Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ministry Spotlight # 4: Nanny Program at Life is Wealth Orphanage

The story:  As we have gotten to know the Pastor, his family & staff, and the children better at Life is Wealth (LIW) we have come to realize that there is a need for more stable caregivers- ones who really pour into the girls and work with them but also become trusted influences in their lives.  We have offered to send missionaries to the Orphanage and have come up with other solutions but for one reason or another they have all been dismissed by Pastor Yves.  UNTIL he started having some trouble with some of the girls now that they are feeling more comfortable and now that they are getting older and hormones are kicking in so they are becoming a bit more difficult to monitor- at least for him and his existing staff.

So, we proposed a solution.  We offered to assist with hiring 10 women and give them training from an American Social Worker who lives and works in Haiti.  This formal training included teaching them how children grow and develop emotionally and how abuse can influence, damage and even retard this process.  They also learned strategies for disciplining children who have come from abusive backgrounds (because most of the children currently at LIW have been restaveks- domestic servants for a family other than their own- and have been abused/beaten).  A normal child who grows up in a nuclear family knows the idea of consequences for behavior.  They know the family "rules" so to speak and the appropriate discipline for breaking them.  But, a child who has been abused or has grown up being beaten (sometimes just for sitting in a chair that an adult felt was "theirs" as one little one reported) doesn't know appropriate behavior, consequences or boundaries.  Therefore, these hired women (Nannies) will work with the children to help them feel safe, loved and valued.

Pastor agreed to give it a try this past fall!  So, in October 2014 Redgi and the social worker participated in the hiring process and ten women were hired and trained.  Since that time we have seen a DRAMATIC difference in the children- especially the little ones!  They are cleaner (someone to remind them to care for themselves- hard to do with 70 children and only a few staff in the past), more are going to school, their hair is done, clothing and other items are better cared for, and we have seen very positive interactions with the children.  The orphans are no longer running to us when something happens when we are there, they are turning to the Nannies which is EXACTLY what it should be.  They realize that we will leave but the Nannies will be constant.  It is working beautifully and will continue to do so if those women are encouraged and empowered in their jobs.

To be honest, God has shown us that only a few trips with groups to visit the children per year (listed as "Sponsor trips" or "Orphan Care trips" on our website) should happen in the future.  There are many studies that show the negative impact of bringing a constant string of visitors in and out of  orphanages.  Though Pastor Yves has others he works with and some do not agree with this philosophy, we are called to follow God and his leading for US and for the CHILDREN so we truly believe that, for Hearts United, those types of trips could be hurting the emotional well-being of the very children we are trying to help.  Sometimes the bigger picture or what is best for someone isn't what your heart wants.  We would love to spend as much time as possible loving on the children and playing with them, but when that interrupts the structure and dynamics of those already in place; when it undermines (though not intended to) their authority when we allow something they normally do not; or when it causes the children to behave badly each time we leave, then we need to put their needs before our own and trust in HIS solution which we believe is this program.  So far, He is showing us that this is a great program for all involved.  We see our future as as ministry as one that works to support the Nannies--working to continue training and encouraging them.  We see less personal interaction with the children but when we do go, to do so intentionally and with a purpose that works along with the Pastor, Nannies and staff to bless all involved.

**Note: since the start of the program, Pastor Yves has decided to restructure the schedule so we only have six Nannies left (and he hired one of his own- someone he knew that needed a job)  So, there are seven women there regularly.  Only one of those lives there with the children.  The rest have regular hours they come to work.  This has some "bumps" to iron out, but is working very well.

The vision:   (oops- again, I kind of put that in the above as part of the story) Basically, God has given us a vision of seeing these girls (and a few boys) grow and develop as the women He has created them to be, with self worth and a full understanding of the fact that they are special and have a purpose for their lives.  We have always said, "We can feed them, clothe them, educate them and give them medical care, but ultimately, they are just going to be heavier, cleaner, smarter, and healthier. However, some day they will die as we all will.  Where will they spend eternity?  That decision is theirs to make, but they deserve to know who they are in Christ - beautiful women who are dearly loved and created special and with a purpose. Then, when the time is right, they can make their own personal decision regarding Him."  The Nanny program will help because the nannies can insure that the orphans understand the truth about their worth DAILY- something we can never do with short visits.  (note:  Yes, Jesus met physical needs too and we believe we are certainly called to do that as well- He healed the sick, fed the hungry, etc... but He also taught us MUCH about God and His purpose for our lives as Christians)

The needs:  Of course as with anything, there is a financial need associated with the Nanny program.  We had funding to do the training, and to pay for the first two months of the program.  That time has now passed.  We have two of the Nannies funded (their salaries) monthly but for this program to continue we will need financial support.  Each Nanny is now paid the equivalent of $110 per month so that brings the total to $770 for salaries.  We are praying for churches, Bible Study groups, or others to pledge monthly support for this worthwhile program.  It is an amazing way to help these children immediately, but also to help future generations because we are working with girls who will then be mommies of their own and will be able to pass along the values they learn to their own children.  

In addition to financial assistance, we always welcome your prayers.  For this program to be successful we need prayers that the current staff and Pastor will continue to see it's value and will support the Nannies as they do their jobs, discipline with love/compassion, work to heal physical and emotional wounds, and train/mentor the children.  Pray for the Nannies too.  Some of the techniques they learned are not traditional in Haiti, so the women are putting new parenting skills into practice- some that they, honestly, are not too sure will work but are doing because they have been instructed to do so.  Pray that they will begin to see the benefits of their training and the new techniques and maybe they can even begin to use those in their own homes since many are mothers themselves. Pray for financial support to come in for this program as well because if we do not have that support the program will need to be stopped and we are really seeing benefits already so it would be so difficult to lose all the children have gained.

Note:  As always if you have read this blog and feel led by God to contribute to this (or any of our other programs) you can do so through our website.   We have a "donate" page with instructions or you can send a check made to Hearts United with Haiti  to this address:  PO Box 55  Morgantown, PA 19543.  Mark the donation for the Nanny Program and we will allocate those funds to be used to pay salaries or for other expenses associated with this program (training for the women, etc).  THANK YOU in advance for your generosity and for following God's direction.  

Here are some photos of the Nannies at work...

Totally candid photo of Ketlie (one of the Nannies) helping Elena dry her tears after she got something in her eye while playing.  This made me happy because it showed that the children run to the Nannies to help fix their "boo boos" like a child would to their mother.  

Here is a photo of two of the Nannies in with a group of children- watching and talking to them as we brought a few scooters and skateboards for the chldren to play with.  

Another photo of the two Nannies discussing rules for using the scooters/skateboards (ie:  "should we limit the area the children can use them because we do not want cuts/scrapes?";  or "how do we teach the children to share/take turns?")  We let the Nannies decide the rules along with Madame Pastor (Pastor was not there that day)

More of the children are going to school now that we have the program AND the Nannies have even started a small tutoring session for those that feel behind or unable to go to school because they have no basic knowledge or have never been before.  

The name tags we had made for the Nannies.  

Here is Jasmine doing Dejna's hair.  This is one of the first photos I have of the Nannies.  I took it their fist week.  Nothing like a little personal attention to build relationship and get to know the girls better.  She talked to each one as she did their hair- asking questions to get to know each girl personally.  :)  

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