Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Vanessa's blog

        Bon nwit! (That means goodnight in Creole) Being in Haiti has been such an amazing experience so far and we’re only 3 days in. The weather hasn’t been too terrible and the country itself is beautiful. When we first got here, the first thing I noticed was probably just how generally happy everyone is. It’s amazing to see all of the differences between the Haitians lifestyle and our lifestyle. We got here Saturday and didn’t do too much during  the day. I will add that sleeping is very… different. We only occasionally get power, so we all have been using our battery  fans blowing right on our faces when we sleep. The noises are also very random and loud. We’ll hear dogs barking, roosters crowing, geckos squawking;  We hear it all.
       Anyways, today was our first official day of VBS and it was so awesome. We had worship and I was up front dancing (showing off all of my (not so) amazing dance moves) and then we had a lesson and small group time. I’m in charge of the 5-7 year olds. So it’s a bit hectic because of them being so small, but they’re all so sweet. All of the kids in general just love to give hugs and just completely surround you. It’s so amazing to be around all of the kids. That was probably what I was most looking forward to and it definitely did not disappoint. I get probably over 200 hugs a day and it’s a dream come true. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me, the kids, and the whole church for the rest of this week. Thank you everyone for your prayers!

Vanessa Binkley

1 comment:

  1. Love you!!! Let God lead you and you will be blessed!! Love Mom and Dad and Kyle
