Thursday, March 31, 2011

group updates

here are some updates from the group about the last few days and the days to come....

Being in Haiti with Hearts United with Haiti has been such a blessing. Hearing Pastor Duval's heart for his church and the Chaveneux community is inspiring. He is such a man of God and has sacrificed so much for the lost souls of Haiti. Being here and seeing it all first hand has only confirmed in me what I already knew to be true, God has asked me to partner with this man to help him accomplish what God has asked him to accomplish.  What an honor to serve beside such a committed, devoted and sold out man of God. God's river of grace flows through the Arris family and out onto Chaveneux.  Never have I met a family so devoted to the cause of Christ. God, thank you for showing yourself mighty in Haiti!!
Denver Burnse 

faith; faith  would be defined as  not seeing with ones eyes but with the heart and the soul. inside the heart of Haiti we see this more then anywhere. It still amazes even on the amount i have spent with the team to really see a culture thriving with something non- matirialistic faith may not be a real physical thing but the people here seem to see it more then the americans back home. Today we left with one of the staff and the people here were praising the lord at 3 in the morning! If that is not physical proof of faith im not sure what would then. In today's world and society we are always filled with self doubt and misunderstandings and here it is as if the fog in front of our face is wiped clear to truly see god and feel the spirit you must come to Haiti. to say "oh i would love to help others and be a asset"this is a understatement when you are here you're worth more than you think. Haiti will change your life.

Dillon Franklin

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