Friday, June 27, 2014


Yesterday (Thurs) we got up, had devotion time and finished a little orientation.  God provided the lumber and wire we will need for the coops RIGHT DOWNSTAIRS which helps our local neighbors and also made it much easier for us to not have to go searching all over for supplies.  :)  This was such a blessing!  We did have to make one stop on the way to the orphanage to get extra boards (35 of them that we loaded between bus seats) but they were pre-ordered by the man downstairs so we just got them and kept moving.

We went to the orphanage as reported by some of the participants in their posts and got to do lessons with the children in the morning and then play in the afternoon.  It was awesome and a great time of bonding with them.  The men worked on designing the coops after measuring the area and thinking things through.  Today we should be much more organized since having been there once.  The first day is always kind of rough until we make a "game plan"....

Highlight for me (and MANY others):  Watching Bryan and Dejna (his family's sponsored child) meet.  She was soooo looking forward to seeing him.  They hugged and both cried as did many of us.  It was simply beautiful...

Second would be the team (and then individually Pastor Steve) praying for Redgi and his family at this tough time with Madame Josee.  She is doing a little better after administering IV fluids last night.  Redgi said she did recognize him and was talking a bit before he left.  He got back to base at about 10:45 pm.  LONG day and he is so tired but for now things are a bit calmer at home.  We will see what today brings.

By the way- the bus ran like a champ!  Those new batteries did the trick and it went up the orphanage hill like it was on a flat road.  So different than those little tap taps that have to weave to maintain speed/power.  The only problem is that it was sitting so low due to all the weight from the wood and people so it did scrape the "U-joints" I think they are called.  Scared us all, but it didn't do any damage.

Here are photos to enjoy!  Thank you for all the notes of encouragement.  The team LOVES hearing from home.... -Crystal

Becky and Anlin's class (the little ones)

Ronni and Holly's class

Holly gets her hair done by Marie-Laure

David playing with Lovely

building the chicken coops....

more coops..... 

looking at photos on the iphone (with the summer staff- Ally and Jenny and Jerry)

Monalissa and Pastor Steve.... both soooo happy

Pastor Steve praying for his brother Redgi (and their family)

Anlin playing hand games... she jumped right in and rarely needed a translator (using signs and gestures and SMILES)
Katie, Emily and Zach's class... 


  1. Was great to wake up this morning and find pictures posted!! Looks like they are keeping you all busy. And there you were, both Ronni and Becky at the head of the class; why is that not a surprise! Words of wisdom to Holly, I think you need to be careful to not burn your scalp today! But what fun! Again, was so great to see all of you interacting with the kids; and loved the story of the Sanders' sponsored child. Precious.
    "We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love." I Thessalonians 1:2-3

  2. THANKS so much for the pictures! It makes us feel a part of what you are doing and experiencing some how!
    (minus the heat!)
    Holly, you may have to bring someone home who knows how to do that Hairdo for you!! It's a great look!
    I am Praying for all of you all through the day and at night. Praying you are getting good rest and that the heat not get to you too much!
    I hope you can remember every moment, feeling, sight, sound and smell because Tracey, Jenifer and I plan on hearing EVERY detail when you get home Holly!!
    Love and Prayers!
    Char/Mom Simons!

  3. Love the picture of David! Please tell him hi! :)

  4. Great pictures! I loved reading about Bryan and Dejna! You all are in my prayers and thoughts every day!
