Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ministry Spotlight # 1: Mirebalais....

So, as we begin a new year I am going to try to highlight the different ministries God has called us to in Haiti and tell a little about each one.  (the story, the vision, the needs)


The story:  When Son of God orphanage was closed down the orphans were split (boys/girls) by Haitian Social Services (IBESR).  Their goal besides moving them to safe locations was to find their families because many were obtained by illegal means and, if possible, work toward reunification.  Of the 37 girls who were originally sent to Life is Wealth Orphanage in Port au Prince they were able to relocate 17 of them with family members.  Five of these girls were members of the Marcial family, were cousins of one another and lived in the mountains outside Mirebalais.  In the summer of 2012 they were moved back home and IBESR paid for schooling and gave a food stipend for the first year. The girls themselves contacted us to let us know of their relocation and during that first year we just visited a few times and got to know the families well (two different families). When IBESR stopped visiting we used some of our "orphan feeding" funds and the donations of others to continue ministry with them- committing to paying their school fees as long as they progress, working on a merit program so they could earn goats for each family (which both did) and currently, working with the girls themselves to help them earn money (both for spending and saving).  Over the past two years we have traveled to visit them many times and built quite a relationship with the families there and the girls.  Some of them have taken advantage of what we have offered (a "hand up") and are really doing well.  Others have chosen to reject our involvement because they were only looking for a "hand out" which we do not do.  We will not be part of the ongoing cycle of dependency many have created in Haiti, so though we remain friendly with those few, we no longer offer them any incentives or assistance.  Though this type of "tough love" is difficult, it is necessary and they totally understand.  That is not to say that they are exempt from future incentives and they are quickly learning that involvement with us will require work, but will be beneficial as one of the girls has not only raised her initial goat (for the family) but has bred it twice now and has FIVE goats currently.  She has also used funds earned from the bracelet program to purchase 10 chickens for the family.  They get eggs from the chickens- a great source of much-needed protein.

Many of you have followed the story of these girls from the beginning.  Their lives are a true reflection of resilience and perseverance through very difficult circumstances.  They are thriving and growing and two of them were soooo excited this past summer to present their certificates proving that they passed the Haitian National Exam given at the end of 6th grade.  MANY in the countryside never make it to this point in their education- especially girls.  What a milestone!!  And, their teachers say that they are doing really well in 7th grade now too.

Spiritually, they are strong women of faith.  We always get to share how God is working in their lives, pray with them and spend time in fellowship together.  It is always a time I cherish and I do my best to get to see them EVERY trip.  I honestly see some of them working with our ministry some day in some capacity.  For now, they are "my Haitian daughters" and I couldn't be more proud of the women they are growing to be!

The vision:  God has given us the vision to see these girls all the way through their schooling and to continue to provide the funds to pay for books, uniforms, tuition, exams, school supplies, backpacks, shoes, etc..... God has also given us the vision for starting (and now continuing) the "Bracelets of Promise" program where they make friendship bracelets to sell to foreigners- thus earning some spending money and starting a savings plan.  They currently have between $50 and $150 US in their savings accounts- depending on the girl.

One of the girls is a mother now and has had to drop out of school.  We are praying she can return but for now we are working with her on parenting and teaching her skills/tips that will, hopefully, break the cycle of creating economic orphans. She now has the opportunity to provide for her daughter through bracelet making (and hopefully other means in the future).

We also believe we can provide consistency in their lives, expose them to things they would perhaps not have the opportunity to experience, and to continue to pour into their lives spiritually.  We have taken a few groups out to meet them and all agree that the love of Jesus SHINES in these young women.

The needs:  The needs for this ministry we have are mostly financial, however, we are also potentially looking to help with a construction project in the future (not yet sure what that looks like- we are still praying).  We use funds in this category mostly for school needs/expenses but sometimes purchase food or other items for the homes.  This spring/summer we are planning to provide some seeds for gardening and, hopefully, teach canning so that they can preserve some of the vegetables/fruits when in season.  We also need people to promote the sale of bracelets (take a bunch to sell to family/friends) which, in turn, will help them raise more money for themselves and help them become more independent.

If this is a ministry that appeals to your heart and you would like to invest your support in this ministry, you can donate funds online from our website (  "donate" page) or you can send a check/money order to Hearts United with Haiti  PO Box 55, Morgantown, PA 19543.  Mark your donation for "Mirebalais" and we will put it with the donations of others.  When needs arise we will draw from this account to keep this worthwhile and life-changing ministry moving forward.  Thank you!

(here are some photos from the past year or so- of the girls, their houses, the goats, the baby, etc)
The momma goat with her second set of babies!  (just born the beginning of January 2015)

Baby Melantchy- born Sept. 18, 2014

Marie-Joline standing outside their home in the mountainside.  

Me with three of the older girls....

Some of the first bracelets. They have gotten MUCH better since then, but they are still pretty here.  

More bracelets from the first batch

Mimose showing off her certificate.  We even got them laminated for the girls so they will never get ruined from the weather since the houses are mud.  Something to keep and be proud of for sure!

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