Friday, July 8, 2016


Sispek is the name of the dog belonging to our landlord. The name is Creole for Suspect (someone thought to be guilty of a "He is the main suspect"). His owner has been in the USA for a few weeks - leaving him in the care of others not equipped for emergencies like this. There is no way to contact the owner either. 

A few days ago we noticed he was not seeming himself. He is an old crabby dog who does not like anyone but his owner BUT he sure has spunk........ Usually!! That's why we noticed it when he was just laying around. It turns out he had been bitten by another dog or had a tumor or something but there was an open and nasty wound on him that we were able to see. It was obviously badly infected and in need of attention. So..... we couldnt sit back and let this little guy suffer. Every time we came in and out the gate he was laying there with flies all around -not eating, drinking or sometimes not even lifting his head. 

There was this dilemma: "What if we do something and he dies and the landlord blames us?" "What about finances?" (we need the funds we have for people-not animals) But here was this little dog- all alone, scared, etc...

Sooo we called a vet. He came and gave the dog a few shots (antibiotics, vitamins and pain meds) and suggested surgery. We put the need out there. Within a few hours a donation was made and TODAY little Sispek will have surgery. Pray he is not too sick and that he will fully recover to greet his owner when he returns from the USA. 

We will keep you posted. 

UPDATE: There was too much swelling and infection today to complete the surgery so the vet will return tomorrow. They cleaned the wound and put on a purple spray that keeps flies away and helps heal. 

Sispek yesterday

The vet irrigating the wound with betadine (while taking a phone call- so Haitian- lol)

Mano (another tennant on the grounds) offering Sispek some food after the vet left this morning. I looked down from the balcony a few min later and Sispek was gone but the food was untouched. Sispek is probably hiding under our car. I guess he feels safe and less vulnerable there. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww! :( Glad you/someone could help!! Tell Mano, I'm coming to see him! ;)
