Monday, June 29, 2015


Things are just getting moving here in Haiti. Some are still sleeping and others are up doing devotions. Today we will spend our first full day at Life is Wealth Orphanage. Yesterday we were only there in the afternoon but today we will hold Bible School in the morning and then just hang out, play, minister to Pastor Yves and the nannies, etc.... Thanks for your messages, support & prayers. The team is well, healthy and adjusting to the heat/pace of Haiti. Praise God Kylee is feeling a bit better this morning too. Praise Him for a cool evening to rest. 


  1. It is exciting to know that you will start your VBS this morning! I pray and know it will be an encouraging time for you and especially for the children! Love to all! Love seeing the pictures of all of you! I can see the excitement and encouragement on your faces!---Marilyn

  2. Praying with all of you this morning. Thank you for the updates. Isn't it amazing to be in a worship service where the hearts are all totally focused on God? Praying for God's Spirit move on all of you and amazing things happen. Be encouraged in Christ! love to all

  3. I am so encouraged and uplifted every time I read a post from you all. I can't even imagine how hard it is going to be to tell all those sweet girls goodbye. Prayers are still being said for you all! Love you all.
