Saturday, July 16, 2016

Last Day Update from Alicia and Hannah! (If you are Alicia's Dad... You need to comment!)

Today was our beach day with all the translators and the people from Pastor Robby’s church who have been helping with the VBS all week.  We started out early, leaving the base at 7:45 to get to the church at 8, where we were supposed to meet all the other people going.  The church people had slept at the church last night, so that they could cook the food for lunch today and also so that they wouldn’t be late.  However, when we got there we were still waiting on a couple people, so we didn’t end up leaving the church until like 8:30.  Then we all piled into a big bus (I think there were 44 of us) and headed out for the beach.  It took about an hour and a half to get there, but it was worth the drive.  The water was beautiful!  It wasn’t much of an actual beach, like with the sand and all, but the water was fantastic.  It was cool but not cold, and super clear.  We all swam around for a while, even the Haitians.  Most of them didn’t know how to swim so they stayed in the more shallow water, but they enjoyed it too.  Some of the guys played futbol (soccer) in the pavilion area nearby, and the girls played a clapping sort of game in the water, and we joined in. 
After a little while a group of us decided we wanted to swim over to a nearby island.  Some Haitians came with us, and we set out.  Turns out it was slightly farther than we thought it would be, so we were all pretty tired by the time we got there, but it was a really cool island.  There was some coral around the beach there, and a really cool drop-off into the ocean.   After that we walked back to our original beach, because we were too tired to swim that again. 
It was a good day at the beach overall, in my opinion.  We got to hang out with the people we have been working with all week, without the pressure of a VBS to run or any little kids running around and creating chaos.  And even though we still had the language barrier, we have all gotten progressively better at pantomime and charades and facial expressions, so it was okay.  That’s one of the hard things about leaving here – we have become comfortable with the people and formed relationships and it’s hard to leave behind.  This week has been really awesome, to hang out with the Haitians and experience their world with them.  They’ve been very hospitable towards us, gracious regarding our cultural mistakes and giving us a fantastic welcome to their country.  The translators especially, I think just because we’ve had more time with them and because they speak our language and we can have conversations with them. 
Alicia, you now get to write the ending. J
The End J just kidding…we are all in various stages of getting ready to leave. Between writing letters, packing, and playing a very violent game of spoons we are ready to come home! It will be an emotional morning tomorrow as we lead part of the service and say good-bye to the many friends we made over the last week!
Can’t wait to see you all!

Alicia and Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a safe trip home. Kids are missing mom and dad and they are ready to see them. So are we. Thanks for the updates and pics. Melody L
