets, as crazy as that might sound.  The people of Haiti are so friendly and it’s very contagious.  I am an introverted person who doesn’t necessarily like getting touched, but I didn’t feel any qualms about their show of love in church this morning.  I was amazed at how many people and children came up to me, hugged me, and told me thank you for coming.  It truly blessed my heart.
        My favorite part of today, though, was our trip up to the lookout that consisted of the ruins of an old church that was built high up on the mountain.  The trek up the last hill almost killed me but the view was worth it.  And on the way back down amidst all the slips and stumbles on the uneven road, we split up into groups and were able to pray with many of the people along the way.
        Even though, the heat is near unbearable, I am still so happy and blessed to be here.  I wouldn’t trade this week for the world, and I cannot wait to see what new adventure God has in store for me tomorrow!  Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement.
-Rachel Mayo

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Team coming soon!

We are excited to be hosting a team from Gateway Baptist Church in South Carolina next week! Follow here to see how God uses them as they assist our local church i Haiti with Vacation Bible School and conduct a soccer clinic for the youth from our Center and in our local community.  To Him be all the glory! .