Wednesday, May 9, 2012

other blogs...

Here are some posts from the UR Missions blog.  Hard to keep both updated with limited electricity (we have only had it about 12 hours since the team got here) so we are copying and pasting them from one to another.

     Hello all, this is Kayla. This experience has been great so far. God has blessed us so much thus far. Yesterday and today we broke into 2 groups... group 1 went to a hospital yesterday and the other a school, today we switched. My group went to the hospital yesterday and we got a tour and some helped with stitches, while others took blood pressures. Today my group went to the school and educated some kids about the hygiene bags that we prepared and the medication bags we prepared. The translators have been so great and helpful. We were able to treat about 30 kids today--some had scabies, ring worm, athletes foot, and one little boy had a stage 2 ulcer on his ankle, probably with staph infection. The principle was very thankful and kept saying "Merci beaucoup" which means thank you very much. We even taught her how to do some of the medical things we did and we left supplies with her to treat the kids in the future. Thank you all to who donated things--they are a huge help and the kids light up with having their own soap, shampoo, toothbrush, and toothpaste. The kids were excited to get vitamins and iron pills. We taught them when to take them.
     The other group had a fantastic day as well. I hear a couple of them got to watch a c-section :)
     Keep praying for us... the weather is humid and we are a bit worn out. When we walk around kids flock to us and come running saying "hey you, hey you" so cute!  Yesterday at an orphanage we went to the kids hung all over us and pulled is in so many directions. Must of us are feeling healthy, please continue praying for our health. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be ever present and active within us and continue teaching us. Thank you all for your help and support. Love to you all!                           
      xoxo, Kayla

     Today we had the opportunity to go to the local hospital in Carrefour. We were taken through a tour of the hospital to see the maternity wing, radiology, phlebotomy, medical records and immunizations given to children. Ashley and I were able to be in the maternity wing and witnessed the birthing process. The care for laboring women was very different from the care given in the US. The women were all lying in beds against the wall waiting for the midwife when she would be available. There was no privacy or curtains to separate the individual patients. A Haitian woman who was 3 months pregnant had arrived yesterday with continual bleeding. She was in a lot of pain and was losing a lot of blood. After a half hour of waiting she had miscarried. There are no words to describe the devastation and the overwhelming emotions in the room.  Despite the sorrow of the this one poor woman, we were able to witness life. We were rushed into the operating room and got to see another woman who was about to have a cesarean section. It was amazing to see the different techniques that were used by the doctors and nurses. Around 1230 a baby boy was brought into this world and he was absolutely beautiful. While we witnessed the birth, Crystal was able to go and pray with the Haitian woman who miscarried earlier. She was so grateful and comforted by the love that was poured out to her. We were so grateful and blessed to be able to witness joy in new life in the Haitian culture. 
     Thank you all for supporting us and please continue to pray for our health and ministry to the Haitian people.
Marie Konstan and Ashley Spurlock   

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you have an amazingly wonderful last day in Haiti. I have enjoyed reading your blogs and my heart was touched by all the blessings you gave and received. God is so faithful and all of you have been His hands and feet this past week.

    With Prayers,
    Kay Ringhiser
