Thursday, July 27, 2017

Photos- Day 4

The group is doing amazing!  Today after we had four hours of VBS (sweating and dancing and teaching the children) we came back to the mission base and divided into 3 teams.  One team went to talk to David and his wife who recently lost a little boy who was only a few days old.  David is one of our translators and they are (understandably) grieving and missing their tiny son who they had such dreams and plans for.  We prayed with them and encouraged them as best we could and also got to hear a bit of the reality of living in Haiti- especially related to health care and the lack of quality facilities.  It was tough, but SUCH a blessing to be able to sit with them in their home a while and talk.

The other two groups went on a walk around the community.  They got to talk to some of the people who live near the base and/or were here selling items.  It is always an experience to just walk the streets and get to see what life is actually like in Haiti.  They realized that it is actually quite safe- like any suburban community, but people are so friendly and willing to stop and chat a while.  It was (again) a great way to see a bit of Haitian life that we don't always get to see just traveling back and forth to the church each day.

Unfortunately, I didn't take many photos today on my phone.  I was busy tending to a wound on the foot of a young man who was playing a relay race in his bare feet on the stones and cut a spot on the sole of his foot.  Also, I was in the group that went to David's house and didn't take any photos there- it just wasn't an appropriate time.  I am sure many of the leaders/students have photos they will share when they return.  Enjoy the few I can post! 

Vanessa holding Vanessa!!! 

More singing/dancing (from the back)
Ethan at VBS! 

We had to move debrief inside two nights in a row due to thunderstorms. But, they cool it off for sleeping. 

Keep praying! You are a valuable part of the team. 


  1. So glad for updates and praying for David and his family. Thankful for cooling down thunderstorms also! Love the pictures...thanks so much for all the updates and notes. Hugs and prayers

  2. Thank you for your post. We have been praying for David and his wife. Amazing things are happening in Haiti and all of you are a part of it! What a blessing for them and all of you.

  3. So thankful you all were able to pour into David today! He is someone near and dear to my heart and even when I can't be where I want to be, I'm so thankful that you can be! I'm so blessed by your blogs, the work you're doing and the way Jesus is changing lives through you.

    PS, Crystal! I MISS YOU!
