Monday, December 26, 2011

End of year giving opportunity

At this time of year many people are looking for a "cause" to donate to.  We have quite a few projects that you can help support in Haiti and we have listed them below.  You can also just mark your donation "use where there is greatest need" and our board will determine where to apply it to be the most effective.  You will receive a personalized note so you know where and how your money was used.  Thank you in advance for your "end of year" donation to our organization.  Send all donations to Hearts United with Haiti  PO Box 55  Morgantown, PA 19543.  

Chaveneau-  a clean water treatment system needs to be installed on the community water source.  The best system we have found costs about $5000 but for only $500 we can put a system in that uses the existing water and common table salt to form chlorine which people from the community can put into 2 liter bottles.  They will then take this chlorine (bleach) to their homes to add to their drinking water to kill parasites and bacteria.  Each 2 liter bottle will last about 2 weeks before they need to come and get more from our system.  Having clean water is essential if we are to help this community become more healthy.  

There's a spigot right behind these children (outside the fence) that the community uses for water.
-  Also Pastor Duval needs about $1200 per month to pay the salaries of the teachers and staff at the school. He also needs books, chalk, pencils, paper/notebooks, and other school supplies.  There are currently about 250 children at the school- most of them do not pay much or anything to attend.  Pastor Duval pays all expenses out of his pocket.  School children are available to sponsor for $25 per month (pays for uniform, books, etc...) and classes for $75 per month (that pays the teacher salary and some extra materials monthly).

Orphanage in Port au Prince-  We have gotten word that we are going to be able to hook the pastor up with monthly food deliveries.  This will not give him all the food he needs, but it will help knock the cost down considerably.  We will still help him pay for food, water (delivered and stored in a large cistern on the property) and basic monthly care for the 80 girls at the orphanage.  You can give a one-time donation to this OR you can sponsor an orphan monthly for $32 per month.  We hope to have all 80 orphans sponsored by spring.

The children at the orphanage... many are in need of sponsors! 

Vehicle fund-  We are still in need of a reliable vehicle.  We either need someone to help us purchase one stateside and then need to raise funds to ship it to Haiti OR we need to purchase something in Haiti.  Either way, we are talking about $12,000 or more to get a good vehicle in Haiti.  Our "dream" would be a 4x4 extended cab pickup truck- diesel. A Toyota or Nissan would be ideal because parts are easier to come by. 

Scholarship fund-  Sometimes people can not physically "go" to Haiti to minister but they would like to help others do so.  We often get people who would like to come on a trip with us but they just can not raise the necessary funds for the trip.  So, we allow people to contribute toward a certain trip/scholarship fund and then we use that money to help those who desire to serve.  We also use this money at times to pay for expenses for Crystal to travel to Haiti- like this upcoming trip where she will get bios on each of the girls from the orphanage and need to pay for a translator.  

Other "projects"??  There are plenty.  We assure you that your money is spent wisely and goes directly to benefit the Haitians we work with as an organization.  We pray for each person who donates to our ministry as well.  Thank you for your generosity as you serve and bless the people in Haiti.  I am reminded of our verse on our T-shirts from this year.  1 John 3:17-18  "If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth."  

God bless and have an amazing 2012!  We have so much to share with others- most importantly we can share Jesus with them by loving them and helping them in their time of need.  :)  

Saturday, December 24, 2011

What can you give this Christmas??

Me with two of my favorite girls at the orphanage- sisters Darline and Mimose.  They were teaching me Creole (see the book in my hand?)  and yes- they had just done my hair.  More "bonding time" with them.  
Widline and me in Chaveneau (her mom is one of my closest friends yet we can not truly speak to one another- we just sit and try to communicate and laugh as she teaches me to cook over the fire, wash my clothes in the creek, etc..)

     I have been trying to write a blog for about a week now (since returning from this last trip to Haiti) but have not been successful.  In fact, to be honest, I have not been successful in doing much of anything since returning.  Yes, I have made phone calls, returned e-mails that were absolutely necessary, gone to an eye doctor appointment, ran some essential errands, and yes! even done a bit of Christmas shopping.  But, this time has been a rough "re-entry" to say the least. So forgive me in advance if I sound cynical.  It's just hard to come back to the USA sometimes.  I truly hurt for my brothers/sisters here who have bought into the commercialism of Christmas, who are caught in the rushed pace we live, etc..
    Yesterday I found myself wandering around the stores to shop for Christmas doing more "people watching" than shopping.  I listened to the radio announcers asking their radio audience if they place a limit on how much they spend on one another for Christmas.  Caller after caller was saying things like, "Yes, we have agreed to only spend $100 on each other ($200 total for a couple) or $200 on each other ($400 per couple) and complaining about how they were not going to be happy with what they could buy for that amount.  Over and over I heard:  "Seriously, what can you buy for $200??"  or "What can you buy for $25??"  My mind was racing (as was my heart)... I dialed but did not get in to the station.  I wanted to scream??? "WHAT CAN YOU BUY??"  Are you kidding me??"  Let's see... you can buy a sweater, a small item or even a nice gift that someone really doesn't need.  Something that sits in the closet or drawer or on the shelf and rarely gets used.  OR you can buy something that truly means life/death to those in need somewhere in the world.  Something that will impact that person's physical, emotional and/or spiritual well being. You can give TIME to those who just need a person to listen.  You can share in their life.
     Many of you know I recently lost a good friend of mine.  A month ago she took her own life.  Would it have made a difference to sit with her and listen?  To let her know she was not alone?  Only she would know the answers to that question but I do know she was not the only hurting person in my life.
     Recently I have been blessed to spend some quality time in Chaveneau and also at the orphanage in Port au Prince.  Next week I return to Haiti again.  I see needs there and yes- they are real, true needs.  A case of chicken cost about $35 US and will feed about 40.  A clean water system will cost about $500 to install and will provide clean water for the entire community of Chaveneau for just pennies per day going forward.  Three bags of rice and a bag of beans costs about $200 US and will feed the girls at the orphanage for about a week. But the time spent with these people- sitting with them, hearing their stories, praying with them is truly priceless.  Giving them food, water, medical care, etc.. is important but giving them hope?? Letting them know someone cares?  Someone remembers their name when they leave?  You can't put a price tag on that.
      I am not saying you should not buy gifts at Christmas.I am not saying you need to give to Hearts United.  I am not saying you need to give to Haiti or even come on a trip with us.  But I AM saying that we need (as a nation) to think about what/how we spend the money  and other resources we have and what we truly NEED.  I AM saying that many will go into debt (and even depression) after the holidays from buying for others- left only with a stack of gifts that do not make them happy and still not filling that void inside- in fact it may even be larger because they are tired from running around trying to please those around them with things.
     Like everything else in life, there needs to be balance.  Put some time/thought into the gifts you are giving this Christmas season.  Write a note.  Send a personal card.  Surprise a friend who is having a tough time with a "lunch date" and spend TIME with them.  Don't just buy something and then check it off the list.  Invest in PEOPLE- whatever that looks like to you.
     So... back to the original question....  What can you give this Christmas??  I challenge you this holiday season to reach out- to your neighbors.  To your friends.  To strangers.  Just remember what CHRISTmas is all about.  Jesus could have just given out "things" but instead He chose to invest in those around Him.  He walked with them.  He shared life.  He listened.  Yes, He healed, He fed, He met physical needs.  But we hear nothing about Him  spending time/energy on things that will not last.  Ultimately, when we die we will not have our "things" with us.  When we stand in judgement before God and He asks us how the world was different because we were in it what will you say?  I pray I have done my part.  I pray I have been obedient to truly love those He has put before me.  I pray He is proud of what I have done with the time/money/talents He has given me.  I pray the same for you.
     Have a truly Merry Christmas!  And as always thanks for the prayers/financial support/and donations to our organization.  We are all blessed soooo much!   -  Crystal

PS- for those of you who have donated to the girls at the orphanage- here's some of what your money/donations did for them recently!  (below)  And in Chaveneau- FREE medical and dental care, dental education/toothbrushes/paste, etc...

each girl got a bag with "trinkets"- coloring pages, hair ties, underwear, granola bar, etc... 

Each girl got a brand new pillowcase dress courtesy of Dress a Girl Around the World - North Carolina

SOME of the bags on the floor of my bedroom- getting ready to hand out at the Christmas party  Dec. 22nd.

Bought 2 cases of chicken - which will give them this much meat for THREE meals (he makes it last)

We spent time together making friendship bracelets- what a fun day that was!  They LOVE doing crafts with people- more than bringing them gifts and handing them out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thoughts After Haiti from Ericka

It almost doesn't seem real that I've only been back from Haiti for 2 days. Being a part of the "dream team" (as Crystal puts it :)) was an amazing 4 days that I wouldn't trade for the world. Coming back to the States makes it all seem like a dream and yet when I look back at the pictures, it brings back all the memories and experiences that I had in Haiti. Today I was looking at pictures of the first day that we arrived in Haiti and went to the orphanage: Dad holding My Love and Carina giving me the biggest hug ever. In that moment, I remember feeling such love and hope for these girls that I had never met before and I wanted to do everything in my power to make their lives better. I'm telling you, if I would have had my way, I would have brought both of them home with me :) I hope someday that I can go back to Haiti and love on them some more--But I realized something. Even though I can't do a whole lot physically for them right now, after I pray for those girls each day, I also pray that God will not let me forget that moment. That Haiti will be a forever "tugging" in my heart that I will not get comfortable feeling. It is so easy to think about places far away and hope that the people living there will be ok without really caring about them. I pray to God, I will never "get used" to my experience with Haiti. Crystal does an amazing job down there and God is truly using her in the church, school and orphanage. Thank you to the people of have given me a new aspect of faith and learning to live with less. 

Anyways, those were just some thoughts on my mind today as I reflected on Haiti. Thanks for listening :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

A-team photos!

Here are some photos from the medical group we took to Chaveneau.... it was a fantastic trip and we now have LOTS of data and great ideas for future needs/groups!  THANK YOU to all who attended!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Doctor Donaldson wrote a nice, long update yesterday but it did not post (Haitian internet- hahaha) so I am submitting mine that was written this morning.  The team has left and is on their way home (plane leaves in about an hour)-  got them to the airport fine.  The rest is up to American Airlines.

What a fantastic trip.... seriously!  I have not experienced a full out medical trip before (I have assisted a bit) but this was absoluetly amazing.  This team is the "dream team" to be the first for sure.  Everyone got along really well (and there WERE stressful times), everyone worked together, and in all we got to see ALL the school children and many in the community ------ in only 1.5 days!  Our translators were stellar!  They worked non-stop for that time and they took turns relieving one another because it is draining translating non-stop for that long.  Some even got to ASSIST with care.

I always love sharing Chaveneau with people and having them fall in love with the place like I do and I am pretty sure I am safe in saying that they are ALL hoping God leads them back at some point in their future.  They really bonded with the people and it was sweet when we left the school children, they pulled us all into a room and said, "We are so happy that you came to help us but next time we would like you to play with us like the people last summer did too"... how sweet that they really really are just longing for that attention- any little bit they can get.

So, thank you for your prayers and support.  We did go way over budget (sorry board of directors) but it was money WELL spent.  It was just typical "Haiti"-  little things breaking down, the van driver wanting more money to come back to get us, etc... nothing earth shattering and certainly nothing the enemy could use to distract us from our goal/mission.

Today we will go to church down the street at Pastor Coronet's church.  Pray for Doc D. as he will be preaching for the service.  This is exciting stuff!  Pray for the Haitians (and us) to be blessed by his message and all he has to share with them. And pray for the team as they return home to the states.  That they can spread the word of what God is doing in Haiti and how He used THEM here.... :)

AMEN!  --Crystal

Thursday, December 8, 2011

in Chaveneau safely

We are safe in Chaveneau and having a great time ... I will let the team update with some thoughts from the day! -Crystal

Hey Everybody...It's Ericka to share about our day. Its been amazing! We woke up early this morning after a night of excitement. I will elaborate on our crazy night :) After we made it safely to the house where we were staying, we spent some time with the Pastor, his wife and kids, eating some amazing Haitian rice with red sauce, chicken, plantains, fried potatoes, and "pickly" ( Like spicy coleslaw). Sorry Crystal, I probably butchered that spelling haha Anyways, we were all tired from the plane so we went to bed with our mats. Ellen and Scott went to sleep on the roof only to awakened by down pouring rain! And we had a crazy rooster who decided that crowing during the day wasn't enough...he wanted to crow during the night too :) But it was all worth it when I thought about visiting the kids at the orphanage during the day. They gave us the biggest welcome when our tap-tap drove into the orphanage. There were kids just everywhere hanging on us, begging for some love. There were two girls that really stuck by me and made me realize just why I was down there. A baby named My Love (it was her birthday too) and a girl named Carina who stuck by my side. It was so amazing how we could just love them as simply as we could but that was more than enough for them.

Today we rode in a van out to set up our medical supplies and talk to the people in the community. We were able to pray with several families that Crystal had met on her trips before. God is good and working in the community here in Haiti and I am blessed to be apart of it. They are so kind and generous with what they have. I hope to bring that back with me when I return to the States. That is all I have for now....Aurevoir!

Much love.....Ericka for the team


We got in Haiti safety, everyone is ok and happy to see with their own eyes the country. And after a short rest, we are ready to make a long trip to go to Chaveneau. Please pray for us guys so that God can be with us.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Well guys... in TWO days we will be sitting in the airport in New York ready to depart for Haiti (we leave at 10:40 am. on Dec. 7th) where six of us will travel (with 4 translators) to the remote farming community of Chaveneau.  The team will do medical/dental assessments, education and treatments on those God brings to us!  This is the first medical/dental clinic I have led so I am a little apprehensive about what will transpire, but I know God is already working upstream orchestrating things.  He has already determined who needs to be treated, what needs to be taught, how we will manage the patients and determine "need", etc.. Our "job" is to follow His lead and to be obedient to doing whatever He calls us to.  So... we ask for your prayers.  For the team (unity, our own health, wisdom, discernment, boldness, etc...), for the patients (that God would bring those who really need help, that they maintain order, for comfort, etc..), for our travel to/from Chaveneau, that we rest well (LONG hot days and very little time to accomplish what we desire can lead to a sense of urgency which will cause us to push ourselves- pray against this), for our translators who will be working hard to help us assess/communicate proper instructions, etc..

This is such an exciting opportunity and we can not wait to serve.  Pray for Doc D (doctor), Doctor Scott (dentist), Sondra (dental assistant), and the three of us "lay people" (Ellen, Ericka and Crystal) who will be assisting them.  We will try to post photos and stories but will have no internet service there (in Chaveneau) so we will be dependent upon our Haitian friends to do this for us.  (we call them from our cell and ask them to update then they go to an internet cafe' and post)

Thanks to all who have donated to this project, prayed for us already, given advice on running medical clinics and given us medical supplies and other materials to use this week.  We will take lots of photos to hand out so you can see what you have been part of!  :)


                                  (some children from the community we met in June 2011)

               (the current "medical center"... not sure if we will work here or at the church)

Serving Him in Haiti-  Crystal

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Following God

Some people are of the belief that when they hear God's voice or sense Him directing them somewhere they should fast, pray and proceed cautiously- constantly asking Him for direction/discernment.  Others step out to follow Him and move forward until He clearly shows that this is not the direction He desires them to take- then they change directions to follow Him in another direction.  I believe that both are good ways and both have times when they are needed/warranted.  And I do not know that they are all that different most of the time.  (in the case of finances it can be very different- "Do we wait until we have ALL the money to proceed, part of the money or do we step out trusting that the money will come?")  Well, this is one of those times when Hearts United has decided to step out and follow His direction and until we feel otherwise. The board feels that God is leading us to form some sort of plan with the pastor of the orphanage where the Son of God girls have been moved with the intention of entering into a long term partnership with him/the girls there.  We do not have all the details worked out yet.  We certainly do not have answers to all the questions, but we are moving forward- one step at a time and trusting that if this is not what God has for us as an organization He will make it abundantly clear.

Right now we are in the process of collecting data from the pastor, answering questions about how he was operating before we came along and finding out what his goals/plans are for the future of the orphanage. We are discerning what our role will be- desiring to partner with him, to provide assistance but NOT to create dependence upon our organization for taking care of the girls.  We firmly believe this is a responsibility God has given him but going from 40 girls at his orphanage to now almost 80 has certainly presented it's own set of challenges.  He was not prepared to provide food, clothing, schooling, etc. for that many new girls.  All that in addition to taking care of their medical needs- and they have plenty.

In the past (at Son of God) there were many organizations and individuals involved with these girls and many have formed close relationships.  But, that is also part of the problem that was created.  The director of that orphanage did not manage his resources well (that is an understatement) but still people all wanted to "help" and did so by donations- many donations.  We truly believe this is not the answer either.  Coming alongside the pastor is one thing.  Helping him develop a long term plan for maintaining his facility while continuing to provide an environment where the girls will be healthy, emotionally stable, spiritually fed, and well educated is another.  Providing him with "hand outs" so he learns to rely on them is yet another.  Things need to be managed well, long term plans need to be developed, partnerships need to be formed, etc..

So, we ask for your prayers as we step out in faith- truly believing that this is where God is calling us as our "other project".  We will continue to be involved with Chaveneau (of course) and will still work diligently to help the people there improve their community, providing clean water, food, medical care, etc... but we will also work with this second project in Port au Prince.  We believe God is directing this and that these projects are actually not too different.  Both are in alignment with our mission statement.  Both are very different areas of need, but both will benefit the Haitian people long term- creating productive members of the Haitian society who will ultimately be equipped to assist their own people and country in the future.  This is (and will continue to be) our primary focus.

If you would like information on sponsoring a girl at the orphanage or a child in Chaveneau please notify us.  We will be launching sponsorship shortly after the new year if all works out as planned.  God bless!  And as always thank you so much for your support and prayers.  :) :)

note:  the photo was taken at the orphanage- it is of Melinda- one of the littlest ones there.  ALL are beautiful and ALL deserve sponsors... just like the children at the school in Chaveneau.

 I am willing to talk to your church or group and show photos so people can hear about our vision and pick a child they would like to sponsor!   Just give us a call or send me an e-mail.  -Crystal

Friday, November 18, 2011

Chaveneau update-

OK... enough about Son of God (though it will never leave my mind AND you may be hearing more in the near future)... what is God doing in Chaveneau many are asking? WELL... you will not believe the answers to that question. 

First of all, the school attendance? Up to about 200 children daily!! (250 registered now from what I hear) I have attached SOME photos of the children in class but I will take more photos when I get there in a few weeks- of them lined up for the national anthem in the morning- that's when you get a good picture of how many there are. Here are those that came on time the first day of school and got to line up (Haitians are notoriously late AND it was the first day of school so the photo is missing MANY children)

Next question... where do you put all the students? Well, they are not all fitting in the school sooooo- the Arris family (along with church members and friends) built THREE outdoor classrooms. They are being used for the little ones- preschool and kindergarten. They are located under the trees and are covered by tarps. I am sure we could use some able-bodied people to come and make improvements but they are working well for now! Exciting stuff!

The classrooms inside the church have undergone a "facelift" as well. They are no longer separated by tarps,but now they have wooden dividers between classes/teachers that double as chalkboards. Speaking of teachers, we have increased our staff quite a bit- most of the new people are teacher's helpers (no need for all of them to be teachers) but there are some new teachers, a principal (the director travels between the school and Port au Prince) and others. New benches for the school have been constructed to insure that all students have a seat. We also have a man operating the gate- yes GATE on the property. They have had a few problems with children not in school showing up at recess time to "bully" those in school so a "fence" was put up all around the entire playground/soccer field. This too could use an update, but for now it is made from woven palm fronds and is amazing! The man at the gate controls who does/does not enter the property and provides security.

God is moving in Chaveneau and though it's exciting to see all that has been done, it has not been without cost. Many students still do not have uniforms (important in Haiti to have), inside the church needs to be finished with concrete and painted, salaries need to be paid, etc... PLEASE consider sponsoring a school student ($25 per month) or classroom ($75 per month) or giving a donation to the school for "general use". THANK YOU to those who have given- we hope you have enjoyed seeing the money IS being used wisely. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Home" again...

I put the word "home" in quotes for a few reasons... this was the first time leaving Haiti that I really felt as though I was going to the USA to visit and would be returning "home" soon because I return in three weeks to Haiti with the medical assessment team (A-team) and then again at the end of Dec. for a group that is coming from California.  But, then I thought farther and realized though I love Haiti and the people there so much and though I had the most amazing/blessed trip this time, Haiti is not "home" either... I have a HOME in HEAVEN where I will live one day forever -spending time with the love of my life- Jesus!  I will tell you that I believe I have been given a wonderful glimpse of what Heaven will be like the past few weeks.  I have also been blessed to experience what pretty much everyone who has gone on a mission trip experiences- I was FAR MORE BLESSED than those I went to serve.  Starting with the friends with whom we stayed in the beginning of our trip to those with whom we stayed at the end of our visit to Haiti and everyone in between both Emily and I were so blessed.  Let me explain a bit about our trip now that I can share the details- will try to be brief.

It all started when Son of God orphanage was closed by officials in Haiti due to the horrific conditions the children were living in and the treatment they were receiving from the directors of the facility.  Children were literally starving, they were sick and covered with scabies, some were neglected/physically/sexually abused, etc...   We had been on the periphery of the investigation by Americans compiling data for many months so we knew some of the key people working/advocating for these children so we were blessed when we were chosen to travel to Haiti to help wherever we could just 5 days after the closing of Son of God (SOG).

We arrived in Haiti on Thurs. 10/27 and for the first five days we stayed with friends on the "front lines"- people who were helping locate/identify children moved in the closing of SOG and others who were still considered "missing".  The role God gave Emily and I was to stay at the base where these friends live and do work there (physical work, photography, compiling data, etc...) so they could continue to attend meetings and  do what they needed to do to find/help the children.  They knew where 35 girls were and at least 9 boys (we later found it was 20) and they knew all the "key players" in the investigation on the Haitian side.  We felt so honored to be able to be there and be able to free their schedules for them so they could attend to the work God had given them without worry/distraction.  Being "behind the scenes" can be difficult- everyone likes to be in the spotlight, but honestly it was a job done with JOY and we made some great friendships in the process (and even learned things/met contacts that will help our ministry in the future).

But, I have to be honest and say that after five days of being in the country and 10 days since the closing of SOG it was really hard some days to listen to stories of visits to the girl's orphanage (where we KNEW Sarafina was) and not see the girls ourselves.  But, Emily has even said, God really used that time to teach us both a bit about servant ministry and putting Him and His agenda first.

Then, day six in the country we got to see the girls!  I can not explain to you the feeling of driving into that facility to see them and watching them as they tentatively approached us, some saying our names, but hanging back a bit because they were unsure of us/our intentions.  They had been told many stories about the Americans and not to trust us.  But, it didn't take long until we had little hands tucked in ours and children fighting for our attention.

Bottom line, we were asked to join the pastor there, stay in his guest house and serve the girls by giving them medication and helping with transition to this new, happier place.  So, day six meant moving to the girl's home where we would live the next NINE days.  I will write more stories about this experience because honestly it is hard to talk about it still without getting VERY emotional.  Yes, I am 50 years old and hormonal (and as some of you know I cry very easily anyway) but this experience would bring anyone to tears.  The ability to love and bless others that these girls have is beyond comprehension.  After all they have been through they still  welcomed us into their "family" and we were truly part of the group.  Leaving there was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. It was the glimpse of Heaven I talked about earlier.  Not physical heaven.  It is still Haiti- it is a dirty, concrete place where they live, but the sense of family, the love, the tenderness toward one another is beyond compare.  If you look past the physical you will see the smiles, hear the shouts of joy, hear the corporate prayer every night, hear the worship songs sung at dusk on the porch, watch the older ones caring for the younger, etc...

Again we were tested when Emily and I had to leave after nine days even though our "relief" was not coming for another week so the girls would be "alone".  We knew they will never truly be alone- many of you are praying for them and will continue to do so and we know God is with them but it was like leaving family when we pulled out of there and went to visit the boys for a day (that was another GOD experience) and then to head back to the place we stayed upon arrival to debrief, process and REST for another four days.  But, during that time we were again ministered to and blessed much more than we were blessing.  Those we stayed with were wonderful and really helped me at least work through some things I needed to.

Our last night was spent at the Arris house- planning for the Dec. trips and having time with my family there.  Getting out of the car and having the family come over and call me "mom" and hug me- seeing their faces light up when they saw me was another blessing.  And then having an evening with them was God literally putting icing on the cake for me.

THEN, to top it all off, on the way to the airport our last day we stopped by the orphanage to see the girls and to talk to the pastor about a few last minute things.  I wish there was a video crew there to capture the reception we got.  I couldn't help but think about the reception we had when we first got there just two weeks earlier- to the day.  This time girls RAN to us- screaming our names.  They literally knocked Emily to the ground to hug her- crying and laughing at the same time.  One got to me first and jumped from about 3 feet away and landed with her body against my chest and wrapped her legs around my waist and arms around my neck.  She kept kissing and kissing my cheeks and crying and saying "I missed you" in Creole.  Then the rest were "on" me.. all fighting to press in and touch me and I think of how blessed I am.

These girls are now my daughters.  God did not put us at that orphanage by chance.  We are ONE family now- all 36 of us!  (and actually more cause we bonded with many of the girls who were already at the orphanage too) I do not know what God has for the future, but I know He has given me a glimpse of the joy I will have in Heaven when I get there.  Returning "home" to this orphanage was beyond what I can describe to you all.

THANK YOU for those of you who contributed financially to this "emergency" trip.  It was by far the most expensive one we have taken and we will be "in the hole" for a while because of it, but we were blessed so much by our time there and humbled that God used US to help these girls transition to their new "home".  Thank you to those who covered us in prayer.  We ask that you continue to pray for us and for the girls as we work with other organizations to see what God has for their future sponsorship/support, etc... Pray that we can reunite many with their families.  I truly pray many of you reading this will get a chance to meet these girls one day and know them.  They are truly gifts from God and they bless everyone who meets them.  :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

"Working" with the girls!

The following was written from the orphanage where Emily and I have served for the past 9 days- we were so blessed God used us in this capacity and we were allowed this opportunity- it gives you a LITTLE glimpse of our life here in Haiti-

Imagine for a minute getting up in the morning and getting medication ready for 35 girls- some are on two or three different kinds that all need to be measured and logged in their charts.  Then, joining the Haitian cooks rolling dough to make breakfast to feed about 75 girls only to be called upstairs to your room where your own breakfast of scrambled eggs and Haitian coffee awaits you.  (along with the little girl who directs you to the bathroom and holds a basin of water and soap out so you can wash your hands- pouring the clean water over your hands once they are soapy)  After breakfast, you get to go play with the girls and “hang out” teaching them English as they teach you Creole.  Every one of them fighting for your attention.  Mid morning brings with it more “treatments”- soaking swollen hands, dressing cuts and scrapes, washing hair and cleaning open sores, etc…   Afternoon meds and “dinner” comes too soon at about 2 to 3 pm. and then the later day wound care again.  Dinner is set on the balcony overlooking the entire city of Port au Prince and is a huge meal complete with an ice cold drink bought by our host family again.  Finally, the evening routine begins at about 4:30 pm with applying scabies treatment/medicine to ALL the girls in the orphanage as well as some of the family because the Pastor feels no one should be made to feel “different” so he lets them all play together even though many of “our” girls are covered with scabies and sores.  We start the treatment so early because it takes a long time to administer to all the girls and we want good light.  Then, we hang out again and finally, at about 8 pm. we give evening meds and then we go into one of the bedrooms with all 35 girls and sing songs/pray before bed… So far I have not been able to keep from crying when doing this- good thing it is so dark in there.  How blessed to hear the happiness of these girls, to see the love, to spend this time with them!  They are happy- you need not worry about them.  They are loved.  They are adjusting well and have made friends with the 40 who were already at this orphanage and the pastor/family who run the place love them and WANT them there.  He is an amazing man of God.  They will soon start school and eventually will be trained at his “professional” school where they will learn trades such as sewing, baking, hair dressing, etc…  Yes, these children have been abused.  Yes, many of them have had to fight to survive.  But, survive they have and they are resilient.  They are happy here and so are we.  God is amazing and both Emily and I consider ourselves soooo blessed to be here serving these girls and Him. And we are so thankful for all of you who have made it possible to be here.  There is no doubt in either of our minds it is exactly where God has us right now. So, as we fall into bed exhausted at about 8:30 pm. we say “Thank you”- to you and to God!   More photos and stories to follow.  J

ALL the girls at the orphanage- they are all one big "family" now
                                           Emily handing out morning medications

        Morning medications- all counted and ready to "serve"

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Prayer Meeting

                                (our friends with their children- they were working to adopt these two 
                                           from Son of God-  the children are James and Lorie if you would like to
                                                                                pray for them by name)

I know MANY of you joined us in prayer last night from home and some of you came out to Living Rock Bible Church to join us in person.  We had a blessed night of prayer for many.  I will put a list here, but please understand that it is NOT complete-  We ask that you continue to lift these requests up to God.  I also had some verses that I passed out to those with us last night.  I am posting them here as well if you would like verses to read.  There are MANY more, but these are some God put on my heart.  Read the surrounding text as well-  God's heart is tender toward the orphans/fatherless.  Thanks again-

Remember in prayer:
-missionaries on the ground in Haiti as they continue to fight for these children, comfort them, etc...
-the directors of the orphanage (Paul himself once persecuted Christians yet God used him and he became an amazing missionary for the Kingdom so God CAN use them if they accept Him and repent of their actions)
-the translators (who are still living in this area and in danger- that they not fear, but trust Him)
-Haitian officials (ISBER, the police, President Martelly and first lady, etc..)
-those who are now caretakers for the children rescued (wisdom, compassion, understanding for these children who have been traumatized)
-those here at home who have relationships with these children- many who were looking to adopt some of them but do not yet know where their children are and how they are doing (waiting can be the hardest)
-and of course THE CHILDREN (those who have been rescued/relocated- that they understand this was for the best, but they may be apart from the only "family" they have known for a long time AND those who are still "missing"- that they are found safe and secure and in the meantime that they know they are NOT forgotten- by us and by God)

Verses:  Exodus 14:14       James 1:27        Psalm 68:5        Isaiah 1:17 & 10:2       Jeremiah 49:11 & 5:28   Deuteronomy 10:18  & 27:19

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Keep praying...

       My friend Adella holding Sophia (we THINK she was  rescued)

I still have no news about Sarafina and we do not have an exact number of children that were rescued on Friday from Son of God Orphanage in Haiti- sorry.  Things move slowly in a third world country and we all want to make sure we are reporting FACT- not supposition so even though it seems like it is taking forever, it really is moving along.  This is an even longer week than last week was while we were waiting for the Haitian government to actually go in and remove the children from that place.  I would ask that you PLEASE continue to pray.  I am not free to share a lot of details, but there are many reports coming out of Haiti from reliable sources and there is still a GREAT need for prayer...for the children, for the TRANSLATORS/Haitians who still live in that community (not everyone "bad" has been arrested so they are in danger), for my friends who have flown there to help, etc...  Until then, look at some of these images of "our" children at Son of God... I have tried to give you some names so you can pray for them specifically. Thank you for all the e-mails, notes, prayers, phone calls, etc.. They mean SO MUCH at this time- it's been tough to say the least.  In my head I KNOW God is in control, but my heart is still hurting for these children I love and have worried about for over 13 months.  I have been pouring over God's promises for His people- particularly the children/orphans.  He has NOT forgotten them!

      some of the children at Son of God with my team in March 2011-  Marie (the woman running the orphanage when it was closed down/wife of the "director" is in the back in the purple)

      Bettina (sitting on Abby's lap)- we still have no idea if she got out

      Wendy (opening a note sent by a friend of mine that I delivered)- we are pretty sure he got out- we saw photos of him that the news media released crying and scared.

       another group photo (they are holding a sign from my school- we collected clothes, toys, etc.. )

Friday, October 21, 2011


PRAISE GOD the children of Son of God "orphanage" in Haiti are FREE!  There’s been an official announcement as of about 2:30 pm. EST today. I have attached a link to an article released by ABC news.. there are MANY others.  Know that some of my good friends are traveling down as I write this to see the children and help with this transition so they ARE being looked after- no need for everyone to rush to see them and overwhelm them. Though we know the children are safer in their new environment they have only ever known life at Son of God or with their families prior to being taken to the orphanage.  So there will be trauma associated with this move.  Please continue to pray for the children and my friends who will be staying with/near them to be with them as often as possible for the first period of transition. I am sure some will need medical care, etc... Also pray for safety for those who have been very involved in this situation in Haiti from the beginning. Some have been threatened since the “director” of the orphanage was arrested in July so I can only imagine how much more they could be in danger now.  I will forward stories of praise and excitement as I get them or post them on my blog.  
We are STILL having the prayer time at 7 pm  Monday night  at Living Rock Bible Church in Elverson.  We will have slides of the children to share so you can see the faces of those you have been praying for! Just show up- we will be there no matter how many of us there are.

Thank you SO MUCH for all your support with this!  James 1:27 and Hebrews 6:10 (two of my favorite verses) come to mind.  God bless-  J

Here’s the ABC article… Feel free to message/e-mail me with any questions…

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

OK to finally share...

I sent this to my prayer partners and posted it on facebook, but I would like to put it here as well.  Feel FREE to share with whomever you desire- TOGETHER we can help these kids!

For those of you with soft hearts I know this story will break yours, but I need to share it... I know it breaks mine and it is with tears in my eyes I share it with you.  I do not share for sensationalism but I share out of LOVE and out of desperation for the children at Son of God Orphanage in Haiti where we have taken teams and I have personally visited many times. Many of you know that my daughter Emily first "sent" me there with a message for her special girl Sarafina who I am now in love with too.  The last time I saw Sarafina was July when I went to visit her with my team (around July 23rd).  At that time I got to tell her I love her, Emily loves her and we will NEVER forget her no matter where we are- even when we are apart and can not see one another.  I said this partly because I knew things were "going to get crazy" at Son of God and partly because I just wanted (as every time I leave) to reassure her that she is NEVER far from our minds... 

There has been so much going on at Son of God since a group of people I consider good friends (I was only minimally involved in this at this point) got the Haitian government and other organizations investigating and involved to try to bring help to these precious children- children living in filth, being abused (both sexually and physically), not being fed, not being clothed with things we took as donations, etc... I could tell you of months of investigation and exposing the corruption of this facility.  I could tell you of the many organizations who are working together to get these kids out yet they remain in the same (if not worse) conditions.  I could tell you of the arrest of the man who runs the organization and how it "went down" and how we all thought and prayed that THIS would be the end and the children would finally be moved and safe.  I can tell you of how his wife and children continue to run the orphanage, to eat well, to have "luxuries" the children in their "care" do not have.  I can tell you how the meetings with officials in Haiti have exposed even more corruption than any of us could imagine.

What I can NOT tell you is that the children are safe. That they are fed.  That they are healthy.  That they know we are fighting for them (and not wondering WHY the Americans come to see them but nothing changes- except to get worse).  That they will be "OK".  That they will not die of starvation (as we fear at least one already has).  

Will you PLEASE join me in prayer for these children?  Monday night (October 24th) we will be having a time of prayer.  I am not yet sure where this will occur (depends on response) but I am asking that you prayerfully consider fasting until then from something that (when you think of it or want to eat it or whatever you choose) will remind you to PRAY for them!  TOGETHER there is power through prayer.. God has not forgotten the children of Son of God.  PLEASE join us in this fast/prayer time. PLEASE look at the photos of "our" girl Sarafina and remember her as you pray. The first one was taken in the beginning of July 2011, the second on Aug 17, 2011 by a friend of ours.  There's no knowing how much thinner she is now- TWO MONTHS later!

Thank you-  God bless!!  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to  look after orphans and widows in their distress."  James 1:27

Blessings-  Crystal Funk (founder/president of Hearts United with Haiti)

PS- Please comment or e-mail me if you plan to come on Monday the 24th to pray with us.  Then we will get a number together so we can plan a location that will "fit" us all.  thanks

PLEASE feel free to share this information with whomever you desire.  And finally, if you would like to sign a petition to get CNN to do a story/get involved in the investigation, please follow this link from a friend of mine.  (copy and paste this link)

Sarafina -July 2011

Sarafina- 8/17/11

Monday, October 3, 2011

School has begun!

Today school began for the 2011/2012 year with 200 students!  YES!  I said, TWO HUNDRED!  Last year there were 75 (we thought we would have 12 to 15 originally-  WOW God) and the building was full when we went to visit.  I can not personally imagine another 125 children there.  But good thing God isn't limited by MY imagination.  He is moving in Haiti and it's absolutely amazing to watch it happen.

I spoke with Michael on Friday (twice- once the poor man was stuck on the side of the road while taking public transportation with 24 chalkboards and "a whole bunch of wood to build stuff" and other school supplies- the bus had broken down- "this is Haiti") and he was excited to get to Chaveneau with the supplies to get things ready.  Then he called Sunday afternoon with a HUGE surprise for me.  He said, "Mom, someone here wants to talk to you" and then proceeded to put Jude on the phone.  This sweet little voice said, "Hello" and then when I asked who it was he replied, "Jude".  I couldn't believe it! Jude is the little boy in many of my photos- he is the profile photo for the Hearts United with Haiti page on facebook and was on my personal facebook for a long time in a photo with me holding him. I know I shouldn't have favorites but I do have about 10 little ones that I have really bonded with after living in the community. But, what a blessing it was to hear his sweet little voice all the way from Haiti.  Oh how I love that little boy and the people of Chaveneau.

Anyway, back to Michael's phone calls.  He told me that they realized there was no way to fit all the students into the church/school so they are building three outdoor classrooms under the trees where we held Bible School and had as our "team area" this past summer.  This is so exciting to me.  I can not wait to get there in December and see first hand what the classrooms look like.

Please pray for the students, teachers and the Arris/Beaubrun families as they all adjust to this new school year and the expectations, demands on time, challenges it will bring.  But rejoice with us as we praise God for this overwhelming response to this project.  We are so thankful for Pastor Duval who followed God- even though many thought it didn't make sense to put a school in Chaveneau.  God rewards our obedience to Him and MANY will benefit from this school/church/etc...

I will send out my newsletter for October soon- you will be amazed by what God is doing when you read of all that has been happening - both in this organization and in Haiti.  :) :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Can't keep up!

God is moving so fast lately that I sometimes feel I have to put on running shoes just to follow Him!  Every day for the past week or so He has shown me more and more of the picture He is painting for Hearts United and for Haiti and it is beautiful beyond belief!  Here's a BRIEF overview of just some of the things that have been happening:

-  we have received calls/e-mails/facebook messages from over 20 people interested in trips this winter/spring/summer coming up.  :)

-  we have a college group that may be interested in a spring break trip (pray for them as it goes through the approval process with the insurance company and other things)

-  our 501c3 application is being written and is moving through the process according to the e-mails I get from the group preparing it (they send one each step of the way)

-  one of the local newspapers called and is sending a reporter out (they still need to set up the day/time) to do a story on Hearts United

-  a doctor AND a dentist have signed up for the "A-team" and will travel with me to Haiti in December for four days to evaluate the students of the school and the community of Chaveneau (we just need to raise money for expenses for this trip)

-  we are working toward getting the bus for transportation to/from Chaveneau for teams.  :)  (the debate is should we get a large bus or short bus and how much money each option would be so we can make the best choice)

-  I have been asked to speak at a church Oct. 23 and I will be speaking at my former school (to the teachers) this coming Tuesday after school.  Pray for good attendance-  and open hearts/minds to our work in Haiti.  I would LOVE to have a group of teachers come next summer with us)

-  I have talked to a woman who organizes medical and work teams to Haiti and she may be interested in sending some of them to Chaveneau  :)  Also, we have a medical team tentatively scheduled for the first or second week of May.

So..... you can see just SOME of the things.... I never cease to be amazed at how God works!

We do have some prayer items for you if you are willing to pray for us..

- Pray as we firm up plans for the teams/individuals who may come to Chaveneau in the end of Dec. (and also for the "A-team" as we make our plans/plane reservations/etc..)

-  Pray for a truck of some sort- we REALLY need this for Chaveneau- for runs to the store, to get gas for the generator, for water, etc... and (most importantly) in case someone gets sick/hurt we can get them to the hospital 30 to 45 min. away

-  Pray for Ron and I as we try to come up with some sort of "schedule" for December- should we go over Christmas or not?  Team comes Dec. 28th so we should be there a few days early AND we have a ministry we would like to check out near the Haiti/Dominican Republic border so we could go do that.... sooo many ideas, but what does GOD want????

-  Pray for Michael as his fiance' will be visiting again over Christmas- that they have quality time together and are able to get to know one another better and as they plan their future as husband/wife.

-  Pray for the school since we now have 200 students in 8 different grades (preschool, kindergarten, and 1-6)... this means more books, more supplies needed, more teachers, etc... but it is amazing!  Pastor Duval actually had to turn some away this year.  Wow!

-  Pray for the 501c3 application- that it moves VERY quickly through the process so we are tax-exempt this calendar year.  We have many people waiting to donate until we have this so the sooner the better.

-  Pray for us as we raise funds to pay for the bus, shipping the bus, a truck, school supplies/salaries, medical supplies, flip flops (we were given a chance to buy 500 pairs of flip flops- assorted sizes for $250), etc.... There are so many projects going on but God is really blessing this ministry and through us (and you) He is blessing the Haitians!  Praise God!!  :D :D :D

Serving Haiti with a smile! -Crystal Funk  :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

the big 5-0...

Today is my 50th birthday- frankly one I was never sure would come.  My mom died at age 48 of a massive heart attack and my dad at age 60 from cancer.  Both different (one gone quickly with no chance to say goodbye and one slowly getting weaker over time until he was called home).  I will say that both have helped me become the person I am today - the person who asks, "Have I made a difference in this world?"   "Have I answered God's call for my life and done what I can to show HIM to the people He has put in my life?"  I pray the answer to those questions is "YES!"

Yes, I do mission work in Haiti.  But it hasn't always been that way.  We have never been blessed with much financially but we have always found a way to help others.  It just "looked different" over the years.  For years we volunteered as youth leaders at our church, or we helped in our community or in neighboring communities, I was involved in "Mom's in Touch" (getting together regularly to pray for our school, teachers, students), I made meals for neighbors, I watched my friend's children because she needed to work to pay bills, etc... The list goes on and on as I am sure yours does.

I tell you these things NOT to make myself sound so wonderful.  Frankly, there are times when I hear the enemy say, "Have you REALLY made a difference?"  This birthday was one of those times.  I found myself coming up on my birthday- my 50th- feeling like I just wanted validation-  letters, notes from people to help me KNOW I made an impact in their life.  It is always nice to have those little notes, letters, etc... to look back on when you are feeling low.  But then I realized that I am doing what I do for GOD- not for man.  Not for reward here on earth.  Sure, those letters, notes, etc. make it nice but they are NOT my motivation.  I am trying to be obedient to that which I truly feel called.

In the past year when talking to people about Hearts United with Haiti I have had so many people say "I wish I could do something to help you" or "I wish I could go, but ***** (it's too expensive, I can't get off work, I have this health issue, ...)".  Nothing frustrates me more!  I am not angry, just hurt that so many are buying into the lies of the enemy when they listen to that voice that tries to discourage them.  EACH of you CAN do something- you CAN make a difference- you CAN help in Haiti!!  Not all of us are called to physically go... yes, that is the "fun stuff"- the stuff that gets everyone's attention but let me tell you of a few things that have been done in the past year that have been a HUGE help for those who have gone. Without this help we would not be able to run this ministry!

-  People have collected baby formula, medical supplies, clothing, school supplies, etc... and sent them to Haiti with members of our staff/teams.

-  People have paid for MY plane tickets (and Ron's) so we have been able to travel to Haiti so often (we could NEVER have gone as often if it were not for these people)

-  People have sewn dresses and tote bags to distribute to those in the community where we minister.

-  People have donated food (chicken, pasta salad, dessert, etc...) and yard sale items for our fund raiser so we had the funds for block, cement, rebar, etc. to begin the outhouses.

-  People have lifted our teams (and us) up in prayer so our trips as successful as they were.

-  People have donated funds toward our transportation expenses so we were able to purchase (and then re-sell) a vehicle to use this past summer- this saved us over $4,000.

-  People offered to maintain our home while we were away serving in Haiti- plowing our driveway, cutting our grass, being "on call" for our daughters, etc...

-  People have told their friends/family about our organization and encouraged them to get involved.

 I am sure i am forgetting a LOT that people have done for us in the past year.  My point?  There is ALWAYS something you can do!  There is WAY too much work for one family/person (Ron and I are so busy) to do and we welcome ANYTHING you are willing to do to help us.  In doing so, YOU are helping Haiti.  YOU are making a difference.

Please consider what YOU can do to help in Haiti.. is it:

-  holding a yard sale or other fund raiser to raise money to send to the school in Haiti to help with operating costs there?

-  organizing and sending a group (or going yourself) to do some of the physical work that needs to be done on the base?

-  setting some time aside to commit to pray for Haiti and our organization?

-  collecting/packing up supplies needed at the school, medical center, etc... for distribution?

-  Other (use YOUR imagination-  ask God how to partner your gifts/abilities with the needs in Haiti)

Contact us today if you feel God is leading you to partner with us in some way.  There are so many opportunities but I can honestly say "we can not do it alone".  Many of these things require time/money/energy we simply do not have because God is calling us in another direction.  We need the ENTIRE body to do our work-  we are only part.  Will you help us???  Will you see where YOU fit into God's plan for Haiti?  And then will YOU commit to doing what He calls you to do?  We pray you will!

So... when I feel the need to pull out those notes of affirmation to read, to look at, to push away the seeds of doubt that we are making a difference in Haiti I instead will commit to pulling up the photos of Haiti- of Chaveneau especially.  I will look at those beautiful children, those beautiful people of that community that I consider close friends and I love so much and I will thank God that He has blessed me with sooooo much!  I will thank Him for this life He has given me.  For trusting ME to carry the message of His love to His people in Haiti.  BUT I will also remember ALL THOSE PEOPLE responsible for helping me in this ministry and I will pray for those who will rise up and help in the year ahead.  Are you one of those people who will help in ANY way you can?  God will bless you (as He has me) for whatever role you fill- :)  :)  And many will be blessed!  Thank you -Crystal

Sunday, September 4, 2011


The September newsletter has been sent out.  If you do not get one and want to be put on the mailing list to receive our monthly newsletters, please let us know.  Either e-mail us at  or fill out the contact form on the website   And while I am posting links, I should make sure and include TWO video links about Chaveneau and the ministry of Hearts United with Haiti.  Click on the links and check them out- then feel free to share with friends!  :)  More photos and stories from the summer to come in the next weeks... stay "tuned"... Serving Haiti - Crystal