Friday, July 20, 2018

Notes from Crystal

Final full day!  Hard to believe because this week went by so fast. 

I am writing again (I rarely do the blog, but let the team take turns) to just recap the last few days.  Yesterday (Thursday) we had  VBS again in the morning.  IT WAS AWESOME again!  The church has taken over complete responsibility and it is so encouraging to see.  We started with our team meeting where they talked about some things they had noticed the day before that could use improvement.  Therefore, they had already met and come up with some solutions.  They ran the ideas past us, got our input, and implemented the changes yesterday!  WOW! 

The team has also had some amazing ideas and input for the church on VBS.  It is very difficult to come in and work in the shadow of another group.  There is a group from Pennsylvania that has come and worked with Pastor Robby’s church for the past 3 years on VBS- training up these leaders.  So, this Gateway group has heard a lot of,  “Well, the other group does it this way.” ;  “The other group would be happy to see this.”;  “The other group always **** “.  But, instead of being threatened by those kind of comments, they have embraced them and are impressed with the relationships that “the other group” has with this church.  However, Gateway now has a really special place with Pastor Robby’s church and people too.  I praise God for this and how He uses EVERYONE who is willing in some way for building the Kingdom. (hope that all made sense- it’s 5 am and I am a bit tired from the week)

The afternoon was soccer camp.  We had over 90 children come and quite a few adults too.  Though they played hard and were crazy rowdy and noisy, when Brother Tony gave the message (the plan of salvation), they were very attentive.  They patiently waited for him to be done to eat and drink because we were waiting for more provisions since we had not planned for that many-  but God sure did!  We even were able to give tracts to some of the adults present so they can read and share with others. 

This week has been incredible for me and this group is VERY intentional about looking for ways God can use them and all their talents/resources to bless His people- including me.  They have poured into our staff, our translators, our community, and our church incredibly!  It’s been a GOOD week. 

Today we will go to VBS again and then to the countryside to see some more of the beauty of Haiti.  Then, tomorrow they are off.  I am SO GLAD that they were obedient to God’s call and direction and trusted Him before all else to come to Haiti in the midst of some political turmoil.  They stood against the enemy and the naysayers and trusted the One who called them to this trip in the first place.  What a testimony and encouragement to those we have served this week!  Thanks for YOUR prayers and support in all of this!   



  1. Crystal thank you so much for allowing our team to come and work beside you, your team and Pastor Roby's Church. To be able to share Haiti with our church was an answer to prayer. I loved watching God put it all together and watching Him work in and through each person. We expected alot of sleeping on the plane but there was more "debriefing" and wheels turning on what we can come back and do next summer😛 So start praying now because we are!!!! Love you

  2. Love you and praying for you always! I can’t wait to hear all about how God has worked this summer! I wish I could’ve been there to seen it for myself but I know that God has been changing lives and that you have been blessing so many! I love you and hug my babies for me!

    Also, tell Nahomie to put her leg on ;)

    Love always,
