Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"I Am Free" (part 2)

Here's the video I tried to post a few weeks ago from Haiti but the internet was not fast enough.  So, I tried to do it now.  Not for me (I can watch it on my computer any time) but to show YOU the joy and the happiness the girls now have at this new orphanage.  These are four of our little ones (Sophia, Lorvencia, Lovely and Betina) singing "I am Free" (worship song by Newsboys) to me after school one day.  I got out the camera for a photo of them and they just broke into song.  Through the tears I shot this quick video.  I hope you can view it and rejoice with me that they are indeed FREE from some of the horrors they were exposed to prior to coming to Life is Wealth.  How I miss these little ones and all the girls at the orphanage.  Please remember to pray for them!  Thank you!!  

note:  I am pleased to say too that this scene is very common.  The girls at the orphanage LOVE to sing, dance, laugh and play now.  It warms my heart like you can not imagine.  :)

Friday, January 27, 2012


PRAISE GOD!  Went to the post office box yesterday and was THRILLED to get the letter from the Internal Revenue Service stating that Hearts United with Haiti is now officially a 501c3 organization!  What does this mean??  It means that ALL donations (retroactive to March 24, 2011) are tax deductible.  We understand that people give for many reasons to different organizations and we fully understand that being able to deduct those donations is beneficial- especially in the tough economic times in which we live.  Any way to save money on your federal taxes is a bonus!  We pray that this will help more people be willing to support our ministry financially.

Having our 501c3 will also benefit us in other ways.  Now we can finally work to obtain the papers needed to be a registered organization in Haiti, we have more "credibility" (we are "recognized" by the federal government of the USA), etc...  

Thank you for ALL your prayers as we worked through this process!  We learned a lot and are blessed that we have finally achieved this status!  Can't wait to see what else God has as we move forward!  :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012


OK guys- it's time to be honest.  Yes, God has been showing us all kinds of things that He has for the future of Hearts United and how we can best serve the people of Haiti as well as those who come to serve in Haiti.  The picture of what our ministry will look like is getting more and more clear.  BUT as with anything else, we need financial support to make this all happen.  So, we have decided to hold a fund raising event.  Here are SOME of the details but they are still being worked out.  We are having a breakfast buffet near Valentine's day (HEARTS United with Haiti??  get the connection??) and our goal is to raise $10,000!

 I know!  I almost can't type it- that sounds like such a great big amount.  But, when calculating an amount we realized we need about $4000 to $5000 just to send the truck to Haiti and get it on the road there.  We also know God would like us to finish the outhouses in Chaveneau (we need to buy the building materials), drill a well at the orphanage in Port au Prince, install a clean water system in both locations, and possibly rent a "base" somewhere in Haiti that we can use for teams and keep our truck, supplies, etc... (right now we have three crates of things at the orphanage and a suitcase, three suitcases in Carrefour at the Arris house and four suitcases in Chaveneau).

The thought for our breakfast is to have a time when people can "drop in" and eat (we will have a variety of foods- traditional Haitian foods as well as American.  We will also periodically have some time to share the ministry with those who attend. (just a few min. presentation/slide show).  This event will be held on Feb. 11th (Sat) from 7 to 10 am. at Shoup's gym just outside Morgantown (2593 Main St.  Morgantown, PA 19543- google it for directions).

We know we may not meet our goal with one dinner here in Lancaster County, PA.  If you are local, will you consider attending the dinner and inviting others/spreading the word?  BUT you do not have to be local to help with this event!  If you are not local you can do one of he following:

1.  You can personally contribute to our organization- just designate it to this fund raiser- send in your donation of ANY size (together they will add up- if everyone we "invited" on facebook only gave $10 we would have $3500 ).  Send donations to:  Hearts United with Haiti  PO Box 55  Morgantown, PA 19543  or call us to see how else you can help out.  1-888-286-5537

2.  You can have a "sister event" in your home town, at your church, in your community and donate the money raised. Be creative- sell heart shaped cookies, host a dinner, babysit some children so people can go out for Valentine's Day, sell flowers (paper or real), etc....

We will add everything together for one grand total and let you know how much we raise!  We truly believe that TOGETHER we can raise enough to meet our goal (or even exceed it).... let's give this "project" to God and see what He does!  :)  :)

Blessings-  Crystal

Monday, January 16, 2012


This trip has been very different for the girls and for me.  I have used a lot of the time to introduce Redgi to people we partner with (so he is "up to speed" as our new coordinator), to try to arrange food/water for the orphange, to visit locations to find ministry for upcoming teams, deliver items to people I owe them to (meds to Chaveneau, paperwork to Carrefour), etc... This looks more like a typical "working trip" for me but the girls are not used to that. They are used to me hanging out with them and just having "fun".  Add that to the drama I mentioned in an earlier post and let's just say I have been exhausted and spending a lot of time upstairs in my room.

One of the main things we needed to accomplish was getting interviews with EACH of 84 children here (well- not the babies) and making a bio sheet for each one.  We have been working on them a little at a time- calling girls to my room and then asking a series of questions, "Favorite color", "Favorite food", asking about school, etc... It has been fun to find out little things about the girls that I did not know before and though it sometimes takes a LONG time to get information out of them (some are scared to talk, some are shy, etc..) it is a blessing to have individual time and to hear their stories.

Redgi sometimes sat on the chair with them so they would feel more comfortable and would talk to him - this one was being shy.  He would bend around and "peek" at her to get her to loosen up- it was cute!

I must share with you that we have about 20 girls sponsored so far and it is REALLY exciting to be able to tell the ones who have sponsors a little about their sponsor as well.  To see their faces light up when they hear that someone in the USA will be praying for them and loves THEM!  I wish I could tell them all that same news.  But, the ones who are sponsored are sooooo excited!  One said to me (as we were doing her interview- right in the middle) "I want a sponsor" and praise God I was able to tell her, "You have a sponsor and it is ***"  She broke into the most beautiful smile.  This is one of the girls who has been through SO MUCH and was feeling lost, unloved and unwanted here.

PLEASE continue to pray for these girls.  Please continue to pray about sponsorship and tell others about the opportunity they have to impact the lives of these girls.  We would LOVE to have you come visit the girls and to see them for yourself.  To see the joy that comes when they spend time with their sponsor and to really get to know them as I do- not just as "those poor orphans".  Thanks and may God richly bless you for all you do to help them, Hearts United and Haiti in general!  Together we ARE making a difference!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Electricity and God-

One of the many plugs around the house- makes me glad they build out of concrete here in Haiti.

What do electricity and God have in common?  Well, you could say that they both have incredible "power" (yes, pun intended).  Or that they both bring light to areas that need to be illuminated.  There are many ways you can compare the two and many analogies that can be given but living in Haiti has made me think of this one.

Last night I was laying in bed when the electricity came on.  It had not been on for more than a 20 min. stretch for a few days (we did have it for a few hours too the other day but not long.  Anyway, I was sound asleep but had left my light "on" so I would know when we had power.  So, when the room became bright as I slept I knew the time was NOW to jump up and plug things in- the computer and my phone.  Those things I use most here in Haiti.  They needed to be re-charged.

Of course then I was wide awake when I laid back down on my bed and my mind began to wander.  I thought about how similar this situation was to my relationship with God at times.  All too often I sit back and wait until I really "need" Him and then run to Him to "re-charge" (for my strength, for my fuel, for power).  But when He has "served His purpose" and I feel re-charged I go about my business and don't really rely on Him as I should each moment.  I kind of take His presence for granted again.  Until I have another period where I am sitting in the dark again crying out to Him wondering why I didn't learn my lesson last time and re-charge more frequently rather than wait until I was exhausted again before I turned to Him for strength or ran when I saw a glimpse of Him and was reminded of His presence.

I know I am not the only one who does this- literally and figuratively.  I see the Haitians all run when there is power to quickly plug in their cell phones or bring them to church knowing that there will be a generator if not power and they can re-charge (yes, I do not miss the fact that they bring them to CHURCH to re-charge- that's what got me really thinking about this topic the other day too).  I also see my fellow Christians falling into the same trap I do and how the enemy LOVES to use our busy lives and distractions to keep us from right fellowship with our Father.

Fortunately God is always there waiting for me to return.  In those times when I don't feel His presence or have called out to Him because I feel He isn't there I am reminded that HE is not the one who moved- it was me!  I was the one feeling independent and wandering away.  I was the one who got too busy to take time to spend with Him.  I was the one who didn't "re-charge" when I had my chances but whittled away my time on the computer or talking to someone or fell for whatever trap the enemy laid in front of me to distract me- again!  

In Haiti we are at the mercy of those who decide when/if we get electricity on a particular day.  But God is ALWAYS available to me-  in fact He delights in my presence.  He delights when I spend time with Him.  And I do too.  So, why do I sometimes wait so long between my "visits" with Him?

 Lord, please help me not to fall into the traps the enemy has for me- especially here in Haiti.  Help me to see the value in staying "charged" and filled with your presence.  For there is no other way I desire to live my life than to be filled with Your Spirit.  This ministry and this mission are NOT mine-  they are Yours.  Guide and direct me as I work here in Haiti and at home and help me to be sensitive always to what You would have me  see/experience.  Help me to recognize it as a gift from You.  Help me to see the "lessons" you desire to teach me and to be open to the conviction/teaching you bring.  I know these things will help me to be the person You desire me to be.  Help me not treat you like I treat the electricity here- running to you only when I need to re-charge or when I need you for something, but rather help me to intentionally set that time aside for You and I to fellowship and for me to glean from Your infinite wisdom and love.  - Amen!  

Friday, January 13, 2012


Today I am soooo happy to share some very exciting news with you!  FINALLY we seem to have a solution to some of our transportation issues here in Haiti.  :)  :)  A few months back I was chatting on facebook with a girl from Colorado (16 years old) who has been to Haiti and fallen in love with the people and ministry GOd has for us to do here.  She and I have talked a lot and I have actually been blessed to be able to minister with her brother on a few occasions- great family (they have blessed me in many ways as has their church).  Anyway, as we were chatting she asked our greatest physical need for the ministry and offered to lift us up in prayer.  Of course the need for a truck came immediately to mind.  I explained to her that we would like to be better stewards of the resources God has given us and felt that renting vehicles all the time was "eating up" monty that could have been used to directly serve the people of Haiti.  She committed to praying about it for us and even went so far as to say something to the effect of, "I am trusting that God will provide a truck for Hearts United within the next year."

Fast forward about 5 months and I am sitting in haiti- working on the computer (answering e-mails and such) and she again begins to chat with me on facebook.  She proceeds to tell me that she has some news to share with me and then tells me that her family is donating a truck to our ministry!  That is a cool part of the story, but what is even more cool is that at our last board meeting Pastor Dave asked, "Crystal, if you could have ANY truck for use in Haiti what do you think would be most beneficial?"  I immediately said, "My 'wish list' would include a 4x4, extended cab, small (not full size) pickup truck that was diesel."  Well, guess what??  The truck is a Ford Ranger 4x4 , extended cab.  It is gasoline, but 3 out of 4 is amazing!  (and it's WHITE so we can eventually have someone in Haiti paint it with our "logo" and a bunch of other stuff- kind of like a "tap tap" for Hearts United)  They are currently getting a mechanic to look at it and make any needed repairs so we can send the truck to Haiti as quickly as possible and have it ready to use for teams immediately upon arrival.  Mechanics here are not always reliable so we want to be sure it is running well before it gets here.

So, let me introduce you to "Madison"(yes, I am one of those people who names her vehicles)- named after the young lady who committed to prayer and was instrumental in getting donating her.  She has only one problem right now.  She needs to get from Colorado to a port city and then be shipped to Haiti.  We are not sure yet what port we will ship out of, but are getting prices and quotes.  It appears we will need about $4,000 to ship her to Haiti and get her out of port and onto the road (registered, insurance, etc...).  We know without a doubt that God has provided so far and will not stop with us having a truck sitting in the USA unable to be used because we can not afford to ship it. So, will you join us in prayer as we lift up this request to Him who is able to use a 16 year old young woman and her prayers/generous heart to bless MANY in Haiti?  Thank you!!

This is the actual truck sitting in Colorado- will YOU help us get it to Haiti so we can begin to use it here??  

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Two years ago TODAY at around 5 pm. the earthquake shook Haiti and the entire world to the core.  People who never knew anything about Haiti came to serve.  People who just wanted to help, to bless, to do whatever God called them to do for this country I love.  I was one of those people.  As I laid on my bed last night talking with a Haitian friend about "what were you doing two years ago today?" and the impact the earthquake has had on so many lives and people since I told my story.  A story of how God used the earthquake and the images on TV to draw me here initally. He used some people and relationships to keep me coming back and to start Hearts United. But now - 1.5 years later for me He is using Hearts United to bless both the Haitians and those who come to serve. It is always good for me to tell the story of how God has worked and guided this ministry and how He is still working and molding it into what He can use going forward.  It is good for me to remember His provision for us and to never forget that this is HIS ministry- not mine.

The orphanage from "above"- looking down on it. (orphanage on the left- long building and new building on the right with blue roof)  What a view we have!  It was nice to get out and walk the neighborhood and meet some people.

There is so much good in Haiti and it's not always easy to see that in photos.  You certainly don't hear about it on TV.  But  just come some time.  You too will be changed forever.  You too will be blessed by these people, by their culture, by the beauty of the landscape, but mostly by their FAITH!  I never cease to be amazed by those here and how much they love and trust God for all their needs.  How they cry out to Him with such abandon.  How though they may feel hungry or thirsty or tired they still praise Him.

It is my prayer as I sit in my room at the orphanage listening to church that you will get to experience Haiti in your own way.  I would LOVE for each of you to personally come here, but if you can't do that I pray that you will find some way to help others be able to come, that you will consider sponsoring an orphan or school child, that you will contribute to one of our ongoing projects, that you will help us with our transportation issues, etc... Trust me- you will be blessed far more than you will be blessing.  It truly is more rewarding to give than to receive.  It is my prayer as well that I remain focused on Him and that I continue to see God work in those He sends and that never gets "old".  Please consider joining us in Haiti!  Check out the website for "trips" and pick one.  We really have opportunities for ALL to serve- no matter what your gifts/abilities.

Praise God for how He uses trials and tough times in our lives for His glory!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The preschoolers after school- they are FREE!  :)

Pastor's son Lens- he is the school principal and a wonderful man of God.
My last post was about some of the "frustrations" going on here at the orphanage, but let me tell you that for every frustration there are SO MANY happy moments- God moments.  Yesterday I was showing Stacey around the place when school was letting out and one by one the girls who had gone to school (about half of them stayed "home" cause they either don't have socks or shoes to wear- they wore them for "play" and now they are not nice enough to be accepted at the school) came home from school and came to find me/us.  They kissed us each on the cheek and told us a bit about their day- some getting out their books to show what they worked on, some showing how they are learning to write and read, etc...   What a warm feeling with one girl doing that, but when it's girl after girl seeking you out to greet you when she gets home from school before changing into play clothes and going off about her business you feel sooooo blessed to be here and be sharing this life with them.

Just before I went down to see Stacey I was sitting in my room talking to a lady on the phone about getting the girls food when all of a sudden I hear "Bonjour Crystal" from my doorway.  You have to understand that the children are not allowed on my floor of the building but sure enough there were the preschoolers-  Lorvencia, Betina, Lovely and Sophia at my door!  They looked just soooo cute so I grabbed my camera and took the photo above.  Then I told them they needed to leave but before they left they asked, "Chante'??"  (sing?)  So we went out on the porch and they proceeded to sing THREE songs for me- one of them "I am Free" - the worship song made popular by the Newsboys among others.  There they were singing, "I am free to dance!  I am free to run!  I am free to live for You!  I am free!"   Again, tears streamed down my face and I was reminded of ALL God has set these children free from!

Thank you for your prayers- for the girls and for us!  They ARE making a difference.  Last night for almost 2 hours pastor's son Lens worked with the girls on "team building" activities! Yep yep!  That's right.  He got them all into a big group and made them do different things to help them become "one unit".  I told him later how proud I was of him for taking a leadership role in their lives and for doing that.  This family cares so much for the girls and desires to help them adjust.  Prayers are making a difference for sure!  Blessings!

PS-  I WISH the internet was fast enough here for me to post video of the song.   I will try again later when we have electricity- my computer is down to 15% battery.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Growing Pains...

I debated long and hard about sharing this blog.  Truth is that I started writing it a few days ago and have been praying about what I am to put onto this page.  Over and over again God has been saying "share it".  It is kind of like last summer when I was having a tough time with matching my expectations for one of the Heart's United teams with God's expectations.  God really used that time/trip to teach me things I would not have learned with things going "smoothly".  So, I find myself at one of those places again- a place of growth.  For me, for Hearts United, for those close to me, for the girls at the orphanage, etc....  I have decided to share my experiences with you and I pray that God uses what I am sharing to help you see what is going on in Haiti from an honest perspective.  I do not share to try to gain sympathy or to try to exploit the girls in any way but instead to encourage you (and myself) that God IS at work here- even in the frustrations and "growing pains".  :)

So, now that I have shared WHY I am writing, let me tell you a bit about what has been going on here at the orphanage.  The best way to describe it to someone is to say that "the honeymoon is over".  We all knew it would happen eventually and it has!  When the 37 former Son of God girls were moved to this orphanage (Life is Wealth) there were already 40 girls here.  A "pecking order" if you will had already been established.  New girls would come and go from this place but a few at a time.  Then the former SOG girls come and all of a sudden there's a whole new order that needs to be established.  At first "our" girls were sick.  They were malnourished.  They were scared.  But one by one those needs are being filled and now they are healthy, more well fed and starting to "test the waters" so to speak.

Life is Wealth had about 5 older girls who were definately in charge here.  Enter 5 new ones and it's kind of like a gang situation.  Both rivals- both trying to establish their "turf".  EIGHTY girls and four boys all living in a relatively small space!  You get the picture I am sure.

When I returned in early December I saw some of it, but this trip it is in FULL FORCE.  Since I have arrived I have experienced full out fights, throwing of rocks/buckets of water at one another, girls leaving the gate and threatening to call IBESR on the facility (when there is really no problem to report- it's just interpersonal dynamics), accusations of stealing from one another/clothes and bags and things missing, etc... I have been in my room more this trip in prayer and intercession for these girls than any other trip here.  I have been frustrated and hurt that I do not know enough Creole to just jump in and mediate.  Bless his heart but Redgi has had WAY too many "meetings" helping me talk to the girls like I would talk to my own girls about how Jesus would respond in situations when he too felt persecuted, unwanted, unappreciated, etc... About how they need to know in their hearts WHO they are and rest in that. That at the end of it all, they are only responsible for THEIR responses, not the actions of others.  And more.

Unfortunately from my training and background in working with emotionally challenged students at the school I know that this is only going to get worse before it gets better.  I should have known the day I got here when Madame Pastor said to me, "I am so glad you are here cause when you are here the girls do not fight."  I think it was just timing that they had not fought with me here before because they sure do now.  I use the analogy of having a dog and bringing another one home.  They have to establish who is in charge, who will be the dominant one and who will be submissive.  It is the same here- but magnified by 80.

So, we ask for your prayers.  The girls are still wonderful girls.  Even the ones instigating the fights.  They are just reacting normally.  BUT- it is taking a toll on Pastor, on Madame Pastor and on others who feel "torn" and that they need to take sides.

Pastor seems to think removing the SOG girls who are "causing the trouble" is the solution.  I do not agree.  I feel the only solution is to walk through this WITH them.  To pray them through.  And to seek wisdom only He can provide.  Yes, I have raised 3 girls to adulthood and we had our share of "squabbles" but nothing can prepare you for the drama of all of this.  Pray for peace.  Pray for rest.  Pray that the girls would understand what they are feeling is normal and that God is there to help them transition. Pray that in all of this that He is glorified and honored and even if they do not see it now, some day they will see the love shown to them was from Him and an example of how He cares for them.  Just pray please!

And thank you for letting me "vent"/share.  It helps to know I am not alone here.  I know you are with these girls - even if not physically.  I find my comfort in so many verses this week but this one sticks out-

  "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."  - 2 Cor. 1:3-4

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I am so blessed to be able to come to Haiti and work with these girls and travel to Chaveneau too this trip.  Each trip has a different focus and this one has been filled with a variety of things-  signing the contract with the pastor at Life is Wealth (LIW) orphanage to allow us to organize sponsorship for the orphans, delivering medication to people in Chaveneau we saw in early Dec. with the A-team, continue building relationships with the girls at LIW, work on getting long term assistance for food and clean water at LIW, deliver things to some friends in Carrefour, introduce our new Haitian Coordinator (Redgi) to our many contacts and partners in Haiti so they know him and will feel comfortable working with him  (establish a formal job description for him as well), etc.... 

Here are some photos from the trip so far- We have been BUSY!  Today we had a team of 17 from California come to play with the girls and build relationships. Tomorrow we pick up a friend (from the airport) who will stay for a few days with me at the orphanage.  I can't wait to see her- it's been almost a year!  Monday Redgi will travel to another town to work on arranging a monthly shipment of food for the orphanage.  :)  :)

The water source in Chaveneau now-  it is behind the new classrooms and will be used for showers, dishes, etc... the water comes from a spring up the mountain and is piped to this spigot and empties into this 55 gallon drum  (they drink it but we certainly can't- they need to have it purified for themselves as well but it's at least closer than 1/3 mile)

Another location for water- in front of the church (along the school driveway)

Redgi filling a jug with ocean water to take home to his family on the return from Chaveneau- sooooo beautiful.

Betina on the balcony at the orphanage- she still needs a sponsor!  :)  (hint hint- hahahaha)

Rosamine still in the Christmas spirit!  (also needs sponsored)

"buddies"  (Mylove and Sophia)-   Mylove is not sponsored- Sophia is...  the little ones are always hanging out together.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year- New Start

First let me say "Bon Ane" to all my friends (Haitian and not) which means "Happy New Year".  I am so blessed to be able to be on the front lines at times- seeing first hand what God is doing in Haiti and how He is at work in BOTH our projects.  :)  But, I need to remember that YOU are not here with me- sharing in this and that YOU need to be "in the loop".  So, let me tell you a little about my return to Haiti. There are many more stories to come in the days ahead- I just need to take time to sit and write them.

First of all, I arrived on New Year's Eve but did not stay awake until midnight.  I tried so hard because I really wanted to experience the celebration that Haiti has on that evening.  Jan. 1 is their Independence Day (from France in 1804) so there is much excitement on New Year's Eve.  As I pulled into the orphanage with tears in my eyes once again I thanked God for this place, for opening this door and for the people I have met as a result. Many of you are not just "sponsors" for the girls here, but you are friends now as well.  To me and to the girls/orphans.

The children greeted me with chants of my name, dancing and MANY hugs/kisses, but once things died down and we were all laying on the roof watching fireworks in the distance the questions and comments started.  "Crystal- mwen sonjay ou anpil".  (I miss you a lot- not sure I spelled that correctly)  "Mwen priye pou ou"  (I pray for you) but then it became "Andy?"  "Charla?"  "Tiffany?"  "Michele?"  "Ericka?" "DJ?"  "Melinda?"  "Cody?"  "Trevor?"  "Jeremy?"  "Mwen sonjay ****",  "Mwen priye pou ******" , etc... etc... be assured there were MANY more names than that spoken into the night. Never underestimate the power your prayers and love for these girls has.  Never underestimate the impact you have on their lives.  They love each of you.  They pray for you.  They long for contact from you- whether it is to see them again or to send them a note, letter, etc.. They just need (as we all do) to know they are not forgotten and wanted me to know that you are not forgotten either.

It just serves to remind me of how God is.  Unfortunately I have times in my life when I "go away" for a bit.  I don't do my devotions.  I get busy and don't take time to pray like I should. I make choices I know would not please or honor Him. I (for whatever reason) just drift away from Him.  But He NEVER forgets me.  He is waiting there- for my return to greet me like I was greeted on Dec. 31st at the orphanage.  With hugs, kisses, dancing, etc..... with blessings! He wants me to know "I belong" and to FEEL His love and joy at my return.  Though I do not cherish the times when I have strayed in my life, I do look back upon them as times and realize that those were some of the times when I have grown the most and truly experienced His love, compassion, forgiveness.  Then I get a glimpse of what it truly means to be His!

So, rest assured that you are His, but those of you who have agreed to sponsor these girls/orphans- you are theirs too!  They love you, they miss you and they long for a relationship with you.  How beautiful that is to see from this side, but how beautiful it must be from His too.  So, though you may not hear it enough, "Thank you" ("mesi") for answering His call to "look after widows and orphans in their distress"- James 1:27.  And for those of you considering sponsorship, it will bless both you and your sponsored child so much.  Contact us today for more info.  There are still about 50 girls/orphans who need sponsors here.

heartsunitedwithhaiti@gmail.com  or huwh.orphansponsorship@gmail.com
                 (e-mail us for info. on sponsorship)