Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Photos- Day 2

Here are some photos of the first day of VBS- 195 children!!!! Woah. 

A selfie of the group before the children arrive. 

Listening to the lesson. 

Ethan and Ken taught the first lesson and did great! 

Games with the 5-7 year olds. 

Craft: making stars. 

Dancing and singing songs! 

Food for all children and volunteers. Yum! 

Helping serve the food to the children. 


  1. Praying for you all today!!! I hope no plates of spaghetti get dropped in the assembly line, that you all get at least one Pastor Robby hug, and that you are so unbelievably blessed at the orphanage!

  2. The food looks good! What a blessing you all are to the children!

  3. Hello,
    My name is Nick Jordan and I am one of Dan's friends! I'll keep this short but Dan you rock! May God bless you and help you in everything you do. I'm missing you back home, man. Keep up the good work.
    ~ Nick

  4. So fun to see all the pics and read how haiti is making a difference in your hearts. Prayers and love
