Ok.. so here's how things go here- just for those of you who wonder why nothing seems to get done. Yesterday I was staying with my friend Kelly in Carrefour. We got up and got ready to go to her internet cafe' to drop off some stuff by 10 am. We did that- CHECK! Right on schedule. Then off to Natcom. Since I was leaving her she would not have internet and she wanted to buy her own service (a USB jump drive thing and SIM card) so Redgi went in and got it for her while we waited and waited in the car. Now it was about 12 pm. We finally got it (the hold up was getting a receipt- no one does them in Haiti) and then took her "home" to her place and we went out to do our errands. We had seven things on the list.
First stop? To get some of my luggage from a house we stayed at with the team in July. We get there and.... 1. they are using our things (plates, cups, silverware)-- had to round up what we could- only 6 plates, 7 cups and no silverware to be found. 2. Some other things from my suitcase were gone- food left for me, a gift for Redgi's girlfriend, etc... "Welcome to Haiti"! After searching for a while we gave up and just left with what we could find.
Second stop- Rick's place to get a receipt for the money spent on car repair. Being a social culture you don't just show up and pick something up from someone. You sit and chat a bit which we did. Meanwhile Redgi got a text from Kelly saying the internet wasn't working. SO.....
Third stop- back to Kelly's place to work on the internet. Never got it working so Redgi left with the stick and came back later with it. SIM card had not been activated. Now the time is 2:20 pm.
Left Kelly and Redgi was STARVING so we got food- another hour.
Left the restaurant and headed to a place where we were to call and hopefully meet the father of the baby mentioned in an earlier post in June. (the one who passed away- I had photos to share with the father)- NO ANSWER on his phone. We called and called. Nevermind. We still have time to get to the orphanage and get a paper needed from Pastor Yves for a meeting tomorrow morning with Convoy of Hope- right?
Yep! We got to the orphanage at about 5 pm. and guess what?? Pastor can't find the paper! So... we stayed about 30 min. and talked to him about other things and left to go to Redgi's house to drop off all the suitcases and things from earlier in the day.
Got there at about 6 pm. or so and dropped off stuff but then when we left we thought he lost his phone or left it at home cause he couldn't find it. Back we went and then.. it was under the seat of the car!
So.... of the seven errands we only got three done- pretty productive for Haiti (in 9 hours).... ;)
That's kind of how it goes here. Today we were to go to the bank to open a joint account. Different bank than we use now. Got there- stood in line for about an hour or so when we saw someone else who had a photo to give them. Redgi asked and YEP! You need a photo to open an account there. So we left without opening the account (this after literally trying THREE other banks but the lines were too long to get inside)- started at 9:30 am and didn't get done until 1:30 pm. and NO ACCOUNT. :) :) "Welcome to Haiti".
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