Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Emily’s Blog: Tuesday, January 5th 2016

      What an amazing journey this trip has been so far. The opportunities and experiences our team has had to minister have been awesome and I feel we all have been touched in many ways. Every day has been great but today was definitely my favorite and a day I will never forget.
      Our day began by grabbing some breakfast at the house and having team devotions before heading out for the day. Mike, Kelsey and Lane left for their second day of bible study that they have been holding at Pastor Robby’s church. They had a good turnout of people from the community once again today and engaged in some great conversation. They also were able to bless Life Is Wealth orphanage with 30 mattresses that they brought to them and spent time unloading them and spending time with the orphans there.
      Our second group (Chrissy, Tori, & Savannah) left for Children’s Health Ministries clinic where they spent their time assessing and teaching expecting women as well as many newborns on breastfeeding and nutrition. They were very busy and saw many people today.
      My group (Grant, Cody, Teddy & myself) spent our day at the maternity hospital in Carrefour where we had some amazing experiences. When we arrived we took the first hour to get a tour of the hospital that included seeing urgent care, family planning education, and the vaccination area. The nurse there explained to us all the vaccinations they offer and was willing to let Teddy and I each give one to two infants. We then stopped to see the newborn nursery where there were several healthy babies and one jaundiced preemie weighing around 3 pounds. After seeing most of the hospital we then made it upstairs to the labor and delivery area as well as postpartum recovery where we spent the largest part of the day.
      As soon as we stepped into L&D I think we were all shocked to see the limited resources that they have to work with in Haiti and the different ways they do things throughout the laboring process. It was so busy today and one after another women kept arriving in labor all at various stages and within about 30 minutes Teddy and I were right there to assist in the delivery of a baby. As soon as the baby was placed on the mother’s stomach I jumped in to clean it off and help clamp and cut the cord. Although this was not the first birth I have witnessed I was still overcome by much joyous emotion during this time. I then took the baby girl across the room where I weighed, diapered and swaddled her. It was beautiful.
      Just when we all thought the day couldn’t get any more exciting we were wrong. Within 20 minutes of seeing the first birth we jumped in on another and Cody was able to cut the cord. Right after that delivery Grant and Teddy assisted another laboring mother in walking around to help her progress. Around the same time I had the opportunity to check another woman to see how far dilated she was. This was a new experience for me and was glad to have had the opportunity to do it. In the meantime we all jumped in and assisted wherever needed and if not most of us, especially myself were content holding all the newborn babies.
      Once again, just as I thought the day could not get any better I was wrong. I had taken a moment to help one of the nurse’s transport a new mom and baby to recovery and as we got her situated I could hear the screaming of a laboring woman just a few beds down. All the sudden someone said there’s a head and I immediately ran over to see what was going on since there was no nurses around in that area. Sure enough the head was out and I quickly reached into my pocket to grab gloves and had to take charge. Within just a few minute I had delivered the baby all on my own as I had sent our translator Jerry to get some more help. It was definitely a bit scary for a moment because as the baby came out the cord was wrapped around its neck which I had to quickly untangle, I was never so happy to hear a baby cry and take its first breath. Mom and baby were both healthy and well and it was an incredible experience. I am still in shock of the fact that I actually delivered a baby but was glad that I was able to be there in that very special moment.
      Not too much later we headed back to the team house where we were all able to share our day’s activities. It was amazing to hear the many experiences and ways God was moving today, I’m privileged to be a part of it. Today has most definitely been a day I will never forget.
      Once all back at the house we grabbed some dinner and got to go to the local Deli Mart (grocery store) where we all bought some Haitian items we can enjoy while here and to bring home.   
       Tomorrow some of us are headed to a bible study and others for a prayer walk in the community. Afterward we are are all very excited to be heading to the beach where we can relax and enjoy more of this beautiful country together and soak up some sun J Everyone is healthy and well at this point and enjoying the trip. It is a blessing how God has allowed our team to mesh so well together, grow and developed new friendships as we do ministry here. God is good!

      Please feel free to comment or ask any questions, we love hearing from everyone. Praying all is well at home and look forward to sharing all about the trip when I get home. God bless!


  1. So proud of you Emily, your going to be a wonderful nurse, enjoy and stay safe, love Grandma.

    1. Thank you all for your responses. It is very encouraging to hear from you all and to have your support. Today was another great day and enjoying our last few days here in Haiti. Love you all! -Emily

  2. Dear Emily and Team,
    Words cannot express how proud we are of all of you! These blogs have been an absolute blessing as we can share this journey and all the experiences with you. It also puts a Momma's mind at ease hearing from you and seeing pictures of your adventures.

    We are so excited for you in being able to follow your dreams of nursing and missions. You are truly in your element with all you are doing and seeing. I'm afraid we may not be able to keep your feet on American soil for long. It was so good to hear from you personally in yesterday's blog. I've been sharing each day's blog on FB and so many people are daily anxious to hear of all you are doing. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take this journey with you. You have many people praying for you and the whole team. We love you and can't wait to see you Saturday.
    Love you,

    1. Thank you all for your responses. It is very encouraging to hear from you all and to have your support. Today was another great day and enjoying our last few days here in Haiti. Love you all! - Emily

  3. Oh Emily!!! That is so wonderful!!!! Times like those you know you are right where God wants you!!!
    Love, Cherry

    1. Thank you all for your responses. It is very encouraging to hear from you all and to have your support. Today was another great day and enjoying our last few days here in Haiti. Love you all! - Emily
