Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Yesterday we went to Chaveneau to see the school/church there which is the main focus of our ministry.  It is a FOUR hour drive over crazy roads and we were certainly able to feel your prayers as we were traveling.  Our driver (Peterson) is amazing and he did a great job keeping us safe but we know he was not the only one in control of that 15 passenger van!  He was only co-pilot.  :)

When we arrived in the area we found that we had to cross the FIRST (of three) rivers by foot and hike the FOUR miles into the church/school.  The group was all smiles and was actually excited about this so I was blessed as leader!  God is absolutely amazing by putting teams together because I thought they might complain. A few blisters and LOTS of sweat later we arrived to the school to find that ......... are you ready people who have been praying for this?????..... they have a feeding program for one month!  Another organization has come alongside them and helped finance one so the children were all getting ready to eat a HOT lunch!  Cornmeal and fish and sauce.  They also get peanut butter and bread for breakfast daily.

More later (no power) but we certainly feel your prayers.  This has been a great trip so far and can't believe all we have been able to do- obviously He is providing "beyond all we can ask or imagine".  No one has been sick (a few headaches and blisters and bug bites) or had any significant problems.

Blessings!  -Crystal

PS-  Today we will try to get into the hospital in town and if not we will do some medical care in the tent community near the orphanage.  Then in the afternoon hand washing and other things at the orphanage.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!! So excited to hear of the continued food programs...and WOW hiking it in from the river not sure if I am relieved or jealous I missed that experience last month! Sounds like an awesome trip and team-God bless!
