Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day Four- Dictated by Drew, Typed by Hannah

Being on my second trip, it is slightly different than last year.  I think it’s a completely different atmosphere, with the people that came on the trip and even with some of the translators, it’s a different feel.   It’s a different feel because it’s not as fast paced as last year.  Kind of because of unexpected reasons, but we’ve just had a lot more down-time and time to relax this year as compared to last year.  Last year in the afternoons we always had ministry stuff like prayer walks and soccer games, so we were always on the move and doing stuff.  This year we’ve had a couple afternoons where we just came back to the base and relaxed, for various reasons.   It’s definitely slower. 

Today at the end of the Bible school some of us had the opportunity to entertain the kids by jumping rope up front while the food was being served.   We had completely different ways of jumping rope, like Double Dutch, eggbeater, individual, and mega rope.  We got up to five people at once jumping on one rope.  Anyway, I am a small group leader this time for the VBS.  I have one of the older groups, kids aged 11 – 15, and the past couple of days they seem to be understanding what has been taught, so that’s cool. 

This afternoon after we came home from the VBS, we went on a prayer walk up on the mountain near us.  Last year when I did the prayer walk, I kind of went into it as a spectator.   We talked to a few people, but it was just kind of different than this year.  This year I got involved, and wasn’t so much a spectator.  I looked at it more as what can I do or help with, rather than what can I learn.  The first two people we stopped to talk with today said they weren’t believers.  And on the second person, I kind of took over and started sharing the gospel with them.  In my head I was trying to plan out what I should say, but it wasn’t coming out like that at all and I think that was just like God saying, I got this, dude.  Last year I wasn’t very verbal during the prayer walk, so this year I wanted to make sure I got a chance to step out more.  And what I learned from that is that I don’t have everything under control, even when I improvise, and that I need to rely on God for a lot more than what I do.

Your responses and prayers are much appreciated.

Thank you!
Drew Walsh


  1. Hey Drew, Thanks for sharing, it was really neat to hear the differences from last year and this year. It is so nice you could go back this year and move towards the Haitians and share the gospel. That is so awesome!!

  2. Thanks for the update Drew! Trips like this can have such an impact when we let God work through us. Sure sounds like you've discovered that yourself.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about this experience and all the other stories later when you get home. Tell everyone I said hello especially your mother. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your experiences, Drew! Sounds like you are enjoying your time in Haiti! I'm glad you are stepping out of your comfort zone and allowing God to work
    through you!

