Saturday, December 31, 2016

Photos- Day 2

Dressing the hand of the man with the burn. 

Assisting Dr Carl as he cleaned the burn. 

The orphanage.....
Lucas with some new friends. 

They LOVED Robin's hair! 

Morgan with a bunch of the children. She is soooo gentle and patient with them. She literally sat and held a 2 month old baby the whole time the children went "shopping" for Christmas presents. 

Hannah playing hand games. 

Jack with a new buddy too. Taking selfies together, then viewing them. 

Cassandra reunited with some old friends! 

Taking a few minutes from soccer to talk with the children. (one of the few times Anthony was still enough for me to get a photo- he is always playing with the children. )

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your week serving! I am praying for you all!! :) -Kayley McNamara
