Saturday, August 23, 2014

Join us??

Did you ever think about taking a trip to Haiti to be part of what God is doing there? We are blessed to be able to walk alongside Haitians to help them achieve their goals of being self sufficient (thus breaking the cycle of dependency that has been going on so long ). Check out the website to see how you can either serve or support the ministry God has called us to. God bless!! #heartsunited #haiti #missiontrips #ministry #christian #joinusinhaiti #thinkingdifferently #breakingthecycletogether

Saturday, August 9, 2014

God's plan for our Friday

Yesterday in the morning I met with my pastor to spend some time reflecting on the summer and sharing ideas and plans for the future. I was able to share some info with him from another meeting Redgi and I had with an exporter/missionary Thurs night. That was an extremely encouraging meeting and both Redgi and I are so excited to see where God leads the connection we now have with this man who ministers to the REMOTE mountain people of Haiti. 

After my pastor left we drove into the city to meet with Holly again about the new "mommy" program at Life is Wealth. There are still so many logistical things to work out with that program so this was yet another brainstorming meeting with a plan to then go to Life is Wealth to observe and work with Pastor to begin to formulate a plan of action so we can get these women into the orphanage as soon as possible . 

But, like often happens in life (and especially in Haiti) things didn't go as we planned. The brainstorming meeting was great but then as we were driving to the orphanage we saw some debris on the road-put there to alert people to slow down. As we slowed we saw a man laying on the side of the road in a fetal position rocking back and forth. There was a crowd down the street looking in his direction but car after car kept driiving past him without even a glance. I have to admit even getting Redgi out of the car to talk to the man was difficult and he explained later how it is just that Haitians have seen too many situations like this and are afraid to get involved. (that seemed to be the story with the group down the road because once we got out of the car they came over and were even a bit helpful).  

Anyway-after talking to the young man he told us that he was from CHANTAL (the closest town to Chaveneau-our former ministry site five hours away).  He had run away from home after a fight with his family four days prior and was now in Port au Prince with no phone, no money, had not eaten in a day and he just wanted to go home. Oh how he cried and seemed so lost and sad. 

He told us his family would welcome him home if he could get there. So we helped him into the Jeep and took him to the place where he could catch a bus to go south. On the way we found he had been laying in the street four to five hours before we stopped. Both Holly and I talked to him ( her in Creole and me through Redgi). We mentioned that "Bondye renmen ou". (God loves you) but I have to admit conversation was limited so we really barely talked. Later while Redgi was out of the Jeep buying food and a bus fare for the man, he turned to me and said, " i would like to accept Christ". Praise God Holly was in the car because she explained things to him to be sure of his intentions and then led him in prayer while I sat beside him praying for his life. 

I would like to tell you how we presented the gospel to this man and how we led him to Christ but honestly we spent more time finding details about where he lived , who we might mutually know since I know people there with his same family name, asking him his story from the past four days, etc.... Besides telling him that God loved him we said nothing more about Jesus prior to HIM asking us if he could accept Christ. It was all so fast... but the Holy Spirit did prompt me to give him the phone number for a good pastor I know in the Chantal area. Redgi also gave his phone number to the man. We prayed that he will indeed return home and that his family will accept him back. We prayed that his decision to follow Christ will be true and real and he can connect with my pastor friend to grow in his relationship with the Lord . 

Just another example of how God doesnt expect us to do anything but be obedient and available. HE will do the rest. Praising Him that we listened to the voice inside that said, "stop-there is a man in distress there" and were not too focused on our agenda that we missed this blessing. 

(note:  We got to the orphanage too late to have the meetings we had planned so I stayed there for a few hours of time with the children while Redgi took Holly home. Today is another day. I wonder what He has for us all? I pray we are focused on HIS agenda and not ours.)

(Bad photo but this is our friend in the car after accepting Jesus. He asked me to take a photo for him.)

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Zinnia seeds growing in our garden. 

Zucchini too!!  (The beans and peas are super small-no rain)

We cleaned the storage room-finally!! But there is nowhere to put the canning supplies coming from Pastor Robby's place. 

Libby got to help remove stitches at the urgent care clinic in Carrefour. 

Blessings galore!!

Yesterday we went to Mirebalais to take a few things to the girls and to try and introduce a new pilot program to the families there (more later if it works out well). We got off to a really late start but decided to go anyway. As we were heading over the mountains I couldnt believe how breathtaking the sky and clouds were. I have made this trip many times but never saw clouds like these... And such BLUE skies! 

(took this looking toward the Dominican Republic from Morne Kabrit)

We arrived a little after 1pm and were visiting with the family when we heard thunder and started to notice storm clouds rolling into their valley. As it began to rain Redgi ran to move the Jeep since we need to drive into their place with 4 x 4 along a foot and animal path not really ever used by cars. He left me in the house with the family but returned shortly cause the Jeep had slid off the path in the mud created by the flash rain storm. 

While we waited to move the Jeep (the local men all came out to help push/pull/use rope/whatever) we sat inside the house, rain dripping through holes in the roof, and laughed and teased each other and just had FUN! We actually thought we were going to have to stay the night but finally the men got us out. I am not sure if I was happy we got to leave or if I was sad we didnt get to sleep there. Either way ,it was a great time with the family. I had forgotten what living in the countryside in a mud house was like in the rain. Boy have I gotten spoiled and comfortable in two years with a nice apartment in town. And boy do I MISS those country days!! 

(my view out the door of the house-this is the neighbors house in the rain)

So today I am thanking God for the hours stuck in the rain yesterday! What a blessing it was to share in simple country life in Haiti again. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Little Jesus Kisses

Back when I was in high school I had a youth leader that explained to me whenever you feel encouragement from God it was a small Jesus kiss.  So throughout any given day if you are tuned in you can experience several Jesus kisses. Last evening we hiked up the mountain to visit a woman who Crystal met in May who had lost her husband while a team was there.  We went up to see how she was doing, and pray with her. It was a heavy conversation and it was kind of sad.  We were getting ready to leave and this little girl out of nowhere came running in between the tarps and grabbed each one of us by our hands and kissed us.  She was a little girl with Downs Syndrome and she may have been 4 years old.  Everyone broke into laughter with her presence. She was not embarrassed to speak to us or shy like some of the haitian children get sometimes.  The little girl then grabbed Colleen's hand and started dancing and singing with her. We all joined in (even James).  Before we finally left she grabbed our hands and again prayed over us.  That was undoubtedly a Jesus Kiss and was the perfect act of kindness at the perfect timing.

Now today we are headed into the city again to go to the maternity hospital and try and minister to the new mommies and babies.

The Haitian Missionary! Who knew??

WOW!! This will be a difficult blog to put into words for me, but I will try. Ever since I have been coming to Haiti it has been obvious to me that God is guiding and directing the path- of my life, the ministry, and of thise He has led us to partner with. As we have gone along on this journey there have been extremes. Extreme pain, grief and sadness (losing a few close friends to medical issues completely treatable in the USA, losing a ministry partner I loved and trusted, watching friends be hurt or struggle in their ministry and eventually leave Haiti for good, etc). Extreme joy (leading teams as they grow abd experience God in new ways, having God direct us to new ministries that are obviously where He has placed us, the sense of family He has created for me here, etc). 

Yesterday was one of those extreme JOY days for sure!!I We went to church and Pastor Robby called me up front to say goodbye since it was probably my last church service of the summer. I spoke about how blessed I am by my church family in Haiti and how i knew many of them by face in June but now I know them by name and feel they are friends rather than acquaintances now after ministering together all summer.  I told how I look forward to coming each week and  feel as though something is missing if I am not there. This is how we should feel about God. Excited to be in His presence. Excited to spend time with Him. Feeling like something is lacking if we do not make that efffort/time. 

Then the conversation became emotional as I told them (I guess you could call it confession) that, sadly, I do not feel that passion/ JOY in my home church in the USA and have not for a long time. Part of that is because I attend so infrequently because I am always in Haiti or speaking at another church but part is that for a while they have been struggling with some internal issues and growing pains as we all do. Many have left and those  remaining are tired and weary from the battle. It is because of commitment and obligation sometimes that I attend-not from desire to be there.

 And then I put into words in front of my Haitian church family what I have been feeling for a long time. I let them in on a secret and now you will know too. I let them know the truth about my life and what God has been showing me... "I am NOT who people think I am. They think I am a missionary frim the USA to Haiti. BUT God has shown me and told me I am a missionary from Haiti to the USA and you are my sending church. I leave this summer filled and equipped to share the love of God with the people I know back home in ways I did not feel emotionally prepared for and able to do when I left them to come here in June"

I truly believe that- especially after the summer I have had here. I believe my American church has much to learn from the Haitian church and the American people from the Haitians!! (I do still think the reverse is true too- there needs to be mutual sharing and growth- hence Hearts United WITH Haiti)

After speaking they had a spontaneous offering for me (and the ministry God has given me), they washed my feet and one-by-one they came to hug me or pray over me for this mission back "home" to the USA next week. 

In three months I will return and give testimony to this church of the work their missionary to the USA has experienced and how God has used me (and them) to touch lives for eternity. 

I am blessed beyond words as I reflect on His goodness to me!

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Here are some photos from today.... Enjoy! (stories to follow)

View from the overlook

Group photo at the overlook

Cousin photo at the overlook

A photo with Pastor Robbie

The congregation gave me quite a send off! I am so blessed to call this my church FAMILY

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Week coming to a close

This morning was not an easy one for us all.  Our team and summer staff left to head home.  We had one last breakfast as a family this morning and circled up and prayed before they left.  It has truly been a blessing to get to have everyone on the trip.  It always amazes me how God orchestrates things.  Every single person was hand picked to add their own little flare to my “Haitian” family for the week.  I am always encouraged to see other young people like myself who have the same passions as I do.  I am so glad that I got to spend the time getting to know a few new people and explore all of their different qualities that God has blessed them with. Well the house is quiet now but there is still more work to be done.  Church in the morning and then off to check in on and hopefully minster to a few of our Haitian friends.


Beach day and goodbyes

Today the team worked on projects around the base while we got some paperwork completed. Then, we all went to the beach since some of the team and Ally/Jenny leave tomorrow. We had fun swimming and exploring along the shore. Tomorrow will be a tough one. It will be hard to say goodbye to Ally and Jenny and to close this chapter of Hearts United (this summer). It has been amazing and far beyond what I could ever have imagined. That is what happens when we allow God to work and put things together. He orchestrated this summer and we just followed His direction. The stories and memories we all have of His faithfulness to us this summer are too many to list but it is safe to say this has been a summer I will never forget. Thank you Lord for the MANY blessings in my life- one of the greatest is the ability to serve You and help others do the same. Amen!!

(gonna miss you girls more than you can imagine but proud to have had this summer with you two and even more excited about how God will use you in the future-individually and TOGETHER! Love you both)

The team entering the water
Ready to leave (after swimming)
My four "sidekicks" this summer!! Blessed for sure!