Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lespwa fe viv: Hope makes us live

A few medical notes:

The day began yesterday setting up Dokte (doctor) Becca and Enfimye (nurse) Deni's office. A random collection of first aid supplies, medications, and tools quickly spanned the table as benches were brought in to act as cots. Medical records, in the form of a sheet or two of lined school-paper, gave us an idea of past maladies: scabies, worms, HIV tests, abscesses, etc. Soon enough the patients came in. One by one with wounds to clean, sore ears to examine, and raspy lungs to listen to, the children were examined. A translator sat near by, but the compassionate, concerned, and empathetic dictation by Becca and Deni was very obvious as they eased each child from their discomfort. These girls do not have a physician or medical professional who comes regularly and so the expertise of Becca and Deni was a unique and special treat. The more I observe in Haiti, the more I realize that the number of doctors cannot eradicate disease without addressing the underlying causes that precipitate them--and truly, the number of faucets in the country is a more accurate health indicator than the number of new doctor's it graduates. Medicine cannot solve social problems, but the Haitians can. The country is gorgeous, the people are proud and humble, and the culture is vibrant and rich. There is no doubt that Haiti will be healed. There is hope; lespwa fe viv.   - Tracy


  1. Dan and Amy ScholmaJuly 16, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    Becca......how wonderful that God could use you in such a wonderful way Monday!!!!! Zac I'm so thankful you are able to be a friend to these kids. That is so great. We are praying for you and that the heat isn't too bad. So thankful you got your luggage. Love you guys!!! Amy

  2. Good job Doc!!! Kids are missing you. Ehud explains to me every day several times that mommy and Zac went bye bye on an awrpane. He follows it with ok just to make sure I understand. We have been at millennium park 2 days in a row now. Ehud is not scarred of the water now or the splashpad. You and denni probably make an awesome team!!! We are proud of you and Zac and the team.

  3. Good Morning Haiti Team, Thinking of you all in love and prayer with joy that we can walk beside you in prayer with thanksgiving and Praise for the work of His hands you are partaking in. We thank you for sharing and allowing us to see what the HE is doing. I have request from Pastor to check with you and see if you would like to take 7/28 full service to present Haiti presentation...talk, slide show, pictures. He is willing to give you the full service time but would like to know either way if this date works or another. He knows there will be much to share.

    Please give my Sarah a big hug and tell her I love her! I am thankful for her second opportunity the Lord has given her and for the team she has around her. You are all being prayed for with love and joy! Karen
