Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bible School Day 2!

Bonswa! (good afternoon in Creole)
Each morning we have breakfast at 7:00am and then have a team meeting at 7:45. By 8:15 we are loading all 12 of us and our 5 translators on an old school bus and head to Pastor Robby’s church.  Today was day 2 of VBS, the hottest day yet.  We are taking turns sharing a lesson each day and today Tim taught.  The children seemed to like the way he presented the lesson.  All our lessons this week are focusing on how God has made us each special and unique.  Today was especially about how we were made in God’s image.  We then break into 9 small groups with approximately 16 kids in each group, ranging from ages 3-15.  Melanie, Drew and I lead the worship songs at the very beginning of each session.  We do all 5 songs, which have Lots of hand motions and jumping up and down.  By the time we are done we have had an amazing workout and we’ve burned off all our calories from breakfast.   The children just Love the motions to the songs and are slowly learning the words too.  We enjoy hearing the songs that we have practiced for months in English, being sung in Creole.
At the end of each day we form a line and we pass out lunch to the children. It was called pâte, which is similar to an empanada.  A group of women from the church spent the entire morning preparing this meal.  This is a sight to see since we have approximately 150 kids that have been attending each day. 
 We have enjoyed serving these little ones for the last 2 days.  It is good to see them beginning to understand that they too are unique and special.

Tess & Melanie  

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