Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Dan's blog

The Haitian Way
          Since we’ve arrived here in Haiti, it’s been such an incredible experience and I’ve appreciated everything so much! Right away things are very different. Our leaders told us about the community here, and I greatly underestimated it. Getting so many hugs from so many strangers who are genuinely happy to see you is something I will never forget. I really enjoyed the church service on Sunday and being able to see how the churches are. Everyone is so passionate, and even though I didn’t understand almost all of the service, it was really great to be a part of. Singing, dancing, and praying are a great way to break the language barrier. As soon as we got here, I realized how beautiful the land is. Seeing the clear waters and the rolling hills, it truly is a beautiful country.                     Another thing I quickly realized is how great the people are. I was not really looking forward to having the 12-15 year old kids because it’s a tough age to work with, but I’m so glad to have them. The kids (of all ages) are really great. They’re kind, happy, and fun to be around. The people are all so caring and hard working. I know it’s going to be quite a shock going home and getting weird looks trying to talk to and hug strangers. Through everything I’m so happy and blessed to be here and it is something I won’t forget anytime soon.

-Dan Main


  1. I am thrilled that you are able to be part of this experience in Haiti! I know God is doing great things through you and the rest of the team. What a blessing you are to the Haitians!

    How wonderful that there are 195 kids at VBS! You are touching so many lives. I wish I could see you singing and dancing together!

    We are looking forward to all of your hugs when you return home, especially Darren. :-) Luke is sending you a hug from PA right now. We all miss you, Lilly and the guinea pigs too!

    So many people are praying for all of you. May God continue to bless you through the remainder of the week. Hope you are enjoying your notes.

    Love, Mom

  2. Glad to hear that you are enjoying serving in Haiti.

    We can't wait to see you and hear your stories.

    I am really proud of you.

    Love, Dad

    Joshua 1:9

  3. So glad you got this opportunity and are enjoying it!

    What a mighty God we serve and how wonderful that he chose to use you!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    Can't wait to hear all your stories next week!

    Love you! Aunt Jody

  4. I sit here with tears of joy knowing you are serving God and experiencing what Agape love is. You are a blessing as much as you are blessed. Prayers flowing from Virginua for you and your entire team. Love you lots! Aunt Vicky

  5. We are very proud of you Daniel! Prayers and hugs being sent from us to you! Love you! Donna

  6. So proud of you Daniel and this wonderful work you are doing!
    You are an amazing guy! I am glad you are being hugged and loved .
    Bless you all kn your journey of service!
    Love and hugs

  7. Dan,
    Your blog touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes! I am so proud of you for following the Lord and trusting in him completely! You are such a blessing to the people of Haiti and I'm sure the people and place are a blessing to you! I can't wait to hear all of your stories and experiences next week! Enjoy the rest of your time in Haiti! I will continue to pray for you and your team, that you continue to be blessed, that you witness many God sightings and that you learn more about yourselves, God and the people you are serving!
    xoxo, Alex!
    Isaiah 49:6

  8. Dan, I love your heart. You have such a gift for making everyone around you feel so extremely loved and your passion for life, God, and people shines so brightly through your actions. Thank you for showing us what pure, raw, authentic kindness, generosity, and compassion looks like. You are an incredible servant to our God and seeing your life on mission is a wonderful testament to the beautiful human you are. Love you forever, Madeline Jones
