Monday, January 16, 2012


This trip has been very different for the girls and for me.  I have used a lot of the time to introduce Redgi to people we partner with (so he is "up to speed" as our new coordinator), to try to arrange food/water for the orphange, to visit locations to find ministry for upcoming teams, deliver items to people I owe them to (meds to Chaveneau, paperwork to Carrefour), etc... This looks more like a typical "working trip" for me but the girls are not used to that. They are used to me hanging out with them and just having "fun".  Add that to the drama I mentioned in an earlier post and let's just say I have been exhausted and spending a lot of time upstairs in my room.

One of the main things we needed to accomplish was getting interviews with EACH of 84 children here (well- not the babies) and making a bio sheet for each one.  We have been working on them a little at a time- calling girls to my room and then asking a series of questions, "Favorite color", "Favorite food", asking about school, etc... It has been fun to find out little things about the girls that I did not know before and though it sometimes takes a LONG time to get information out of them (some are scared to talk, some are shy, etc..) it is a blessing to have individual time and to hear their stories.

Redgi sometimes sat on the chair with them so they would feel more comfortable and would talk to him - this one was being shy.  He would bend around and "peek" at her to get her to loosen up- it was cute!

I must share with you that we have about 20 girls sponsored so far and it is REALLY exciting to be able to tell the ones who have sponsors a little about their sponsor as well.  To see their faces light up when they hear that someone in the USA will be praying for them and loves THEM!  I wish I could tell them all that same news.  But, the ones who are sponsored are sooooo excited!  One said to me (as we were doing her interview- right in the middle) "I want a sponsor" and praise God I was able to tell her, "You have a sponsor and it is ***"  She broke into the most beautiful smile.  This is one of the girls who has been through SO MUCH and was feeling lost, unloved and unwanted here.

PLEASE continue to pray for these girls.  Please continue to pray about sponsorship and tell others about the opportunity they have to impact the lives of these girls.  We would LOVE to have you come visit the girls and to see them for yourself.  To see the joy that comes when they spend time with their sponsor and to really get to know them as I do- not just as "those poor orphans".  Thanks and may God richly bless you for all you do to help them, Hearts United and Haiti in general!  Together we ARE making a difference!

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