Anyone who has read my description of Chaveneau on my website knows that it will be “rough” and a challenge for some groups. The drive alone to get there is beautiful- up over HUGE mountains, along the ocean, etc… but driving in Haiti can be VERY scary to those who are not used to it. We try to get the best drivers to transport teams but since we are a new organization and just learning, it is a process. So, add the crazy van driver we had take us to Chaveneau on Wednesday (even though we had used him before- this time he was angry and in a BIG hurry- not a good combination) with a LONG day and the conditions and it makes for a very stressful situation. This team was a good one for the challenge because as I am writing this update we are still in Chaveneau- they are sticking it out- for the children and because they believe God has called them here. But they ARE having a tough time. I am not going to “sugar coat” it.
The squatties are not ideal and we know that- it is why we were hoping to have the outhouses completed before bringing teams here, but THIS IS HAITI and things move at their own pace so they will probably not be done until the fall. I feel so bad every time someone has to go to the bathroom knowing they are having to deal with the smell and inconvenience they do. Pastor Duval even talked to a neighbor to see if we could use their squattie but it is not really different than ours.
Sleeping on the roof is difficult and both nights we have been here (I am writing this Thurs. morning) it has rained so we have had to leave the roof with all our mats, sheets, etc. in the dark…. down the ladder…. holding flashlights for one another, etc.. It is HOT (it’s Haiti in June) and there is no way to keep water cool so it is difficult for some to drink the “room temperature”water (which means warm), etc…
So, add sleep deprivation, bathrooms that are not pleasant and heat together (plus other things I am sure I am forgetting) and it’s a recipe for a miserable trip. BUT, I am not writing this to complain. I am writing to actually say how amazed I am that once again God has provided a team that has stepped up to the challenge and has made the best of the situation. We could leave and go back to Carrefour (which has been offered over and over), we could sit and complain, etc… I think it helps us each to remember that though we may be uncomfortable for a little while, these people live with this EVERY day- that is one of the reasons we are here. We instead praise God that all of us remain healthy (Zoe has been feeling weak from the heat, but she is a trooper- pushing through it and taking breaks when necessary), that He is giving us opportunities to see the children in their homes and to work with them in VBS, that He continues to provide us with opportunities to minister. I can not say enough about this team’s attitude and desire to “look for the silver lining”.
Just last night, Lilly was feeling sooooo tired but the community was looking forward to English class. She asked if I could just teach it so she could get sleep but when I went to look for the translator and some chalk for the blackboard she jumped right in and about an hour later she was STILL standing in that HOT HOT church with no ventilation teaching about 30 people the parts of the body. They were so eager to learn and she was amazing!
So… thank you again for your prayers. As I have said all summer in other blogs, this is a LEARNING summer- a foundation year. I have made many mistakes (should have packed sandwiches for us in the van to have a “picnic” when we arrived because our car with the food got a flat tire and did not arrive until over 3 hours after us), but I am learning and I thank this group for their patience (and YOU for your prayers- they are helping).
I do not know what today will bring. I will once again offer to go back to Carrefour. It is up to the group what they want to do. I have no problem with any choice they make. It is not “giving up” to leave- it is changing up the plan and following where God is leading. So whatever they choose, we will be blessed. I know you are praying and I know that this group really wants to serve God… He will bless them for their sacrifices this week- I am sure of that. We keep saying, “some day this will be funny- it just isn’t quite yet”.
Have a blessed day and know that God hears you- He certainly has been hearing us here in Chaveneau. J
I know you guys had a tough few days, but I'm proud of you for sticking it out and doing what you know God called you to do. Love you all, Lisa