Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tropical Storm Isaac

Please pray for Haiti over the next few days- rains expected to start falling soon from what was expected to be Hurricane Isaac and continue through Sunday.  Here are some images from photos I took in the last three months alone!  (I have many like this)  MANY in Haiti are living under tarps or in areas prone to flooding and are in dangerous situations.  Pictures make it that much more real.....

Here is part of the large tent city as you enter Croix de Bouquet.  The tarps are nicer now in some areas but still tarps.

In the city- Port au Prince by the hospital.  

North of the city- going toward St. Marc-  these little villages are all over.

And so are these houses.  

I know the family that lives in this house well.  They do have another house on the property but it's dirt and rock.  This is more the kitchen but I am sure they use it for sleeping too.  

This is the tent community in Carrefour as you travel along the beach road.  

This is the home of one of my friends- pretty sturdy, but still scary with the winds and rain that is expected.  In July we had a quick wind gust in Carrefour and it knocked an almond tree over (like the one in the back of this house) and it fell on someone's small tent home.  It was really interesting yet scary to see how quickly things can happen and the damage that can be done.  Luckily no one was hurt and the house was fine.  Praise God.  
PLEASE continue to remember these people in your prayers!  Not only through the hurricane, but ongoing.  And if you ever want to go/serve in Haiti let us know- we would love to have you join us on a trip.  Mesi!


  1. Great photos to illustrate a very serious point; that what may be a simple thunderstorm to us in the United States can be devastating to people in Haiti who live in homes like those. We all need to keep Haiti in our prayers especially over these next few days!

  2. Thanks Tony! I agree and most of these people simply do not have the resources available to them to build something stronger/more reliable. You and I both know that well. They were already in financial distress and then the earthquake - many are doing their best to just survive and this is all they have (materially). Thanks for the prayers! -Crystal
