Saturday, July 11, 2015

Updates 7/11

After a long morning of waiting and flying, we finally made it to Haiti! At first it was alittle hectic and stressful as we tried getting off the plane in one piece.  When we got out of the air port it was surprising how many people stared at us. But we either smiled or stared at the ground until we got to our bus as Crystal yelled to us “Watch out for cars, because they won’t watch out for you!” After dinner we went to the Over look, which is an old church, rundown by the earthquake. We went up to the roof and saw the most amazing sight. Over looking what seems like all of Haiti, the ocean and of course the soccer games. The sun rays were coming through the clouds, making it seem like God was looking down on our team and Haiti. It has been hot, very hot but so far an awesome first day!
-Sophia Charles

Mom, you can stop worrying, I am fine! Actually I am better than fine, I wouldn’t change anything. Today, I fell in love with Haiti. After getting off of the plane and going through the airport, the ride back to the base was beyond touching. It opened my eyes to the world beyond my own world. After dinner tonight, we went up on a hill and worshiped on the roof of a rundown church, damaged by the earthquake. On the hike up to the church, about ten kids started following us, and followed us all the way to the roof. Once we got on top of the church, the view was breathtaking, but the one thing that actually took my breath away was the joy the kids had when they saw themselves in pictures. They made me take their picture and they could have looked at the image for hours. After they realized what the camera could do, they wanted to take pictures of everything. The joy those kids have energizes me for the rest of the week ahead.

-Emily White

Hiking to the overlook...

Worship at the overlook

Pastor Tim made some friends!!!

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