Friday, January 1, 2016

Photos- first official day of ministry...

The prayer walk took us through an area of temporary shelters that is becoming more permanent over the years. The small homes are so close together and life there is tough but JOY abounds and we saw plenty of that!

Plenty of blood pressure checks!

Lots of children tagged along with us. Emily is showing them photos on her phone. 

Another of the team and the view...

More blood pressure checks

Donations for hygiene kits- we made over 200 of them (wash cloth, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, paste, lotion, sanitizer, etc... ). Each orphan will get one with their Christmas gifts, we will give to the patients we see Saturday at the medical clinic and we will hand some out at the pediatric hospital too. THANKS to all who donated. 

Also- there are school supplies donated by a school in Nebraska. Each orphan will get a notebook, pack of 24 crayons, mechanical pencil and sticker pack as part of their Christmas gift. Then, there were left over items like markers, glue, rulers, pencils, etc to donate to the school at the orphanage (given to the pastor). 

Later, they sorted meds and made up a suitcase we will take to the medical clinic we will do on Saturday. That way we can grab it in the morning and go. 

It was a FULL day but a really good one!!

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