Aksidan!!!! (she spilled water- she wanted me to take a photo cause we all tease each other when we spill)
Leading songs (Becky)
Song leading
Johny with Angie
Stacey- what a gift she has been!!
Molly helping at crafts
Game time again
The children ready for VBS
James trying cotton candy!
What a blessing to see the children and the workers. May God bless you as you serve together. It was great to see Molly and Becky in the pictures. Hey Molly girl we sure do miss you praying much for you and becky and the rest of the team sounds like God is really using you and that's exciting to see the pictures are wonderful the blogs are encouraging and our prayers are being answered as we see this in the blogs that different people send you will be home before you know it. we're praying for you love you mom and dad