Monday, July 31, 2017

Final Day- CCC/First Day- Trinity

Today was so special for me!  You see, four summers ago, a team from Pennsylvania came and held the first ever Vacation Bible School for the children at Pastor Robby's church in Carrefour.  After a few days of VBS, Pastor Robby asked me if the team could meet with some of the leaders at his church and talk about children's ministry.  He was very interested in things like:  "How do you split the children into groups to minister more effectively?"; "Where do you find the material to teach the children stories that are then age appropriate?"; How the group was intentional in making a craft to remind the children of the lesson and even how often games tied into reinforcing the lesson.  

After the team left, the local church here formed a Kid's Club on Saturday mornings once a month at first and eventually leading to weekly meetings.  

The following summer another team from Pennsylvania (different church) came and led Bible School.  This time they worked with the children's ministry leaders at Pastor Robby's church and taught/modeled things as we went through the week TOGETHER.  They came the past 3 summers in a row and each year the local church has had a larger and larger role in the planning and implementing of VBS.  This summer they helped translate the songs to Creole, led the dancing/song time, planned/ran the games, cooked all the food (for 300 people daily), co-led the small groups, and assisted with crafts.  

This all fits with our ministry philosophy to come alongside those in Haiti who are already following God and walk with them- learning from and encouraging one another.  

The cool part of today was that BOTH leaders from those two churches in Pennsylvania were present in church.  Josh Good from Trinity EC Church was the one who led the group who did the first VBS and Tim VanDalen from Cocalico Community Church was the one who has led the groups who have done the last three years of VBS.  There were also four members of the original first team along.  They got to see how God used their "seed" that they planted in the summer of 2014 and has grown that into a thriving and active children's ministry program. 

 The children's ministry program at Pastor Robby's church now has about 125-150 children each Saturday morning AND they have recently started a Friday night outreach to a neighboring community and have about 50 children in that program who attend regularly!  WOW.  

To stand on the stage with both those leaders from the USA and to look out on the church as it was FILLED with parents and children from this year's VBS was humbling.  We thank Josh & Tim for their faithfulness to bring groups and for pouring into Pastor Robby's leaders.  We thank Pastor Robby and his team for continuing to grow this ministry/outreach.  And, we thank those of you who pray for God to use the teams that come to Haiti- that they may have a lasting impact.  There is NO DOUBT that is happening.

Serving Him in Haiti- Crystal

Pastor Robby telling the story above. This is Pastor Josh Good- the man whose team started it all by being obedient to follow God's direction in July 2014. 

Pastor Tim being thanked as well- for helping continue the vision set in 2014 by bringing groups in 2015, 2016 and 2017. 

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