Monday, June 27, 2016

A letter from Tiffany!

Hello friends, family, and co-workers!!  This is our second full day here in Haiti.  There is so much to say, as I would like to recount each and every experience to you.  I wish I could capture everything in pictures and words to share with you but it is impossible.  Let me recap the day the best I can for you.  This morning Karen, Lisa Weaves, Marilyn, and myself had a ladies class at the new community center.  We had a great turn out of ladies from a local church – about 15.  What a blessing that was!  We had a wonderful discussion with the ladies and they shared openly with us.  After that we headed to the orphanage for the first time.  Karen, Lisa Weaves, Marilyn, and myself led a discussion with the nannies who take care of the all the children.  It was awesome to spend time with them and share in God’s word.  The best part of both discussion groups today was to see the love of the Lord so apparent in these women.  They know the Lord, they rely on Him daily and they consider Him their friend.   After that I helped with the crafts for the children during VBS time.  We did flip flops with the fabric ties to decorate them.  It was so great to see the kids customize these.  Such beautiful smiling faces with so much love to give.  We got to play with them as well for a little while and play hand games with them.   They really take to Roy, he got his picture taken with a few of them! 
Roy and Gary led a men’s discussion at the community center and it went very well.  They also had a great turn out from the local church of about 9 men.  They even talked about inviting their friends for tomorrow.  That is so encouraging to hear.
Everyone here has been working hard to get the new community center up and running.  Cleaning, painting, finishing building things, cleaning the yard, getting rid of trash, etc.  It is a beautiful place and is going to be a wonderful blessing for this organization and community.  The activity going on over there has sparked the interest of passerby’s and Crystal has had the opportunity to speak to a few of those people about the future of the center.  They were excited to hear about what is to come.
Our translator’s here work so very hard!!!  They are so much fun and very loving people and I can’t imagine what it would be like without them.  They are rock stars.  They spend long hours with us and not only help us to communicate but really love all the children and the children love them as well.  The kids faces light up when they see them coming.  I am so very grateful for this team – Redgi, Gady, Stephana, James, Jerry and David.  Also the cook’s here at the base – work very long hours and provide awesome meals for all of us each day. 
It’s been awesome to see the love of this team.  This team has jumped in head first since we hit the ground in Haiti.  Ready to go!  Ready to help.  Ready to love.  Work is getting done quickly as everyone pitches in. 
We have a good size team here and I’m not sure that I will get to blog again while I am here but I can’t wait to share with you all when I return.  Mom – we are doing just fine.  Vanessa – we sure wish you were here!!!  To all that helped make this trip possible – Mesi!  Thank you!  We are grateful and as I have been told several times today – the people of Haiti are also very grateful.  They are happy we are here.  They love to share God and His love with us.  So thank you.

Marilyn is afraid I will not leave anything for her to write – so I better quit hogging up all the time with my turn.    Until next time!  Bonswa!     Love; Tiffany


  1. Tiffany, Marilyn and Alex, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Very uplifting. Thank you Haiti group for all you do. I'm so proud to call you my brothers and sisters in Christ. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. Looking forward for more pictures and updates. God bless!

  2. Thanks so much Tiffany for sharing with us! I wish I could be there, but know that with you and the others, Haiti is being showered with the Love of God from brothers and sister. Please know that you all are making a difference in Haiti, whether you see the immediate impact or not. Anyone who shares, loves, serves, cares and gives to another will ALWAYS make a difference in another person's life. May God bless you all and give you the strength to continue to serve while in Haiti and when your return to your homes!
    In Him,
