Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Photos from April group

Here are some photos from the April group- we had a blessed week!  God is amazing and the way things came together was TOTALLY from Him-  enjoy....

Peterson's beautiful wife and baby!  Just a few days old here-

Kim in church- this little boy just climbed up on her  lap- adorable

Jessica at the orphanage

Amanda at the orphanage

Alison was a HIT!  Everyone wanted their teeth cleaned.  

Pastor Cornet gave us coconut as a thank you.

hiking FOUR miles into Chaveneau and back out in the rain- just to do education with the children

our tour of the hospital

teaching the girls at the orphanage about germs

Sarah getting her hair braided at the orphanage

Johnny at the orphanage

looking out over Port au Prince at the clouds (rained every day)

Redgi carrying water to the medical clinic

Jessica got to see a few wounds and this broken wrist.  

Boys being boys.  They had so many inside jokes and so much fun with Ethan

These two really bonded.  It was cool to watch.  (this boy lives by our host family and came along to the beach with us our last day)

final tap tap ride- to the airport!  We pray you will return and thank you ALL for being a blessing to Haiti and to me personally-  love you guys!  -Crystal

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I had to laugh at the last in the taptap, leaving. I don't think I was ready for the picture.....actually, I was too sad to smile!! Ethan and I didn't get "teary" till the plane started to take off....that's when it "hit." Miss you!
