Monday, December 30, 2013

Photo highlights- Day 1

I will try to post some shots daily of the team doing different ministry so you can see what they are up to.  I will let them post blog updates to read.  Enjoy!  - Crystal

church by the beach in a pavilion with goats walking through the building.  Fun times!

The children with their food provided by a church in Michigan!  (OSE Orphanage)

Josh on the mountain- the children told him he looked like Jesus

Gwen showing the children some photos she took of them!

Same with Auston... showing photos

hiking back to base from the mountain overlook

Renee helping carry food into the orphanage!  :)


  1. Thank the pictures! We have snow in Ohio this morning and the temperature is 25 and dropping. Just a relaxing day here for Phelps' Family. We continue to keep everyone in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Gary, Kim and Brandon

  2. great to see the pics !!

  3. You can convert photos to black and white, adjust color tones of a photo, and more
